So I finally got around to this game and man did I really miss out on this great game with it being on my backlog. You know it's the eternal dilemma between letting a game in your future games list because you know it is gonna be good and you will want more if you play it unfinished or to actually play it, I had since the 1.1v and always wanted to play it because I knew from Acting Lessons how good DrPinkCake is. I don't regret my choice of playing it because know I want to follow the game development and to share my thoughts about it.
So where do I start... First of all in all the lewd games that I play I try to make the first playthrough strictly honest and choose the options that I would or most likely would do irl and obviously this wasn't an exception. So I'm curious, I am the only one that beated the shit out of Troy the first time even knowing he liked my guitar and didn't want it stolen? Like I swear I would have done it before when he when he kicked me out of the room or even in his first "greeting" even though I knew it was simply payback and it wasn't the right choice... I just really need it and I think he should have seen it coming because that can happen to you when you behave like that.
Also I noticed how hard it was for me in the beginning to be out of neutral affinity and I don't know how but I ended up with huge dick at the end

it's funny thinking how I ended the first chapter being neutral.
Asking those who have been in this thread for a long time, what do you guys think that is the most common affinity in the first playthrough? I'm talking about specially when you play more like me than when you want a certain affinity/girl/goal.
Now I'm going to play it again with walkthrough to see different options, follow this thread and to become a Patreon for DrPinkCake wich I think is the best dev right know alongside BlueCat.
And before I forget,in the gallery in some scenes I can see a 50% in blue wich I assume is because there is another outcome if you are a chick (?) and one of them in the 50% too but in white, what does it mean?