So, not that anyone cares, but I decided to wait a bit before posting my thoughts about this update. Also been stalking the thread since the release, and man, why is everyone bitching about the DnG and mansion activities? Anyway, I don't want to open that can of worms any longer than I have to, so let's move on, shall we?
Okay, firstly a side note...being a college student myself and living in my dorm with my fellow classmates. I can definitely say that is game and more particularly, this updates portrayal of said college life is nothing short of a far stretch from the realism of it all. after being here for 5 years (my degree being a minimum of 6 years to completion), I can say that my experience hasn't been nearly as eventful as the MC's first few weeks of college. That being said, no, you don't need to remind me that it is a game and things are exaggerated for funzies and drama. I get it. That whats I love about this game in the first place, it's technically the college experience I never had, lmao.
Secondly, my actual thoughts on this update... It took me a roundabout 12 hours to complete it (I play super slow, and I like to absorb it all at my own pace), which kind of fucked me over as I had an exam the following week. Needless to say, it was fucking worth it!

I had a feeling things would slow down now that hell week was over, and I was right. There were fewer shenanigans than the previous updates, but it was made up for the length of this update and drama behind the scenes.
Derek is one of my favourite characters, and it was a bit weird not spending more time with him in this update, but it fits for the purposes of the plot moving forward from hell week and the recovery. Either than that not much to say on that front.
Sage break up with chad felt a bit off-putting to say the least. I didn't think she'd take it so badly. I mean I feel for her but like... why you know? She already speculates that he was cheating on her, so why this?
Quinn... couldn't really abuse my meat during that scene, ya know, sad boy vibes.
Jill... I choose Jill. I understand why she said what she said. Fuck Tybalt and definitely fuck his mom, hopefully in the ass next time.
Bella... yummy

, also, wtf I dont want to get Lena vibes from her
Maya and Josy... belong to the streets. However, and it pains me to say this, I still feel some kinda way about them, especially JoJo. Feelings die hard.
Karen...always a pleasure

Sally... wanna play some D in V with her if you get my drift.
Old Boobs...Nioce.
Mona... about to get yeeted. RIP
All in all, there's a lot to say I feel I typed more than my fair share that I'm pretty sure nobody is really interested in reading. The ending was ominous and I cant wait to see what comes next.
Last thing before signing off. Do not simp, for any of these girls. Know your worth King. Whether it be in a video game or elsewhere, know your worth