someone could help me, I don’t understand what’s going on. I started Jill’s story on episode 11 when it was released and wanted to launch the game tonight and that’s it...
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
Before loading the script.
WindowsError: [Error 1392] Le fichier ou le r�pertoire est endommag� et illisible: u'G:\\Jeux\\BeingADIK-0.11.0-pc-lin/game/PPython/Lib\\*.*'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/", line 331, in bootstrap
File "renpy/", line 417, in main
File "renpy/", line 253, in index_archives
for dir, fn in listdirfiles(): # @ReservedAssignment
File "renpy/", line 439, in listdirfiles
File "renpy/", line 339, in scandirfiles
i(add, seen)
File "renpy/", line 410, in scandirfiles_from_filesystem
for j in walkdir(i):
File "renpy/", line 276, in walkdir
for fn in walkdir(dir + "/" + i):
File "renpy/", line 276, in walkdir
for fn in walkdir(dir + "/" + i):
File "renpy/", line 266, in walkdir
for i in os.listdir(dir):
WindowsError: [Error 1392] Le fichier ou le r�pertoire est endommag� et illisible: u'G:\\Jeux\\BeingADIK-0.11.0-pc-lin/game/PPython/Lib\\*.*'
Sat Mar 15 22:42:42 2025