- Oct 20, 2020
- 3,639
- 11,786
A lot of people say Nora could have been lying about her age, but I don't think so. She looks 32 to me. Even if she fudged it a couple of years, she doesn't seem old enough to be Maya's mom. She could be someone's mom (which makes it hotter), but I don't think it's Maya. I would like to introduce myself to Maya's real mom, however.We don't know who Maya's mother is for certain, but there's been a running conspiracy theory that it's Nora.
I didn't think it was really likely, but I thought it was funny - until today's custom wallpaper render. I can't imagine a one-off like Nora being wallpaper worthy if she wasn't significantly more related to the characters in some fashion, otherwise we should have had KRJ or the cafeteria lunch girl. Then again, he did give us Zoey, so maybe it's just an "MC's has tapped this ass" list.
Wait, that doesn't work, Sally was in there. And his dead mother. Suspicion over Nora remains.
Oh, I think she will do. I am really hoping it does turn out to be Maya's mother, just for the raw humor factor.
I like Maya (somewhat), but at no point does "fucking the gay out of her" factor into it. What sort of a caveman still thinks that way? Or maybe I'm the weirdo, because I like it when my women are into other women. I'm not insecure enough that I have to be their everything. Maybe it's because I'm older. And tired.
Yes and no? I mean, I don't approve of male homosexuality. It's why I don't have extra dick in my sex life. I do have gay friends, however, and we get along and joke around just like anybody else. If you do not approve of something, you disapprove of it. It's an either/or situation. My pal Tom doesn't approve of going down on women. He's gay, so that's perfectly logical.
Neither of us persecutes other people because they do things that aren't on our approval list - unless they're the ones doing active persecution.
Perhaps instead of approval, think acceptance. Whether I approve or not is irrelevant, I accept that it's a thing, and unless it directly imposes upon my person being, it's a non-issue. Tom and his guys can go have their fun, and I'll have mine with Kiera or Betsy.
Ayup. That's a given, though. We're all human. Except Lemonfreak. He's a citrus wonder.
Because I mis-read this the first time, I'll go with what I thought I saw you say. Steve is masturbating. Josy is leaping from the car.
A custom render with any two characters? Riona in the delivery room, legs up in the stirrups while Camila is seated next to her is holding her hand.
Whoa, great minds think alike, just saw your post!nora's age as listed in tinder is 32. does she say she's lying? or is she supposed to have had maya at 14 to satisfy this theory?