
Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
see, my take is it’s very “Bella” and it’s a bit of a juxtaposition to her discussion with MC if you didn’t cock it up.

All through her route she’s been bouncing between her lust and her morality. She says one thing, loses control and does another. She was always saying she didn’t want anything with the MC, didn’t want a sexual relationship. Did the rational thing and hooked him up with Jill.

and slowly her walls came down, the Ice Queen thawed a little. But in this episode she either accepted she wants more with the MC. Opens up to him, takes her ring off and makes comments about him bringing the teenager out in her.

or she finds out about Cathy and retreats fully into being the ice queen again. I see the Bella route as MC helping her get over whatever this big secret is regarding her husband. Slowly and gentle bringing her outta whatever made her the Ice Queen and the Cathy incident snapped her back into that mentality really bluntly.
perhaps I have not explained myself well

I like Bella's journey very much, especially now that she has accelerated (from chapter 6 onwards). What I don't like, what the story leaves completely in the background, is the relationship between her and Jill, which is described as a very bad friendship.

at the beginning, because of the alcohol, she falls in love with Mc, but then that kiss reawakens a part of her that she had kept hidden for years, her guilt feelings come out, and in this situation pushing Mc towards Jill, even if selfish, makes sense.
It's not by chance that in that moment of the story DPC turns an innocent choice like going to thank Bella in the first step towards her relationship with MC.

Once Jill tells Bella how the date went well, how Mc seems like the right guy, Bella should avoid him like the plague, not take a sauna with him.
From then on Bella towards Jill is a big bitch, without any nuance.

The scene of the car breaking down because of Cathe is weird, but it's even weirder when, after "saving" Jill together, they go to Bella's house to fool around.

MC's a pig for courting both of them? okay, but Bella's no better.

It's one of those points where the story for me is so poorly written that it becomes an obligation to enjoy it to avoid being in a relationship with either of them.

Hope for Bella..... As soon Jill gets serious with MC, Bella has a reason to stop being intimate with him, same as what happens when she finds out MC fiddled around with Cathy... Bella knows Jill well enough her morals and ideas of a perfect romance might be too big of a problem to even get into a relation with MC...
She is struggling with her own feelings, on the other hand she would hate to see Jill end up with Tybalt...
Mc ending up with JIll would probably mean an end to Bella's struggles...

Complicated characters usually don't work so well in the real world ;) They are great in any story though !
but once Jill for the love of Mc decides to accept Tybalt's blackmail, how can Bella not consider it a serious relationship?
and having a date with Mc is supposed to help solidify Jill's relationship? every action she takes drives MC away from Jill, so much so that Mc's thoughts lead him to consider leaving Jill... not anything else

Bella doesn't have any treatment, she just sleeps at the DIKs. sure she used the super threatening look but I don't think it's an absolute guarantee that the rumour doesn't go to BR...
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Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
Yes, But it stops you from launching
Error during extraction
First extract it in a folder, after that launch the game with the Delta sign pic called BaDIK.exe

The game is rather big, doubt you can launch this one in packed status....
Jan 30, 2021
perhaps I have not explained myself well

I like Bella's journey very much, especially now that she has accelerated (from chapter 6 onwards). What I don't like, what the story leaves completely in the background, is the relationship between her and Jill, which is described as a very bad friendship.

at the beginning, because of the alcohol, she falls in love with Mc, but then that kiss reawakens a part of her that she had kept hidden for years, her guilt feelings come out, and in this situation pushing Mc towards Jill, even if selfish, makes sense.
It's not by chance that in that moment of the story DPC turns an innocent choice like going to thank Bella in the first step towards her relationship with MC.

Once Jill tells Bella how the date went well, how Mc seems like the right guy, Bella should avoid him like the plague, not take a sauna with him.
From then on Bella towards Jill is a big bitch, without any nuance. [...]
umm no ... in my playthrough Jill says the date was ok he doesnt seem to be that interested in me


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I'm alright with the people who've been friends with Sage instead of fuck buddies jumping on her wagon in Episode 7, but for those who've tried to deliberately ignore Sage and go out of their way to ensure that they don't get on her path, I don't understand at all why they can still choose to pursue Sage at the HOT's party. I vividly remember a member of the forum commenting about this exact case, and I just couldn't wrap my head around it. Like, you're already treating her like Chad is at this point, but why the hell are you still allowed to choose whether to go for her or not???? Does the built-up RP mean nothing? I'm so confused by this, honestly speaking. I'm hoping for those that went for her in Episode 7 even after deliberately avoiding everything to do with her have to deal with some repercussions in future episodes.
Well, RPs have never meant much in this game. So I wouldn't put much stock in them.

I do agree that MCs who go out of their way to avoid Sage completely shouldn't be given the opportunity to pursue her now. But I think that's more an indication we should never have had the opportunity to avoid her that completely in the first place.

It's pretty clear the game intends the LIs to be load-bearing plot elements in the story, and thus the MC needs a reason to at least care about each of them (even if not romantically). I think that's reasonable, but it does mean the game should be clear on that point. Don't pretend I can wash my hands of Sage if it's going to be vital that the MC be the sort of person Sage might call for emotional support after Chad breaks up with her.

I think this just comes down to DPC wanting to offer a lot of choices but not thinking through the full implications. I found it easy to make that sort of mistake in my brief career as a pen and paper game master, so it's not too surprising DPC might have bitten off more than he could chew in the earlier episodes. Hopefully he's learned his lesson.

(It would also help if the game would avoid antagonizing us with the actions of the LIs (*cough*ruined library in Episode 4*cough*), but that's a separate issue.)

I would be perfectly ok with Bella beeing pissed but as the game lets you think this is not a problem during two episode and then suddently backstab you for this, it's really lame.
If Bella had told me this just after the scene with Cathy, it would be fine.
And you say it's not a harem game, are you kidding me, the whole game constantly push you and worse force to to that direction for what , beeing able to backstab you later and make choices for you so you are pissed :ROFLMAO:
I have made a first gameplay before by trying to reject all girls and you can't really, so if you want a girl you need to reject all others from start or you will get fucked up well in the end.
And by playing this way you give up to all the fun content in this game, so what's the point, playing an anoying game just to maybe have the girl you want in the end.
It hasn't been that long in game since the incident with Cathy, and Bella is definitely not going to have this conversation in the library. The only time the MC and Bella interact in private between the end of Episode 5 (which is the first time she could have found the panties) and the shoe dropping in Episode 7 is when she helps the MC clean his room in Episode 6.

If Bella had found the panties by then, I agree she should have confronted the MC rather than have her lewd scene. But it's quite possible Bella hadn't found them yet, in which case the timeline fits. So I'll assume that's what happened unless we learn otherwise.

As for being forced to miss all the content with other girls, that's one way to look at it. The other is that this is an opportunity to add replay value. If you pursue both Cathy and Bella, you get a unique scene in that run. Yes, you can no longer pursue Bella (at least for now), but that's what other playthroughs are for.

If i for example, we go back to my scene with Bella in the car, it was totally lame because i did not had any choice. If she had told be about this and asked me to explain what i had done, i could have talked with her and she would have given me the choice to pursue with her and give up about the other girls and then trying with her to find a way to clean up the situation with her friend Jill.
But if the game lets you go very far with all the girls without warning (other girls getting jalous and pissed) and then in the end just choose a girl for you based on your past events without letting you anything to say, i'm out.
I have played many other games for example Where the heart is, where you can pursue all girls but at a certain point you can just talk with the girl and stop her path when you see that it will become impossible to go on without getting problems.
But what i totally hate, is that someone suddently tap me on the shoulder and tells me "you are an asshole y ditch you because ten years ago, you stole my cookie" !!
But WTHI is doing precisely what you claim not to want: allow you to persist in a mistake it absolutely will hold against you down the line for a much longer time. If we had been able to smooth-talk our way out of this predicament with Bella, we'd just be kicking the can down the road until the next opportunity to get caught.

It's true that WtHI has some opportunities to bow out of a romance gracefully, but they're not all that common. So putting off the decision isn't guaranteed to give you an opportunity to avoid the consequences. (BaDIK only has such an option for M&J so far, but it's also much still fairly early in the story.)

we are not talking about a relationship in its infancy

when Bella starts pushing Jill to give MC a chance it makes sense, and at that moment there is little more than sexual attraction between Bella and MC, so something that doesn't take long to stop.

But by the sixth chapter the situation is different, Bella is already aware that it's no longer just a sexual need and in fact wants to deepen the relationship with MC.
Bella knows how important Mc is for Jill, so important that she has to submit to Tybalt's blackmail, to accept not to see Mc in public. how can a friend bring him home and ask him for a real date?
in this situation how is the escapade with Cathe an insurmountable problem?
Because she sees Cathy's panties as proof the MC is willing to sleep around without regard to a long term goal. Am I the only one who thinks this makes sense?

Bella rationalizes her relationship with the MC as - against all logic - having a chance to be more than just sex. She sees his courtship of Jill in the same light; as the thousands of jokes will attest, anyone pursuing Jill is clearly after something more than a quick lay. But Cathy is different. A long-term relationship between the MC and Cathy is even more doomed than a relationship between the MC and Bella, AND Bella has a much easier time recognizing that because her hormones aren't clouding her judgement (if anything, they're sharpening it via jealousy). That in turn makes it much easier for Bella to recognize just how unwise it is to fool around with the MC, and gives her the push needed to call it off.

As for why Bella doesn't break things off because of Jill, again, that seems pretty obvious: Bella's only human. She *knows* she should call this off in favor of Jill. She'll all but say that in some dialog choices. She just can't bring herself to do it because she really wants to be with the MC [well, that's the theory; I'm still not feeling it personally]. It would be *so* much easier for Bella if the MC broke things off himself, so she keeps putting off the decision in hopes she won't have to make it. Combine that with the fact that actually telling Jill what's going on is a complete non-starter (it would mean revealing something profoundly embarrassing about herself AND admitting what she had been doing to Jill), and Bella's basically stuck in a loop with no easy way out.

Of course this is only a temporary state of affairs. Eventually circumstances will force some sort of resolution, which is just what happened with the panties. But even if you make no move on Cathy, I imagine similar results will occur if Bella learns the MC has been having flings with other girls.

So to me the resolution to this situation may be unexpected, but it does not feel arbitrary. As I said before, we all knew there would eventually be consequences to fooling around, it seems silly to complain when said consequences finally bite you in the ass just because you weren't able to predict exactly when and where the bite was coming.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Because she sees Cathy's panties as proof the MC is willing to sleep around without regard to a long term goal. Am I the only one who thinks this makes sense?

Bella rationalizes her relationship with the MC as - against all logic - having a chance to be more than just sex. She sees his courtship of Jill in the same light; as the thousands of jokes will attest, anyone pursuing Jill is clearly after something more than a quick lay. But Cathy is different. A long-term relationship between the MC and Cathy is even more doomed than a relationship between the MC and Bella, AND Bella has a much easier time recognizing that because her hormones aren't clouding her judgement (if anything, they're sharpening it via jealousy). That in turn makes it much easier for Bella to recognize just how unwise it is to fool around with the MC, and gives her the push needed to call it off.

As for why Bella doesn't break things off because of Jill, again, that seems pretty obvious: Bella's only human. She *knows* she should call this off in favor of Jill. She'll all but say that in some dialog choices. She just can't bring herself to do it because she really wants to be with the MC [well, that's the theory; I'm still not feeling it personally]. It would be *so* much easier for Bella if the MC broke things off himself, so she keeps putting off the decision in hopes she won't have to make it. Combine that with the fact that actually telling Jill what's going on is a complete non-starter (it would mean admitting something profoundly embarrassing about herself AND admitting what she had been doing to Jill), and Bella's basically stuck in a loop with no easy way out.

Of course this is only a temporary state of affairs. Eventually circumstances will force some sort of resolution, which is just what happened with the panties. But even if you make no move on Cathy, I imagine similar results will occur if Bella learns the MC has been having flings with other girls.

So to me the resolution to this situation may be unexpected, but it does not feel arbitrary. As I said before, we all knew there would eventually be consequences to fooling around, it seems silly to complain when said consequences finally bite you in the ass just because you weren't able to predict exactly when and where the bite was coming.
for what reason? Cathe is not married, which makes a relationship with her much easier than a relationship with Bella, in any respect.

But then in your answer at the end you say what I say... Bella should break up with Mc right away for Jill, but she doesn't do it because of her weakness, because she's involved, instead she just takes the run in with Cathe to end a complicated relationship

ending things with Mc because of Cathe is an excuse for Bella not to have to face what she's doing behind Jill's back and behind her husband's back (if he's alive).

She chooses a lesser motive because she can't face the greater one.
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May 14, 2017
I really hope in next chapter, we can avoid Jill.. Like we really should tell her 'Im not interested in you' or something if you avoiding her path. But then I remember what DPC said before the game came out 'Some events will be forced for the sake of the story.' Its like Jill story. Where u can't say 'Im not interested in you'
In Episode 5, And again im not in her path. She even kiss you in Bella's house before you both sleep, and you can't avoid that kiss.(Also IDK if it because im playing with mod. That night kiss is forced right? Even if you not in her path?)
Like bro I just want to end up with Bella without big drama. Don't want to break Jill's heart. But knowing DPC.. Well..


Feb 13, 2018
I really hope in next chapter, we can avoid Jill.. Like we really should tell her 'Im not interested in you' or something if you avoiding her path. But then I remember what DPC said before the game came out 'Some events will be forced for the sake of the story.' Its like Jill story. Where u can't say 'Im not interested in you'
In Episode 5, And again im not in her path. She even kiss you in Bella's house before you both sleep, and you can't avoid that kiss.(Also IDK if it because im playing with mod. That night kiss is forced right? Even if you not in her path?)
Like bro I just want to end up with Bella without big drama. Don't want to break Jill's heart. But knowing DPC.. Well..
I'm sorry, but you'll have to break Jill's heart and Bella will murder the mc for that. While the two of them make up they will burry the mc somewhere near Bella's late husband... "He wasn't right for any of us."
Jan 30, 2021
I really hope in next chapter, we can avoid Jill.. Like we really should tell her 'Im not interested in you' or something if you avoiding her path. But then I remember what DPC said before the game came out 'Some events will be forced for the sake of the story.' Its like Jill story. Where u can't say 'Im not interested in you'
In Episode 5, And again im not in her path. She even kiss you in Bella's house before you both sleep, and you can't avoid that kiss.(Also IDK if it because im playing with mod. That night kiss is forced right? Even if you not in her path?)
Like bro I just want to end up with Bella without big drama. Don't want to break Jill's heart. But knowing DPC.. Well..
you can do that if Bella doesnt likeMC. Jill will still protect MC from Tybalt and want to hang out .
she just cares for MC.

MC asked her out on the date not other way around .

edit my advice would be dont go for her RP . dont get -RP
dont kiss her or shower with her on the date . and when MC asks her out . choose "because Tybalt"
the game will note that .


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
Pleaseeee help! I want to continue the game
Some problems only happen in the compressed versions, there may be some fixes somewhere in this thread but goodluck on finding them in nearly 7k pages...

Best bet for now is installing the full version of the game and the full version update, (and an updated walkthough/cheat mod if you happen to use that...) Atleast i have not had any problems with them so far...


Apr 28, 2021
If i for example, we go back to my scene with Bella in the car, it was totally lame because i did not had any choice. If she had told be about this and asked me to explain what i had done, i could have talked with her and she would have given me the choice to pursue with her and give up about the other girls and then trying with her to find a way to clean up the situation with her friend Jill.
But if the game lets you go very far with all the girls without warning (other girls getting jalous and pissed) and then in the end just choose a girl for you based on your past events without letting you anything to say, i'm out.
I have played many other games for example Where the heart is, where you can pursue all girls but at a certain point you can just talk with the girl and stop her path when you see that it will become impossible to go on without getting problems.
But what i totally hate, is that someone suddently tap me on the shoulder and tells me "you are an asshole y ditch you because ten years ago, you stole my cookie" !!
I mean, this is more realistic in a way. IMO Bella's been through a lot considering her age, and she herself knew that her relationship with MC was immoral and adulterous. My opinion is that she's been feeling unloved and unsatisfied for far too long, leading her to want to continue her relationship with MC although she knew that it was wrong, because she wanted to feel what she's been missing out on for so long.

Additionally, imagine the extra dialogue DPC would have to think of in the event you wanted to explain the situation to Bella. Imagine actually explaining yourself fucking another woman in a married woman's (who you're also having an affair with) personal car. Even after you explain yourself you'd still be ostracized by her too. This is more realistic in a way, rather than having Bella forgive you for fucking someone in her car. She probably has her limits too, and knows when they're crossed. IRL, unless you're madly in love with someone or just a pushover, something like this wouldn't go unpunished.

Ok, all arguing and bitching aside. I just gotta give a huge thanks to DPC for introducing me to The Friday Prophets. This band is fucking awesome.
IKR? Before playing BaD I'd heard of The Friday Prophets but never really gave them a listen, but right after playing the game, Punk Rock Flu became one of my favourite songs. The voice and instrumental are incredibly enjoyable and fun, and Amsterdam is a great listen too.

I remember right after finishing my first run, I went on YT looking for the BaD soundtrack, and added them all to my playlist. Had Chukura's Lonely on repeat for a few days too. Kinda sad that Lonely and Absentrealities' "Three's A Crowd" aren't on Spotify, but hey, at least YT has 'em.

Yes of course, but why did Bella wait untill now to tell me this, she found the panties certainly the next day i drove Cathy home, so she could have called me and asked me about what i had done.
There're a few possibilities:

1. She had an internal conflict when she found out about it and was having an internal debate about what her next move should be.
2. She was thinking about the MC too much to notice a pair of panties lying in her car.
3. The panties were in her glove compartment and she didn't really have a reason to open them up until recently.

In any case, what's done is done, and Bella is off the radar if you've fucked Cathy
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
for what reason? Cathe is not married, which makes a relationship with her much easier than a relationship with Bella, in any respect.

But then in your answer at the end you say what I say... Bella should break up with Mc right away for Jill, but she doesn't do it because of her weakness, because she's involved, instead she just takes the run in with Cathe to end a complicated relationship

ending things with Mc because of Cathe is an excuse for Bella not to have to face what she's doing behind Jill's back and behind her husband's back (if he's alive).

She chooses a lesser motive because she can't face the greater one.
It's not either or, it's both and.

Bella is trying to rationalize a way to pursue the MC. Pursuing him at the same time as Jill is already stretching Bella's rationalization to its limit. No surprise that adding yet another factor that would need to be rationalized (like Cathy) is enough to bring the whole thing crashing down. Once her rationalization is broken, Bella is able to definitively call things off with the MC.

Absent Cathy, Bella is finally willing to commit to pursuing the MC (as shown by her removing her ring at the end of the episode). She's still not able to come clean to Jill, though, because that has a host of other problems attached to it (the big ones are admitting to seeing the MC behind Jill's back and having to deal with the forbidden nature of their relationship). But the matter is obviously not resolved, and further complications might force Bella to take action again.

As for Cathy being unmarried, that's not really relevant: Cathy can't have a relationship with a student whether she's single or not.

Bella's own marriage only matters because of her personal hang-ups. If Bella really is willing to enter into a relationship with the MC, there's plenty of time between now and when the MC graduates (or Bella transfers) to end what's left of her marriage. (Given what we've seen, she could almost certainly have already divorced James if she had been so inclined).

In theory, the same could be true with Cathy, it's just that it's a ludicrously implausible path to attempt. Bella can recognize how implausible it is when she sees it objectively with Cathy in a way that she couldn't see when looking at it from her own point of view.

That's how I see it, at any rate.


Apr 28, 2021
I haven't seen this scene since I'm not doing a Bella playthru. Just one question though, how does Bella know that these are Cathy's panties?
I mean, she knows that they aren't hers. She probably knows what kind of panties Jill wears, and knows that MC doesn't wear panties either (or this was one of her early guesses, idk). By process of elimination, the only remaining person who's been in her car is Cathy, and that was when the MC drove her home. As a functional human being, I believe she has enough brain to put two and two together and get the whole picture.

I really hope in next chapter, we can avoid Jill.. Like we really should tell her 'Im not interested in you' or something if you avoiding her path. But then I remember what DPC said before the game came out 'Some events will be forced for the sake of the story.' Its like Jill story. Where u can't say 'Im not interested in you'
In Episode 5, And again im not in her path. She even kiss you in Bella's house before you both sleep, and you can't avoid that kiss.(Also IDK if it because im playing with mod. That night kiss is forced right? Even if you not in her path?)
Like bro I just want to end up with Bella without big drama. Don't want to break Jill's heart. But knowing DPC.. Well..
I'm hoping for this too. As a Sage main, I wanna get off Jill's route ASAP before she becomes overly attached to my MC and gets hurt when I break the news to her. The kissing in Bella's house was a choice IIRC, in the scene before where you could've chosen to take her hand or not. That choice was probably the catalyst for the make-out session. I wouldn't put my hopes too high for a solo Bella route, because that in itself seems like it's gonna take a lot of work to make sense of. I can already imagine the betrayal in Jill's eyes when she finds out her crush likes her best friend. Like, dude, god damn. That shit'll probably hurt like hell. DPC would have to prepare a plethora of different scenes just to have the whole scenario make sense IMO, else the quality of the story-telling and the game would just go down the drain.

However, I do think that there's a chance the Bella route would never actually happen, or would result in a bad ending. The reason is because back when MC first makes out with Bella, and she cries over it because she felt that it was wrong, there was a quick monologue where the MC just thinks something along the lines of "At the time, I couldn't understand why Bella was crying. Had I known what was going on in her mind, I wouldn't have done it." So this feels like some sort of a red flag.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
It's not either or, it's both and.

Bella is trying to rationalize a way to pursue the MC. Pursuing him at the same time as Jill is already stretching Bella's rationalization to its limit. No surprise that adding yet another factor that would need to be rationalized (like Cathy) is enough to bring the whole thing crashing down. Once her rationalization is broken, Bella is able to definitively call things off with the MC.

Absent Cathy, Bella is finally willing to commit to pursuing the MC (as shown by her removing her ring at the end of the episode). She's still not able to come clean to Jill, though, because that has a host of other problems attached to it (the big ones are admitting to seeing the MC behind Jill's back and having to deal with the forbidden nature of their relationship). But the matter is obviously not resolved, and further complications might force Bella to take action again.

As for Cathy being unmarried, that's not really relevant: Cathy can't have a relationship with a student whether she's single or not.

Bella's own marriage only matters because of her personal hang-ups. If Bella really is willing to enter into a relationship with the MC, there's plenty of time between now and when the MC graduates (or Bella transfers) to end what's left of her marriage. (Given what we've seen, she could almost certainly have already divorced James if she had been so inclined).

In theory, the same could be true with Cathy, it's just that it's a ludicrously implausible path to attempt. Bella can recognize how implausible it is when she sees it objectively with Cathy in a way that she couldn't see when looking at it from her own point of view.

That's how I see it, at any rate.
there is no prohibition of relationship between student and teacher if they are of age, at most it is inconvenient for the school (but since Cathe is transferring there is not even this problem anymore) , but also Bella is a teacher and will be a teacher of Mc next semester.

How is the fact that Bella is married insignificant?
of course she can get divorced but that doesn't take away from the fact that for a married woman to have an extramarital affair is much more complicated than for a woman to have an affair with a "only" much younger guy.

It seems to me that Bella continues to follow her emotions, and that she doesn't rationalize much. Staying over at the DIKs is the least rational thing a teacher should do, competing with her best friend for a boyfriend is rational?

the emotions got Bella into a complicated situation, from my point of view almost with no way out, and Cathe gave her the chance to get out of it. Without Cathe, in fact, she sinks even further into this double relationship (possibly, not obligatory) from which all three will come out very badly.
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May 14, 2017
However, I do think that there's a chance the Bella route would never actually happen, or would result in a bad ending. The reason is because back when MC first makes out with Bella, and she cries over it because she felt that it was wrong, there was a quick monologue where the MC just thinks something along the lines of "At the time, I couldn't understand why Bella was crying. Had I known what was going on in her mind, I wouldn't have done it." So this feels like some sort of a red flag.
I wouldn't say that man. Bella is Main LI like the other 4 girls. If there wouldn't be good ending with her, then why would DPC make her as a LI?

"At the time, I couldn't understand why Bella was crying. Had I known what was going on in her mind, I wouldn't have done it."

This thing still worries me, not gonna lie. But that could be anything tbh. (If u ask me this will be about her husband) I'm sure there will be happy ending with each main LI. Can you imagine where 4 Main LI gets happy ending aside from Bella? That would be some kind of milking. If you making a Main LI you need to make good ending with her or 'natural-bad' endings. She's not some kind of Side character. So I don't bet on that.

I can already imagine the betrayal in Jill's eyes when she finds out her crush likes her best friend. Like, dude, god damn. That shit'll probably hurt like hell.
That's why I'm saying we need to tell her 'I'm not interested in you' before to late.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I haven't seen this scene since I'm not doing a Bella playthru. Just one question though, how does Bella know that these are Cathy's panties?
Here's the sequence:
Bella_telltale_panties_1.jpg Bella_telltale_panties_2.jpg Bella_telltale_panties_3.jpg Bella_telltale_panties_4.jpg Bella_telltale_panties_5.jpg
The implication seems to be that Bella knows they aren't hers and can't think of anyone else's they could be. So if the MC insists on continuing their relationship she confronts him with the panties and her suspicions. She takes his pause and lame excuse making as confirmation.

I find it fairly plausible, IF we assume she didn't find the panties until after she helped the MC clean his room. Since the panties were presumably not in plain sight (otherwise Cathy or the MC would have noticed them) and since Bella doesn't drive people around very often, I can believe it might take her a few days to find them and figure out where they came from.

there is no prohibition of relationship between student and teacher if they are of age, at most it is inconvenient for the school (but since Cathe is transferring there is not even this problem anymore) , but also Bella is a teacher and will be a teacher of Mc next semester.
There is absolutely a most definite prohibition on relationships between teachers and students. Both the game and real life make that exceedingly clear.

It's true that Cathy transferring would solve that problem, but Cathy's resignation hadn't been announced yet.

It seems to me that Bella continues to follow her emotions, and that she doesn't rationalize much. Staying over at the DIKs is the least rational thing a teacher should do, competing with her best friend for a boyfriend is rational?
Perhaps this is a language barrier issue, but rationalization in this context is the process by which someone constructs a chain of reasoning to justify taking an action they want to take despite logic dictating against that action. It's effectively creating an excuse to do something you "know" you shouldn't. Normally emotions are the big reason you want to do so.
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