What are some of the worst scenarios that could happen to your favorite characters that you would hate to see?
Jill put against MC because of his family and Taybat. Her hearth broken. Eventually the MC will reconquer her (if the player wish) and they will get engaged.
Sage betrayed and tricked by all the HOTs members and finds herself in a dangerous situation, then the MC like a hero come and help her(if you wish to do that). Eventually, they get engaged
Josy used by Maya and by others dudes. Alone and wounded she will try to suicide. She is a fragile and weak girl(you can notice that when MC touch her face, you wish to protect her) but MC can save her end get engaged with her (if the player wish of course

Next topic is, rating all the main girls ,at this point of the story,(or side girls too if you want) from 0 to 10 and lists pros and cons.
I start:
- Jill 10/10 . Perfect in physical aspect and personality. Loyal, sincere, she participates or enjoy your hobbies even if she don't share that(example during the dungeon and dragons scene) and she like sport like tennis. I have no negative critique to say about her. The dream girl
- Sage 10/10 . Take Jill but with red hair and more open to sex, a stronger self-protection and a pinch of jealousy . Both her and bella have helped and supported MC a lot. She know that her relationship with Chad is end(and she still help him because she has a gold hearth). She is testing MC with all the questions. She want to know if the MC it's serious with her or if he want just sex(eventually, every answer you told her will have consequence, bad or good). If Jill it's the angel, Sage it's the devil(in a good way)
- Bella 9/10 . I like Bella, sexy and mysterious. The best milf of the game and like i said a lot of time, the mother figure of MC. Curious about her past and secrets. The best ally of MC. Her rank can go upper with future season, for me
- Josy 7/10 . I like Josy and i trust her. She is a good girl and very attractive. She want only to help but that can be dangerous for her safety(especially with Maya around

). Completely different than Maya and i doubt that she would use MC. With more scenes and new traits of her, i could give her 8/10 or 9/10
- Maya 5/10 . Tricky, hypocritical, selfish, immature , liar. Honestly, there isn't any single positive traits of her personality. I give her 5 just for her eyes. I like them, they are sexy, attractive and kidnap you. She isn't ugly but compared to the other mains and sides women, it's a no match. DPC need to do some serious shit if he want to revitalize this girl.