I was fine with Josy before her identity crisis.
It was good that she didn't have “problems” like the other GMs. What's more, it was more or less necessary in the story because Maya had a problem that took up a lot (too much) of space.
Now we all get the impression that DPC has created “problems” for her just because the MC's girlfriend needs to have problems, and with Maya's solved, it's Josy's turn.
She could very well decide to do what she does (blogging, fashion,...) without going through an existential crisis. Instead of having Josy become a problem for the throuple, we could have something interesting about how the throuple will function from now on:
- Josy and Maya are a couple (they were before the arrival of the MC), now that they don't have to hide, how they're going to behave in public, how they're going to deal with it (plus it could also be useful in the route where the MC isn't with her).
- how do they integrate the MC into their relationship?
I think there was enough to keep Josy, Maya and the MC busy without having to go through Josy's identity crisis.