Okay, now even I'm sick of talking about her.

Talking a little about myself, really. The thing I hate the most in this world is the lie. When I was young I was a perfect liar, quite an actor, really. But as I grew older it changed absurdly. I tell you, I don't tell a lie today. It doesn't matter her size. If I go to lunch at your place and someone asks me what I think of the food, I won't say anything for education, I will say what I really think. When my girlfriend asks what I think of her dress, she's not hunting for compliments because she knows she'll only have the truth. If someone asks something I don't want to answer, I try to say as much as she wants to know, but I also say "I don't want to talk about it." If it affects the person itself, then it doesn't matter if I want to or not, they'll know.
That's why I have this feeling for Maya. If I put myself in MC's shoes, she would have no forgiveness, no matter what her reasons.
In my first save, the first time I played BaDIK, I decided that I would invest in Maya. When I realized her lie, I caught disgust. But as I said earlier, it just made me enjoy the game and the story it is creating even more.