This game has officially entered 'time waster'. If it updates, great. If not, no big loss. It's so overly bloated at this point, and the quality suffers. with all the 4090 cards, you would think that DPC could illustrate a pair of yoga pants ripping that doesn't look like it's made of literal paper mache.
It officially crossed over the "time wasting" territory when DPC locked the sage scene to a select choice of not even flirting with jade back in episode 3 (sage being on DIK path no less). I finally broke down and just used the cheat mod, because that's completely asinine. If his expectation to justify a yearlong update is for you to go all the way back to episode 3 to replay to get a specific scene now, that's f**cked. It's already a chore to get through the SAME storyline, same math answers, english scrabble, to grab the few extra scenes. with regards to the overarching storyline, not much changes? no matter which LI path you're on? I understand DPC is only one person, but there's really no point in cycling through the same 500 scenes just to get a couple off the path sex scenes. It's not a meaningful change in experience, and it's just tedious and repetitive. It's just not worth it. Is there even any penalty/reward for not failing tests anymore? I don't notice any change.
Not the mention the drop in the quality of the scenes aren't really worth it either? I really don't like DPC's recent trend of having YOU pick the sex position to go back to, and when you want to "cum". Just kinda kills the immersion. I went back and replayed a sage sex scene (from season 1 ep 2or 3?) at the DIK/HOT party outside and the animation, shots and pacing of the scene was 1000x better than the recent sex scenes that have supposedly have beefed up quality renders etc.
The story has had glacial movement, instead DPC is focused on introducing new characters to an already bloated cast of girls. It shouldn't take a year+ to write a fairly obvious story on a college guy trying to fuck girls on campus, and a drug scandal that's been teased since episode 1. I haven't noticed any QoL since like episode 6 or 7, and i think DPC was releasing updates every couple of months, not years.