I think the reason he does it is it is an easy way to involve all the LI's at once, and get a lewd scene from them all at once. You don't need to bother with IRL stuff in a fantasy game. That is how MC can get a scene with Maya, Josy, Bella and Jill and Jade all within a few minutes. The D&G game is basically how to get a bunch of sex scenes in a short amount of time, without needing to use and real logic.
That said, that is too much filler content, even if it is sexual, that doesn't actually matter. I'd rather have route exclusive content with each of the girls that acts as a bit of progression, even if it isn't a lot or sexual.
- MC can help Jill with her piano. He can practice his guitar in his room, I think it's odd he never played for Jill this update. Him playing guitar and her on piano would've been a great scene.
- Bella could've invited MC to the gym with her. She showed up at his room after, why not have MC go to the gym first? They can have another yoga scene and maybe a little locker room fun after

- At the bar, when MC sees Jade and Cathy, he should've been able to talk to them. If he was sleeping with both of them, that could've been a 3-way or a 1v1 scene if on just one of their routes.
- Maya could've had a lewder scene at the library.
- Josy could've had a lewder scene in class when MC goes under the table to get the pencil.
- On Sage's route, he could've wondered around some and found the other HOT's. He was looking for ice-packs