Sometimes when I think that Jill can't blue ball us any more I sit and ponder...what more pain could she inflict upon us? Then I remember that uneasy feeling I got when I first saw Jill and Josy together. In my mind I said, of all the people on campus she could befriend it just had to be assertively bisexual Josy. Why would DPC choose to put those two characters together? Curious.

Then I think about Jill sleep diddling her
friend MC. Curiouser.

Then I think about Jill previously playing a round or two of flick the bean with Bella. Curiouser and curiouser.
It seems to me that prudish Jill actually has some bisexual or at least pansexual tendencies. If she likes someone, she goes full Cosby and humps them. Why bother with an awake, consenting person?

At this point, I'm more concerned about Jill cucking MC with Josy than anything else. A Jill/Josy/MC threesome would be nice, but I still am always vigilant for a dreaded scene where Josy has to spend the night with Jill. We know that Jill seems to have little control of her urges when she climbs into bed with her friends.