You know the drill. White knights need a beast to slay, whose clutches they can save the princess from. There is no way you can convince one to appreciate said Beast's other qualities

Thats just the way it is. When i'm gonna play the Maya route she'll be the devil herself too. People don't really care to find redeeming qualities within the enemy. Thats not how things work.
She is a direct threat for Maya's perceived purity regardless who is to blame, whether she was lurred into the beast den or walked right into it is of little consequence. It doesn't matter why Quinn is doing these things

Plus some people react badly being tased and forced to do things thats outside their comfortzone. I can relate to that.
But sometimes you start depicting her as a misunderstood innocent little silver lamb too. I don't agree with all the accusation she receives, i think some of those are just silly, but Quinn is the bad girl here. Among the other girls. It doesn't matter that if she isn't that bad if we look at the bigger picture as there is no bigger picture.
I'm sure you well aware that its just between you and Maya fans

The rest doesn't care much, Quinn is no threat for the rest really. For now. And there is no way in hell you can convince any Maya fan that Quinn isn't the personafication of evil and corruption