Lynette: "You came to me on my 18th birthday through a sweet woman named
Lynette: "
-L" (
What if L stands not only for Lynette, but also for love?)
That Marion is an older woman is also just an assumption you made out of thin air. I don't know if I would call an older woman cute.

With what certainty do you claim that M stands for Miranda?

M could just as easily be Marion. Both names start with M?
What makes you think it's Miranda's guest house? It just says M, not Miranda.
Lynette: "M had a brilliant idea the other day. They have a guest house on their lot that no one uses."
I even agree with you. (I have not yet discarded my theory that Lynette is Jill's sister).
The questions are relevant when we learn, for example, Jill's mother's name, Rusty's mother's name, or can connect the name to another person. Serves to solve the mystery. (If you don't ask questions, you don't get answers).
Whether you doubt or not is all the same to me. The theory, which you partially agreed with, that a child lived in Bella's house, I did not create.

I just embellished it with some creativity.