
Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
I read a few pages in the thread and it appears people really have it out for Maya. Idk why tho. What did she do? Maybe I missed it on my particular play through but if it's just about the revelation that it was her who was dating Josy before the MC, it kinda seems like an overreaction?

Anyway, that whole student loan story seems kinda stupid. That's not how they work. But I guess that much artistic license can be granted.
I do kinda find it puzzling that it seems to go more mayas way than josy. I mean at least Maya was kinda more honest with letting mc believe she had a boyfriend. Where as josy let stuff happen before she said anything.
Idk Josy spent 2 months with the MC before she did anything. Maya spent and knew the MC for like 3 or 4 days before grinding on him while he was sleeping
After the first class she tells MC she has to go call her boyfriend.
Maya also cheated in her action. Namely Josy. Both of them cheated on this point. You could see that at the end of EP4 when MC revealed everything.

What is important in all these entanglements is the reason why they did it. And I think that was made quite clear.

They both felt alone and thought that their relationship was actually over. And suddenly the MC appears and gives them what they are missing. The feeling of being wanted, of no longer being alone with all their worries, someone who shows understanding.
And there are two kinds of people, in terms of trust. The type of person (Josy) who gives everyone an advance trust and the type of person (Maya) where trust has to grow.

And one thing must not be forgotten, they are still teenagers. Think back to your teenage years and the mistakes each of us made at that stage of our lives. (At 18/19 you are still a teenager).

I suppose that's what DPC wants to portray.
When it comes down to it, Josy has had numerous moments of weakness with the MC, but she's been honest each time. Her crime is she cheated on Maya, so her issue is not with the MC nor can his issue be with her.

Yes Maya did first tell the mc she had a boyfriend, but she rescinded it later saying she only said that to discourage other guys, and eventually he finds out she's a lesbian. She never lets him know she's actually in a relationship until it's too late, then uses the lame excuse that she tried to tell him.

So Maya mislead the MC, and Josy is cuter, so hence the majority of the M&J hate goes to Maya. Plus Maya is always whining, it gets too much after a while. Imagine if she actually was your girlfriend, you'd be sick of that shit in no time...

A simple "Quinn gave me an offer to pay for sex and likely runs some sort of a prostitution ring in the school" would have sufficed.
Maya doesn't need to know that. The only thing she needs to know is that Quinn runs a prostitution ring in school.
The problem with answers and questions is that there are often more questions afterwards and more answers are needed.
If the MC can give no answer at all to Maya (i.e. Quin's evil), he can certainly tell her half-truths to warn her properly.

"I think Quinn is prostituting the HOTs out. She even offered me her calling card!"

If Maya asks questions, he can tell her it happened when he went to get his guitar back after it was stolen from his dorm. If she asks more questions just punch her in the face and run away, fucking nosy bitch...

On the other side of the coin, the MC's new in town, he's already making enemies, maybe he shouldn't be spreading stories about everyone...

Her father isn't withdrawing his co-signing. He's in full control of the money. That's not how any loans, in any part of the world works.

Especially not student loans in which the money goes to the school and anything left over will go to the student for living expenses.

It's just unnecessary Pinkcakes drama. Gotta fulfill that savior fantasy.
That is not quite right.
There are so-called sureties. If Maya's father is the surety for Maya's student loan and withdraws his surety, the loan will be cancelled and if you don't have default insurance, there will be recourse claims on the part of the lender if the loan has been fully or partially drawn down. It is assumed that the loan has already been drawn down to some extent because Maya is in college.
Except, you're absolutely wrong about that. While her current semester is paid for, any future semester is dependent on his support. If he withdraws then the loan goes away. And she's fucked. The problem is that you don't understand co-signing, not that I don't.
We've discussed this quite a bit in the past. Here are the facts:
  1. Maya's dad is controlling
  2. Maya's dad is not happy with Maya being a lesbian (it stems from his religious beliefs)
  3. Maya's dad is trying to interfere with her current gay relationship (with Josy) by threatening to withhold her tuition funds
  4. Maya's dad is a co-signer on her student loan
  5. Maya thinks that if her dad withholds the student loan funds she'll be financially fucked forever (no money for college and forever in debt)
What Maya believes about the loan situation, and what is actually real regarding the loan situation doesn't have to be the same. Similar to the Tybalt blackmail, what Jill believes doesn't have to match what is real.

What Maya believes is wrong. If she doesn't pay back the loan, her dad must pay it back, that's what a co-signer is; they are a guarantor for the loan in the event the borrower (Maya) fails to pay it back. So some of the money has been spent (on the first semester or year or whatever) and the remaining money is being held (illegally) by the dad.

To back that last statement up, here's Maya's words:

my "He fooled me into co-signing my student loan and afterward he gave me the ultimatum that I couldn't see Josy ever again."
my "If I did, he'd withhold the funds and I would be fucked financially for the rest of my life."
my "No money for college and forever in debt."

The deal with being a co-signer is that you bear the final responsibility for the repayment but you get nothing out of it (you don't get the cash, you don't own the asset that is being purchased or in this case the tuition that is being paid). So really, it doesn't make sense that the dad has control of the money, unless he tricked Maya into putting the funds into an account that only he controlled. That'd be theft.

Also, a co-signer can't just take their name off a loan. That's why people advise you never to co-sign (or go guarantor) for anyone's loan. Of course parents do it for their kids.

My take on this is that the dad is bluffing. If he went through with it (i.e. withholding the cash), the money will still have to be paid back to the creditor at some point, and if Maya can't do it, the Dad will have to. Meanwhile he's fucked up his daughter's education (which I doubt he wants to do, he just wants to save his daughter from the eternal fire of hell for being gay). He's just using whatever means he currently has to force her straight. When it actually comes down to it, I think he'll cave.

Of course Maya's and all her friends are fucking idiots if they don't work out that what the dad is doing is illegal, but remember this was a bombshell that landed on the MC at the end of the last episode (just like the Jill blackmail), so while we've all dissected the shit out of it all, the MC has had hardly any time to look into any of this.

In the end, Maya just needs to contact Judge Judy, she will anally fuck the dad on TV! Alternatively she just needs to speak with the creditor through which she received the loan and they'll rape the dad. Either way, the dad's getting raped.

Trolls are gonna troll. Just ignore.
Disagreeing isn't trolling.

This isn't some hivemind BBQ, it's a discussion forum, for discussing the game, not everyone is going to like the same characters.
In this day and age, unfortunately, disagreeing is trolling. With US universities trying to keep everyone feeling safe and happy all the time, and never have their beliefs challenged, everyone wants to just live in their little bubble of "I'm right".

For me, this forum is only interesting when people are debating aspects of the game. That hasn't happened much of late (probably because we've already debated the shit outta everything), but that's what I enjoy here the most.

As long as it's civil (but we all get worked up from time-to-time).
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Active Member
Apr 30, 2020
Fucking exactly, that's why if the guarantor withdraws support, the loan goes away. Your assumption they'll keep paying after the guarantor withdraws is bullshit. They won't. If the guarantor is not willing to guarantee anymore then your loan disappears.
This is exactly what I am saying. That the can't pay you without a guarantor. This is why the guarantor CANNOT WITHDRAW!. It's not on the cards. Once you've signed as cosigner, your options of getting out are gone. You cannot just withdraw. The bank won't let you.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2020
People are way too harsh on Maya. She just experimented a few times with the MC. It wasn't even serious. And she has obviously been abused by her ultra religious family so it makes a lot of sense that she would be scared to tell people that she's a lesbian. That's why she was so closed off from the MC in the beginning. It's, I reckon, people's fear of ntr subconsciously rearing it's head that causes them to hate Maya and Josy. The fact that they aren't the only human being having sex.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
This is exactly what I am saying. That the can't pay you without a guarantor. This is why the guarantor CANNOT WITHDRAW!. It's not on the cards. Once you've signed as cosigner, your options of getting out are gone. You cannot just withdraw. The bank won't let you.
That is not true at all. Semester by semester. The guarantor can withdraw at any semester. Your assumption they can't is bullshit. They can. They absolutely fucking can. They are only on the hook for the semesters they guaranteed for. I don't know where you live that this is different, but in canada and the u.s. you pay each semster, which means each loan is for a semester. The guarantor can refuse to guarantee future semesters and then you are on the hook yourself, and god forbid the bank decides your parents make too much money, they won't give you a fucking loan at that point and you are fucking screwed. Thay aren't on the hook for 4 years by guaranteeing 1 semester. That ain't how it works.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I don't know what I would do in MC place, so I don't judge.
Maya: How do you know?
Me: Well, where should I start? She gave me her phone number, after I get my phone back from her, what I lost it when I was sneaking into her dorm, try to steal a panties so I could sleep somewhere, because the Dicks said if I stole a girl panties , I can sleep in their mansion, before you offer your room. Anyway I saw her and Camilla naked, they give me a blowjob, then tossed me out call the security on me, and labeled me as a pervert. Quinn , to make up for it, offered to me her restaurant where I can buy sexual favors from her girls . So that is the story Maya, what do you think about me now? are we cool? :)
The problem with answers and questions is that there are often more questions afterwards and more answers are needed.
the problem is the risk Maya puts herself in, which should overcome any personal 'shame'.

if a severely depressed friend of yours hangs out with people who use more or less hard drugs, should you warn him or her or not? and this is regardless of how you know about the danger, even if it means confessing that you have also used them.

in the hypothesis, not covered by the game, that Maya had ended up on the menu, who would have been responsible?

MC's notice is too general (and yet does not raise any questions)


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
We've discussed this quite a bit in the past. Here are the facts:
  1. Maya's dad is controlling
  2. Maya's dad is not happy with Maya being a lesbian (it stems from his religious beliefs)
  3. Maya's dad is trying to interfere with her current gay relationship (with Josy) by threatening to withhold her tuition funds
  4. Maya's dad is a co-signer on her student loan
  5. Maya thinks that if her dad withholds the student loan funds she'll be financially fucked forever (no money for college and forever in debt)
What Maya believes about the loan situation, and what is actually real regarding the loan situation doesn't have to be the same. Similar to the Tybalt blackmail, what Jill believes doesn't have to match what is real.

What Maya believes is wrong. If she doesn't pay back the loan, her dad must pay it back, that's what a co-signer is; they are a guarantor for the loan in the event the borrower (Maya) fails to pay it back. So some of the money has been spent (on the first semester or year or whatever) and the remaining money is being held (illegally) by the dad.

To back that last statement up, here's Maya's words:

my "He fooled me into co-signing my student loan and afterward he gave me the ultimatum that I couldn't see Josy ever again."
my "If I did, he'd withhold the funds and I would be fucked financially for the rest of my life."
my "No money for college and forever in debt."

The deal with being a co-signer is that you bear the final responsibility for the repayment but you get nothing out of it (you don't get the cash, you don't own the asset that is being purchased or in this case the tuition that is being paid). So really, it doesn't make sense that the dad has control of the money, unless he tricked Maya into putting the funds into an account that only he controlled. That'd be theft.

Also, a co-signer can't just take their name off a loan. That's why people advise you never to co-sign (or go guarantor) for anyone's loan. Of course parents do it for their kids.

My take on this is that the dad is bluffing. If he went through with it (i.e. withholding the cash), the money will still have to be paid back to the creditor at some point, and if Maya can't do it, the Dad will have to. Meanwhile he's fucked up his daughter's education (which I doubt he wants to do, he just wants to save his daughter from the eternal fire of hell for being gay). He's just using whatever means he currently has to force her straight. When it actually comes down to it, I think he'll cave.

Of course Maya's and all her friends are fucking idiots if they don't work out that what the dad is doing is illegal, but remember this was a bombshell that landed on the MC at the end of the last episode (just like the Jill blackmail), so while we've all dissected the shit out of it all, the MC has had hardly any time to look into any of this.

In the end, Maya just needs to contact Judge Judy, she will anally fuck the dad on TV! Alternatively she just needs to speak with the creditor through which she received the loan and they'll rape the dad. Either way, the dad's getting raped.

In this day and age, unfortunately, disagreeing is trolling. With US universities trying to keep everyone feeling safe and happy all the time, and never have their beliefs challenged, everyone wants to just live in their little bubble of "I'm right".

For me, this forum is only interesting when people are debating aspects of the game. That hasn't happened much of late (probably because we've already debated the shit outta everything), but that's what I enjoy here the most.

As long as it's civil (but we all get worked up from time-to-time).
I agree with everything except that Maya is wrong.

I wouldn't assume that, in the BADIKverse it could also be that student loans work exactly like that (illogically).

on the matter the only fault I give to DPC is to insist too much on it, when being only a narrative tool it should have been left as generic as possible


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
When it comes down to it, Josy has had numerous moments of weakness with the MC, but she's been honest each time. Her crime is she cheated on Maya, so her issue is not with the MC nor can his issue be with her.

Yes Maya did first tell the mc she had a boyfriend, but she rescinded it later saying she only said that to discourage other guys, and eventually he finds out she's a lesbian. She never lets him know she's actually in a relationship until it's too late, then uses the lame excuse that she tried to tell him.

So Maya mislead the MC, and Josy is cuter, so hence the majority of the M&J hate goes to Maya. Plus Maya is always whining, it gets too much after a while. Imagine if she actually was your girlfriend, you'd be sick of that shit in no time...
As someone wrote earlier, we all have a different perspective on what is happening, like the MC.

And if you can put yourself in the shoes of the characters (Josy/Maya), you realise that Josy acted the way she did because of her personality. And the same goes for Maya.

Maya does not have the open, trusting, giving nature that Josy has. She herself said to the MC that she should have let down her protective shield sooner.

But considering her past, which DPC constructed, she could not have traded any other way. :unsure:

And Maya's naivety is what endears her to her fans.:rolleyes:

The only bad thing is that naivety is exploited by evil characters and that's why I like her: Quinn not. (even though she is really hot):devilish:


Active Member
Apr 30, 2020
That is not true at all. Semester by semester. The guarantor can withdraw at any semester. Your assumption they can't is bullshit. They can. They absolutely fucking can. They are only on the hook for the semesters they guaranteed for. I don't know where you live that this is different, but in canada and the u.s. you pay each semster, which means each loan is for a semester. The guarantor can refuse to guarantee future semesters and then you are on the hook yourself, and god forbid the bank decides your parents make too much money, they won't give you a fucking loan at that point and you are fucking screwed. Thay aren't on the hook for 4 years by guaranteeing 1 semester. That ain't how it works.
No each loan is not for one semester jfc. Have you ever heard of anyone taking 6-8 loans during their undergrad? You do not have to take a loan every semester. You take a loan once and the bank directly pays the uni on your behalf at the beginning of each semester and the residual amount is transferred to the student's account.

What you don't get is that money is already yours. The bank is just handling it on your behalf so that you don't get high with your tuition fee.

And the the cosigner cannot withdraw in the middle.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
No each loan is not for one semester jfc. Have you ever heard of anyone taking 6-8 loans during their undergrad? You do not have to take a loan every semester. You take a loan once and the bank directly pays the uni on your behalf at the beginning of each semester and the residual amount is transferred to the student's account.

What you don't get is that money is already yours. The bank is just handling it on your behalf so that you don't get high on your tuition fee.

And the the cosigner cannot withdraw in the middle.
I've actually had student loans and they are semester by semester. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. My student loans(which were fucking peanuts, 400 bucks a semester) got withdrawn when my mother got a new, higher paying job, because THEY ARE SEMESTER BY SEMESTER. Suddenly my parents made too much money for me to even get 400 bucks a semester. Cause that's how they fucking work. They are semester by semester and can be withdrawn at any time. That's how they fucking work, at least, in North America.


Active Member
Nov 13, 2017
For me, this forum is only interesting when people are debating aspects of the game. That hasn't happened much of late (probably because we've already debated the shit outta everything), but that's what I enjoy here the most.

As long as it's civil (but we all get worked up from time-to-time).
I like the debate, there are times where I miss pieces to the puzzle where someone else picks up on. Hence this particular maya/josy started, n I didn't catch in my playthrough that Maya said, she just said she had a bf to keep guys away.
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
Yes Maya did first tell the mc she had a boyfriend, but she rescinded it later saying she only said that to discourage other guys, and eventually he finds out she's a lesbian. She never lets him know she's actually in a relationship until it's too late, then uses the lame excuse that she tried to tell him.
I want to take this comment as an oportunity to explain my point of view on this issue. Maya sayd she didnt had a boyfriend and that was a lie... yet i dont find it a terrible lie at all, almoast an insignificant problem.

First: in the same way that Josy cheat the main victim is Maya, the main victim of Maya lie is not MC but Josy, couse the goal of that lie is to give MC green light to advance on her. If i found that my girlfriend is saying that she is not in a relationship then i will asume she wants to cheat on me and i will be mad. If i find that a girl who is flirting with me says she is not in a relationship, when she is, then i will asume she is interesed in me. You can hardly feel the victim there. As long as the MC is the proyection of the reader into the story, there is no really point for the player (all of us, including Maya haters) to be angry with her. The same way we dont get really angry against Jade cheating on Burke or Derek cheating on Ashley. And yet the own Josy needed 5 minutes to forgive Maya, the MC needed a couple days and Maya haters are complaining about this issue after 1 year(?).

Second: couse at the end of the day Maya cheats on Josy with the MC for one reason: to give the player a sex scene with her. It's mostly ment to give sexual gratification to the player!, and i find that a extremely justifible reason to lie. This is what blows my mind the most about Maya haters.

Now, in an effort to make some sense on Maya haters i will asume this: As long as Maya lies to the MC to have sex with the MC wich efectively happens...the only way for the player to feel somehow cheated is if you had not a purely sexual interest but rather romantic feelings for Maya. If you were looking for sex, congrats she made it possible, if you were looking for love, well the fact that she had a relationship could be a problem. It kind of remind me more about womans complaining about man cheating on her wifes that any complain i ever heard of any man, but lets asume is ok to avoid sexism. Then:

Third: This is a porn game.

Fourth: The MC still gets not one romantic relationship but a trouple romantic relationship. He gets everything. As long as at the end the MC gets the relationship, now we can conclude that Maya wasnt "playing with him", she was serious about this issue. She just was confused about her own feelings. And even if she was confused, the resolution is still a happy one. So how can anyone have a complain about this.

I understand anyone who doesnt like Maya. It's called bad taste and there is nothing wrong with that. But i don't understand how anyone can complain about how she treated the MC.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
From 2 seconds of googling.
CIBC student loans:
Student loan repayment
Upon graduation, students are given a six-month grace period during which interest is accruing but no payments have to be made. At the end of that grace period, students receive documentation from the government detailing the interest rate and repayment amounts owed.

In the case of a student line of credit from CIBC, the line of credit is converted into a personal loan one year after graduation. Students also have the option of stretching their repayment period out to a maximum of 20 years.”
Which doesn't, in anyway, obligate them to give you the loan for 4 years. I don't know why think that obligates them to give 4 years worth of loans(or more as the case may be). I didn't have to pay them back until 6 months after I dropped out. But that was 3 1/2 years after they withdrew my loans. They weren't obligated to keep giving me money.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Which doesn't, in anyway, obligate them to give you the loan for 4 years. I don't know why think that obligates them to give 4 years worth of loans(or more as the case may be). I didn't have to pay them back until 6 months after I dropped out. But that was 3 1/2 years after they withdrew my loans. They weren't obligated to keep giving me money.
How about going to the bank and getting advice? :unsure:
Just an idea.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
I want to take this comment as an oportunity to explain my point of view on this issue. Maya sayd she didnt had a boyfriend and that was a lie... yet i dont find it a terrible lie at all, almoast an insignificant problem.

First: in the same way that Josy cheat the main victim is Maya, the main victim of Maya lie is not MC but Josy, couse the goal of that lie is to give MC green light to advance on her. If i found that my girlfriend is saying that she is not in a relationship then i will asume she wants to cheat on me and i will be mad. If i find that a girl who is flirting with me says she is not in a relationship, when she is, then i will asume she is interesed in me. You can hardly feel the victim there. As long as the MC is the proyection of the reader into the story, there is no really point for the player (all of us, including Maya haters) to be angry with her. The same way we dont get really angry against Jade cheating on Burke or Derek cheating on Ashley. And yet the own Josy needed 5 minutes to forgive Maya, the MC needed a couple days and Maya haters are complaining about this issue after 1 year(?).

Second: couse at the end of the day Maya cheats on Josy with the MC for one reason: to give the player a sex scene with her. It's mostly ment to give sexual gratification to the player!, and i find that a extremely justifible reason to lie. This is what blows my mind the most about Maya haters.

Now, in an effort to make some sense on Maya haters i will asume this: As long as Maya lies to the MC to have sex with the MC wich efectively happens...the only way for the player to feel somehow cheated is if you had not a purely sexual interest but rather romantic feelings for Maya. If you were looking for sex, congrats she made it possible, if you were looking for love, well the fact that she had a relationship could be a problem. It kind of remind me more about womans complaining about man cheating on her wifes that any complain i ever heard of any man, but lets asume is ok to avoid sexism. Then:

Third: This is a porn game.

Fourth: The MC still gets not one romantic relationship but a trouple romantic relationship. He gets everything. As long as at the end the MC gets the relationship, now we can conclude that Maya wasnt "playing with him", she was serious about this issue. She just was confused about her own feelings. And even if she was confused, the resolution is still a happy one. So how can anyone have a complain about this.

I understand anyone who doesnt like Maya. It's called bad taste and there is nothing wrong with that. But i don't understand how anyone can complain about how she treated the MC.
I like to hang shit on the characters for fun, but I like them all really. In real life I’d enjoy the company of all the girls except Bella and Quinn.

Bella is an angry/crazy woman and after first meeting her in the library, in real life I’d just ignore her. The MC only persevered with her in order to get to Jill. If she was flat chested, she'd lose her entire fan base (whereas Sally has a fan base purely off her personality).

Quinn is just a nasty piece of works that would only spell trouble in the real world. But in the game I'm prepared to take any risk for fun. :sneaky:


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
I like to hang shit on the characters for fun, but I like them all really. In real life I’d enjoy the company of all the girls except Bella and Quinn.

Bella is an angry/crazy woman and after first meeting her in the library, in real life I’d just ignore her. The MC only persevered with her in order to get to Jill. If she was flat chested, she'd lose her entire fan base (whereas Sally has a fan base purely off her personality).

Quinn is just a nasty piece of works that would only spell trouble in the real world. But in the game I'm prepared to take any risk for fun. :sneaky:
Feel validated. (y)
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Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
Though Camilla seems surprisingly nice for such a fucked up chick.
Whoa there, dog. What's "fucked up" about Camila? She likes to have sex. She's not ashamed of it, she doesn't hide it. She also opted to turn a profit doing what she enjoys.

If a woman having sovereignty over her own body and actions is "fucked up", I'm not sure I'd want to live your world.

Deleted member 2528490

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
Hrmmmm. Continuing my CHICK save, and now I'm kind of swung back that something is seriously wrong with Bella. I just did the library scene. And here's the dialogue:
At the time I couldn't understand Bella.
The attraction was there, but for her it felt so wrong.
I remember feeling bad about kissing a married woman.
I figured she felt the same since she was being unfaithful to her husband...
...which, of course, is a very big deal.
But if I had known the real reasons to her tears...
...and to her persona...
I wouldn't have kissed her that night.
I would have called for help.

That placement of the "real reasons" heavily imply its not James and the unfaithfulness thats the real issue. There's something more/darker.

Axe murder is obviously going too far, but... I dunno. I'm back on that "this is actually a really dark scene" and not just DPC playing on our with AL expectations.
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