I'm catching up now but I keep getting a Renpy error during the Halloween party (in I think Episode 9).
A few frames after the lights go, I get "An exception has occurred" screen:
"While running game code:
Fil "game/scripts/misc/flashlight.rpy", line 23, in render
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of NoneType' and 'int'"
If I press ignore, it cycles between that another Exception page that adds to the above:
File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode9/ep9_blackout.rpy", line 46, in <module>
Any thoughts on how I can fix this?
EDIT: Found a solution
I have been able to proceed in the game by using an older version of Ren'Py (7.5.3 sdk) as opposed to the newer one/s that were giving me errors (8.3.4 and 8.3.6). The next scene uses a flashlight effect when searching dark scenes, so the render must have just not worked with with this newer version of Ren'Py.
So while I did have a Gallery Unlock mod installed on the last Being a DIK client, I wasn't sure if that was the problem. Using this old Ren'Py SDK seems to have solved it. Annoyingly had to start from the start of the Interlude again, but only took about 10 minutes of skipping through dialogue and speed-running the mini-games and free roam.
Hopefully this helps someone if they search the error one day.