That was really badly timed, I'd just taken a gulp from my cup of coffee as I read that, let me just say my nostrils don't like you very much...
I'm happy to accept on faith that Maya was sheltered and never considered she'd have to earn the money or source it from anywhere because her dad would help her, until he started blackmailing her due to the Josy situation, and being naive she panicked rather than sat down and considered her options.
But now with the MC in her corner, he can use his awesome pep-talk skills to get her all enthusiastic about earning some money (just like he pep-talked the DIKs when they were all sad about the mansion being trashed). So she and Maya can flip burgers in the evenings and their combined cash can save the day.
I wonder if the anti-NTR crowd has come to terms with the possible fact that if they ever get married (or are already married) their wife has probably fucked someone before them.