I wouldn't say there's "no reason for more flashbacks", just that we don't need them in every episode. I think there are still plenty of things that we both could and should see the backstory of, with some being major flashbacks like with M&J and the founding of the DIKs, and others being minor flashbacks like Zoey and Bella as an OMG.
My own personal list of top 5 most wanted flashbacks (in no particular order) would be as follows:
Major Flashbacks | Minor Flashbacks |
How Quinn started her drug and pimping businesses
The Bella and Jill incident
The truth about the MC's Mom (after the letter)
What really happened to Vinny
What happened with Bella and her husband
Maya's Dad finding out about her and Josy
Sage's relationship with Chad from start to now
Jill's sister and Bella (if they indeed knew each other)
The Cathy picture leak
The pics given to the Jocks
That's not what they were asking. They were wanting to know how to find the updates and previews posted in this thread, not about anything to do with in-game collectibles.