On Lily path I just can't see her being ok with sharing MC anymore
She got insanely Jelly when Leanne and Felicia wanted to do body shots to MC and dragged him off into his room, so much so she let it slip with a remark saying MC's loving all the attention, MC was not oblivious for once this time and called her out on it
Naturally she bullshitted and said she's not jealous, sure
If you fuck her hard she has a let down expression on her face, not the kind one would expect from post coital blizz, she even mentions she didn't think MC was going to do it hard for a second, MC says he almost didn't and then she gave a look of awwww why not
She then leaves and looks back looking a little happier but clearly she now has come to the realization rolling is shit and it's not cutting it anymore
On the other hand making love to her forces her to accept that she wants this and this time she leaves and doesn't say a word... MC fucked the rolling fantasy out of her
I can't see either version of this Lily wanting to share now, a new path she didn't want has opened and is now merging into 1
She's got 2 choices, embrace it or dump MC
Now if lets say MC has messed a bit with Her and they're on OK terms, I still think it's not likely anything would happen with Josy because... she's in the exact same situation as Lily