Yes, you bring out good points. My initial point was that we shouldnt be "punished" with the LI that we chose if the manwhoring happened just until things turned serious. What you said is always bound to happen on the manwhore path, because the other LIs would feel betrayed, so I could see DPC fill us with guilt as a punishment
Regarding what you said about Jill, I think you are right. And DPC also thinks you are right. I say that because what other reason did he have to force DIK players out of the threesome with Nicole and Sandy? Im not saying it was a bad decision, Im just saying that it looked out of character for a DIK MC to do that. So my thinking is that DPC is warning us that Jill isnt to be fucked with (I think there is a pun there, but I cant seem to remember it...

At least, that opens an interesting question for the next episodes: Will all MCs that went to the date with Jill be completely locked out of scenes with side characters and other LIs in ep7 and onwards? How will that influence the existing relationship with M&J?