Actually, I have considered it and I have previously stated it could be someone like the madame, but Jill just makes the most sense to me right now. Not sure how having an opinion means you are hung up on something.
Apologize, if you feel I was rude

. Putting aside all the inside jokes and memes, about blue balling and " it's to fast for me " . which I btw understand. She didn't wanted to do for the first time with MC on Bella's couch, as She justify her decision.
Fuck it's gonna be a long post, sorry about it
So putting aside all the Shit, I don't know How long DPC can drag this out without becoming boring and repetitive. Even He as the developer, the artist, the writer, must see this. the expectation just grows and he will fail miserably with her if he continue the same way.
I briefly had mention Bella in order to be explain my point. as much as I understand Bella's fans frustration, with her the slow build up make sense. Even without playing her path, Bella path understandable, believable. She is much older than MC, She is an adult, a teacher, a married woman, and We dont know all the emotional bagged she has. Her hesitation is acceptable, understandable. this is probably one of the beauty of her path, slowly cracking her shield.
Now, Jill
The two absolutely main love interest in the game whose MC have the deepest connection, as much as pain to say it, knowing my avatar and signature.

Are Jill and Sage.
the difference is their approach. With Sage it is started with the physical connection, with Sex, what lead to deepening the emotional connection. Jill is the opposite, its starting with deepening the emotional connection. What lead to us to Episode 6. No matter what people say, it was a big Development with Jill. so Big, that after that, if now We slowing down, will not feel genuine. Episode 7 would be the last draw where DPC might be able to pull an another Blue ball moment, but I honestly hope not.
Jill must be implemented in the story , She so out of the place , She is so behind that it feel not worth it.
I don't care how many time has past in the game. This Game is being developed 2 years now. We past the point with Jill, I say even with Bella.
He can't play this, Oh now you can see her tits in ep 7, you can see her pussy in ep 8 , she give you a hand job in ep 9, and you fingering her in ep 10, you can have sex with her in ep 11

We can joke all day, but Realistically it does not make sense anymore. not after Ep6. No matter how shitty the whole Tybalt blackmail storyline, even worse than the Josy Maya stuff, it can't be used as an excuse to keep the same speed with Jill. so I'm cautiously optimistic, that Jill is now in a different level, if you picked her over Sage, if you did everything with her then we are in a different stage with her now. One of the thing Dpc said back in the days, that He want to give each love interest proper time, and Jill and Bella, are way behind.
and other storyline need to kick in soon too , so it can't be dragged out anymore. as a Writer he must feel this.