I think Rusty, as DIKs's President, will be getting called by Jade, Cathy and Stephen, just like Chad had been few episodes ago. I think MC'll be present too (he is the one who discussed with Cathy, that fealt her better at Bella's house). Even if the pic has been fast erased, even if all Diks apologized, sanctions seem inevitable. I know (I am a professor IRL

) this kind of incident needs to be considered to save authority, respect, and after all the B&R's prestige.
As a president, I think Rusty will be considered as responsible, but not guilty. He would endure the same punishment as Chad, as long as the real guilty stay unknowned.
We have seen, at the end of episode 5, MC virtually take the lead on the DIKs, with his speach. But I think he is too novice into the frat (and into B&R too) to be appointed president. It will happen, I'm sure, but later.
So, Tommy is the natural replacement. I don't like it anymore, but it can be very interesting for the rest of the story...