Buttsmarnn UnoriginalUserName name88
Thanks for the feedback, guys.
I will keep without the stripe then. I already think it is a sin every inch that I take from these images.
I see that you guys have already discussed it a lot, but here's my thoughts.
As Uno said, I didn't want to review the scene, but I don't remember anything indicates that they are exclusively from the menu. It could have been anyone, right? It may even have been one of the feminists in Jade class!
This bathroom scene, I hadn't paid attention to the pants, but as far as we know, it may well have been just Riona doing the work there.
I prefer to believe Quinn has higher standards. She offered herself along with Riona to MC, for a large amount of cash and in her room, in her bed, after she was already "into him".
And Camila, I don't think she would like to do that with someone from the university staff.
So, name88, I think we're fine.
I'm just a grammar nazi, and misusing less instead of fewer gets on my nerves

You must hate to read what I write.
Melanie is Lily's mother and Sarah is Ashley's.
View attachment 524272
I think Sarah has never been more beautiful than in this image.
Thanks for the signature work
Monetauro, seems I've finally committed to a best girl in here. Sorry Jill, you're still awesome and all, but between that rooftop scene and our shared uh..."interests", I think I have more in common with Quinn.
More than welcome, brother.
I agree, Jill is cool and all, but... Let's be frank, right?