I think the trio will be saved by drama: Maya gets sick, and Josy won't have the courage to dump her. The MC? Who knows, but if he dumps her, he'll have to dump Josy, too, and he will be seen as the evil guy who abandoned his sick girlfriend.
Or maybe not. Only DPC has been watching this list closely (thus the delay in updating), and Maya's hands thing was just a joke directed at us for making fun of the materials he chose for Maya.
I bet on:
- jealousy in their relationship
- Another crisis, for example Helen will die from illness
-Josy issues with herself
Because the main problem that was bothering Maya and Josy was eliminated - the loan topic was closed and Maya began to making peace with her father.
Honestly, I think the main "problem" is that it's the penultimate episode, DPC loves drama (especially leading into a Season finale), and without the loan issue there wasn't a ton of drama remaining in the throuple other than Maya and Josy's personal issues and how others (like parents) might react to their poly relationship. It would not surprise me at all if the JM drama this episode was to keep things from getting "boring", but it does also make sense from a development and narrative perspective to focus on it now that the loan is resolved. How many of the other main girl paths had some drama this episode? I've not played them all, but I know at least a few did so the JM branch is not unusual in that regard.
From a development branching perspective, having one "path" in this Episode for multiple different outcomes in future Episodes is efficient. It's easier to just have one path this Episode where issues arise and then perhaps split into branches later on depending on the resolution than it is to have multiple branches already where on one path everything's sunshine and rainbows and on the other path there's trouble brewing. This is particularly true since there's so much other branching already in the game.
It also make sense narratively to show the issues this episode no matter what. Regardless of if the throuple can be saved or not, the issues that
could lead to a breakup have been there this entire time. If it
can be saved, it makes sense to show the problems and then how they are "solved" rather than to just gloss over their issues entirely. Assuming the throuple can be saved, showing issues to resolve essentially shows the reader the "bullet" they dodged. Seeing problems and then saving the relationship can lead to a feeling of accomplishment in the reader, whereas not seeing any problems in the first place would not as much.
Of course, this is the same dev that made AL, so who knows. Maybe he'll doom the throuple path no matter what again. I've already expressed my feelings on that here though, so won't repeat myself.