So this war between Alpha's and diks over da hots. there is an easy solution.
Sage goes to the disciplinary comity after getting mad for the fight that's about to break out, and makes a new rule. from now on Hots only party with Hot's and they can only bring either their BF's or +1 friend.
besides 1 alpha and a couple of diks. i imagin most of the hots will pick MC as their +1. wich means the rest of the alpha's and diks wont party with the hots at all.
With rule 1: The alpha's and diks can party with the hots again if they spend 24 hours toghetter in 1 room without a fight breaking out.
Rule 2: Any fight that happens during one of their party's, everyone involved is banned permanently for future events.
as for new years eve party. seeing both alpha's and dik's are about to enter a major war, the hots should deside to hold the new year's party amongst emselfs.
Depending on the new Bella's house scene outcome , it should be hold there, since no alpha or dik knows where she lives.
Or the Cabin if something major is gonna happen.
As for the Locked door, i think that if DPC does go for a quick magmar resolution, we will find monitor's there that is tight to all the camera's, and that bella is actually secretly feeding Magmar information.
As to why i have that feeling: Magmar is nice to the MC throughout the story so far, but only to avoid detection apparantly.
Same i think goes for Bella, but she locks the room when MC is in the house, untill the one time she forgets.
Magnar is aware of MC working toghetter with Chad. propably becouse MC uses his Dik phone, hacked as well just like the rest of the dik hardware, laptop and such. and he sees that as a disturbance in his plans. saying they can't risk being seen working toghetter, becouse Magnar knows that if MC is gonna keep digging it will lead to him. he knows of da library meeting. and propably sends his henchman to listen in on their convo, since its in the library, and will release the information to the diks and alpha's as one final push if they do become to close to figuring it out.
As to how bella gets involved with the whole spy idea. i think the man on the couch during the scene with Bella and her BF looking straid at em is a clue. as for the fast conclusion, MC sees the surveilance, forces bella to tell him everything. she gives up Magnar, and just before or during the fight between alpha's and diks he intervenes.
as to how MC gets Dawe to calm down. youre mad on the diks for banging Arieth. but you wanna bang other girls even though she is your GF is just as bad.
As for me, well i'm gonna replay the whole story again and make sure that Derek does the condom task.
in fact, to exclude myself from any form of retaliation, im gonna propably gonna make derek get the prize.
Tommy as a dad can go screw himself for putting up all those tasks.
And becouse of my Jill storyline, im gonna advice the diks against the mushrooms.
So there you have it guys, and DPC. my Chick score is propably gonna be almost flawless or totaly flawless well at least on the Jill path, and to make sure that sleeping with Bella wont bite me in the bumms in future i'll refrain from going to her right after Jill tells me that Bella came around.
Peace Out!