Ashley when MC wore the helmet: "That helmet is disgusting."
Ashley when Derek wore the helmet: "Well I think you look cute in that helmet."
Double standards... smh.
have you ever met a woman in RL? or are you just blind? i tried to help my friends to pick up girls but it always blew in their face!
women react to the person not the action or the words! what works for a 6 feet tall dude with blue eyes does not work for the regular person!
in opposition an harder start in life can be positive because you will learn to bypass the barriers! while assholes like me who survived on good looks when we loose them we are left with nothing to impress the girls and 0 game except persuade them that we´re really good in bed because we got all the experience! even tough we are really crappy lovers since it was never really needed to keep them coming back along as the 6 pack was visible!
Maya could be in trouble with Josy if she choose to side with Derek if the MC was in relationship with Maya/Josy and assuming Josy will side with the MC. But if the MC was not in relationship with them, then it would be mind blowing to see whom Josy will side with (the MC or Maya) - i means if Maya choose Derek, then whom Josy will side with between the MC or Maya. If Josy choose to side with Maya (assuming Josy doesn't want to create any trouble with Maya because Maya choose Derek), then the MC is fucked because technically Maya/Josy also know that Derek was the one who started the fire sprinkler system.
if you are on the M&J path yes... but if you are with Sage& Q you got an entire sorority defending you and bullying and threatning the preps with no more sexy times! not to mention that if you are on the Q path she can squeeze Stephen balls and ofc that meant you also fucked the bejesus out of Sage (im suspecting she is pregnant with her last child) so 2 of the 3 college votes, hell depending on the next ep. you can get Cathy to vouch for you!
the issue then will be how will Jill react when she sees who is on your corner! i mean she is dumb but even a blind can see that you fucked half of those girls (when in reality you fucked them all but people would never believe you)
the Josy situation would be funny... would she pick her sisters in the HOT´s over Maya? that would be a massive blow and she already sacrificed so much for Maya!
but it will never get to that a Bro does not rat on a Bro!
Continued my CHICK run, and this part got the cogwheels in my tiny brain spinning.
...Does Quinn not imply Sage is using the HOT funds in place of a sponsorship, since she refuses to get one through her family connections? And then the direct "I'm helping YOU out" by Sage. Not helping the HOTS out.
I could rationalize that there is actually a tuition helping system in the HOTs and Quinn's restaraunt is some double dipping shit, but Quinn publicly dismissed the rumour as a rumour in front of the HOTs in ep6. So it can't be that.
So... I'm left thinking Sage is actually aware of the restaraunt, and potentially benefits from it by turning a blind eye to Quinn's actions. But then I remember Quinn actively hush hushes the rumour talk when Sage shows up to the pool party earlier on. Like she doesn't want Sage to know.
I dunno. This exchange is super weird to me.
if you ask your lawyer he will tell you plausible deniability!
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wait! the one about Jill was findamentally a joke, the point was that being so slow in her progress with MC, it becomes difficult to think that she could suddenly embrace a passionate affair with someone else.
if we believe that BADIK can actually last between 14 and 20 chapters then we have to believe that the story is not so defined in DPC's head, otherwise such a vague estimate only served to give a "no-answer", without then having to respect any dead line.
I'm leaning towards the latter
out of revenge women will do stupid things.. trust me i´m one of those stupid things!
Best pick up line ever... you keep fucking shit up... i´m shit fuck me up baby!
so if the MC truly breaks Jill believe in people and human decency she might just say fuck it and go for the 1st dude present...
I think Quinn has tried to get Sage to ask his father for sponsorship before, maybe even many times before, hence the anger at the new request. On the other hand I don't think any of them are implying that it's for their own benefit (although that would make Quinn's life easier, use the HOTs money and make more profit with the restaurant and drugs).
I mean, basically Quinn wants the DIKs system, giving her more room to manage funds.
the dik system but with more girls she can turn to earning tips and using those tips to buy her drugs!
Tommy does not turn a profit out of it except beers housing and fun! which is all the profits one can expect from such associations but Q also monetized it which Tommy does not!
Voloir c'est povoir, if you really want it you will get it,
Is the optimism, the whole fucking Leibnitz again.
to will it is to power it! (one of the possible translations) i prefer the dream it and it will be possible!
or "to want is power / to will it is power / to wish is to make it"
i was not gonna respond but damn man when you trow around names like Leibniz ... fucking hell just use Montesquieu or Voltaire do not waste that great name in useless arguments!
for those who do not know who Leibniz is he created the binary language (sort off i have read older writers and thinkers to come up with similar arguments but he systematized it!)
and if you dare to diss Leibniz i will rain down the fires of hell upon your head!
Okay. I always play the Josy/Maya path, so I didn't know that the MC runs away with Sage.

Then it could be that on the Sage path Josy gets into a relationship with Lucas. MC will still be friends with Josy and Josy will convince Lucas to reveal the truth about the supposed fire that was supposed to make Jill think.
o the sage path she Knows you did not started it! you where with her on the piano when it begun and if her name is strong enough that will be enough!
You take a word out of context and insert them into your context to make a different meaning. Not a nice move. I used that word in reference to a specific situation. You generalized it. Lol. Now that's arm.
If someone is in a predicament and decides of their own free will to do whatever about it, that's not extortion.
But if someone else holds the solution for the emergency in front of the person's nose and demands a counter-performance, that is blackmail.
And in relation to work. The employer does not demand (demand=active) a favor for the wage, he expects (expect=passive) the favor.
dalli i think you need to go and read how contracts work! i´m allowed to offer you 1000 euros for you boob pictures and if you truly want/need that money does it automatically entitle you to my 1k without fulfilling your side of the contract?
on a regular situation your choices would be limited, i just gave you another option/choice you taking it or not is irrelevant! that is how these things of ours work!
you got the option to tell your boss to fuck off, or do as normal adults do and nicely and politely tell them you are not interested and that such an approach is very rude and inadequate! i had such proposals in the past and the polite and nice refusal is always best because you can turn it on your boss and get a raise as an excuse from her for seeing you in such a way!
Maya could have used it to her advantage shaming Q into giving her more freedom but instead she acted as a spoiled child!