
Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
Here is my active list of theories about what is yet to be revealed;

Sage is connected to the Burke’s. Possibly as Stephen’s daughter/ Jade’s step daughter. Making Tybalt Her step brother.

Bella - There is a blood stain under her cabinet. Possibly a bullet hole instead. Either way something that indicates a violent act.

I think this goes without saying but the ‘blue van’ often seen in the proximity of Quinn is a surveillance van.

Quinn is responsible for the Cathy cluck. (Camilla distracting Rusty), Riona and Quinn all involved

The DIK traitor is Leon. Not sure why, but Nick seems to obvious. If it is Nick then seems likely as well that Vinny is behind the cluck. Might be over thinking and might just be Nick. Leon is the only DIK we know almost nothing about. In fact I think the only real conversation we had with him is about going jogging. (Secret Jock? i know this is a stretch)

Derek will fuck up the Ashley thing, especially if you ‘tried to get him laid’.

Tommy is going to do something major to piss off Heather, to get even she’ll insist on banging MC. Tommy will give his permission. (Don’t see us cucking Tommy)

Similar the only hope of banging Elena will be for a Devil’s Triangle with John Boy. Also possible we won’t get her at all.

Sallie will be made available because Magnar is a cuck. The reason she has the irrational hatred for MC is that Magnar wants her to bone him.


Nov 8, 2017
Bella - There is a blood stain under her cabinet. Possibly a bullet hole instead. Either way something that indicates a violent act.
Whatever the deal between Bella and her husband is, I don't think it will be something brutal. Tragic maybe but I don't see Bella being a murderer or whatever like DPC himself promised way back in December 2018, no more thriller. I know I know how naive I am trusting words of AVN Dev, but quite frankly I believe DPC has earned the benefit of the doubt



Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
Bella - There is a blood stain under her cabinet. Possibly a bullet hole instead. Either way something that indicates a violent act.
What is hidden behind that door will be the main intrigue of the finale. But I don't think there's blood. More like shoes.
Quinn is responsible for the Cathy cluck. (Camilla distracting Rusty), Riona and Quinn all involved
Probably. But why would Quinn frame Tommy and Rusty? This is illogical. Rusty and Tommy regularly bought drugs from her. As a result, the brotherhood was threatened with closure. What would Quinn have achieved if the fraternity had been dissolved?
Tommy is going to do something major to piss off Heather, to get even she’ll insist on banging MC. Tommy will give his permission. (Don’t see us cucking Tommy)
I'm pretty sure having sex with Heather will lead to a counter-confrontation with Tommy. He's the owner. He will take it especially negatively if his girlfriend is fucked by his rival and an informal leader.
Sallie will be made available because Magnar is a cuck. The reason she has the irrational hatred for MC is that Magnar wants her to bone him.
I think the only chance to fuck Sally is to dress up as a bard from DnD for Halloween


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
Besides DAZ, what else does he use?
I don't know for sure, but I can guess. This is exactly Cinema 4D and 3ds Max. The Сinema 4d is used to create clothes, makeup, etc. 3d Max for interior design. You can add another Blender, but I do not know why to use it.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Here is my active list of theories about what is yet to be revealed;

Sage is connected to the Burke’s. Possibly as Stephen’s daughter/ Jade’s step daughter. Making Tybalt Her step brother.

Bella - There is a blood stain under her cabinet. Possibly a bullet hole instead. Either way something that indicates a violent act.

I think this goes without saying but the ‘blue van’ often seen in the proximity of Quinn is a surveillance van.

Quinn is responsible for the Cathy cluck. (Camilla distracting Rusty), Riona and Quinn all involved

The DIK traitor is Leon. Not sure why, but Nick seems to obvious. If it is Nick then seems likely as well that Vinny is behind the cluck. Might be over thinking and might just be Nick. Leon is the only DIK we know almost nothing about. In fact I think the only real conversation we had with him is about going jogging. (Secret Jock? i know this is a stretch)

Derek will fuck up the Ashley thing, especially if you ‘tried to get him laid’.

Tommy is going to do something major to piss off Heather, to get even she’ll insist on banging MC. Tommy will give his permission. (Don’t see us cucking Tommy)

Similar the only hope of banging Elena will be for a Devil’s Triangle with John Boy. Also possible we won’t get her at all.

Sallie will be made available because Magnar is a cuck. The reason she has the irrational hatred for MC is that Magnar wants her to bone him.
Of all the blame given to Vinnie, the Cathe clutch makes the most sense as revenge.
Quinn has nothing to gain by forcing the DIKs to keep a low profile.

But for the devastation of the DIKs' house, I think that until proven otherwise, the JOCKs are the first suspects, and they must have been involved (they have the dildos and they have the opportunity).

the more we go on, the more I believe that Bella's big secret will be extremely disappointing, like a collection of magnetic plates


Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
Whatever the deal between Bella and her husband is, I don't think it will be something brutal. Tragic maybe but I don't see Bella being a murderer or whatever like DPC himself promised way back in December 2018, no more thriller. I know I know how naive I am trusting words of AVN Dev, but quite frankly I believe DPC has earned the benefit of the doubt

View attachment 1447912
I’ll take DPC at face value there, but the cabinet is 100% covering something, Bella isn’t the type of person to have have a cabinet at 45 degrees from the wall for no reason. Possible James tried to kill himself or had an episode and hurt Bella. That’s why he’s gone and can’t come back and why she can say she forgives him.

What is hidden behind that door will be the main intrigue of the finale. But I don't think there's blood. More like shoes.
View attachment 1447925

Probably. But why would Quinn frame Tommy and Rusty? This is illogical. Rusty and Tommy regularly bought drugs from her. As a result, the brotherhood was threatened with closure. What would Quinn have achieved if the fraternity had been dissolved?

I'm pretty sure having sex with Heather will lead to a counter-confrontation with Tommy. He's the owner. He will take it especially negatively if his girlfriend is fucked by his rival and an informal leader.

I think the only chance to fuck Sally is to dress up as a bard from DnD for Halloween
The door and the cabinet are two different things. Agree the locked room probably contains James‘ things. I think probably the mannequin the MC sees while drunk has an outfit of James’ on.

Rusty didn’t buy from Quinn, though he seems to know about it. The theory goes like this. Camilla fucks Rusty (Mona thinks she is ’probably banging some guy’ when we find her drunk). While Rusty is distracted Riona gets the laptop and takes it to the Library and posts the cluck. (Riona can be found near the Library feeling down) Rusty having finished checks his phone, sees the cluck and runs from his room. Enter Quinn who tries to get in the safe (which is found uncovered when we go to the room). Quinn is trying to steal from the fabled DIK safe. Presumably it’s locked and she fails.

It’s possible MC might bang Tommy, as I said I don’t see us Cucking him, but it’s certainly possible.

Haha funny idea with Sallie, Halloween costumes should be fun


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
I’ll take DPC at face value there, but the cabinet is 100% covering something, Bella isn’t the type of person to have have a cabinet at 45 degrees from the wall for no reason. Possible James tried to kill himself or had an episode and hurt Bella. That’s why he’s gone and can’t come back and why she can say she forgives him.

The door and the cabinet are two different things. Agree the locked room probably contains James‘ things. I think probably the mannequin the MC sees while drunk has an outfit of James’ on.

Rusty didn’t buy from Quinn, though he seems to know about it. The theory goes like this. Camilla fucks Rusty (Mona thinks she is ’probably banging some guy’ when we find her drunk). While Rusty is distracted Riona gets the laptop and takes it to the Library and posts the cluck. (Riona can be found near the Library feeling down) Rusty having finished checks his phone, sees the cluck and runs from his room. Enter Quinn who tries to get in the safe (which is found uncovered when we go to the room). Quinn is trying to steal from the fabled DIK safe. Presumably it’s locked and she fails.

It’s possible MC might bang Tommy, as I said I don’t see us Cucking him, but it’s certainly possible.

Haha funny idea with Sallie, Halloween costumes should be fun
Again, why? Why did Diks Queen get in the way? They have parties together. Tommy buys drugs from her. Quinn had to figure out the worst-case scenario in which the brotherhood is closed. What was she trying to achieve? Imagine. The brotherhood is dissolved. And then what? The only thing I can imagine is that Quinn was working for Burke.
As for Katie, considering that the flyers were spread around the campus, it looks like Jade's revenge. She's trying to be kind and smart, but she's a vindictive bitch. She could have gotten back at her when Burke started talking about Katie again.


Jan 20, 2018
If Icstor could maintain his Patreon base for years while doing nothing, DPC who consistently delivers high quality and high quantity releases shouldn't have any problem.

Many of his Patreon's are probably on the $1 tier all year round and just go to the $5 tier each time an update is released. That's $20 a year for two very substantial releases (or $10 per episode).

Is it worth it? That's up to them. But $20 a year isn't going to break most people's bank.

It's obviously cheaper buying it from Steam, at $14 a season ($3.50 an episode), but then you have to wait 2 years between releases instead of 6 months.

DPC is very driven, but he's also very rigid. He picks up on some minor suggestions, but he's not about to change how he operates when he's pulling in, at a bare minimum, $270K a year (assuming every single Patron is opting for the cheapest option - which they aren't, and discounting any Steam sales - he's surely clearing $300K).

So no, he doesn't have any incentive to compromise what he wants to deliver by reducing content, or hiring others (which would significantly eat into his bottom line).

Plenty of other great games here are taking just as long, or longer, to deliver less. Of course there are others that are releasing more frequently, but it's not even worth comparing the quantity or quality of those releases.

Personally I believe DPC is doing a phenomenal job. I believe he has a vision, and he is consistently delivering on that vision. If he could deliver the exact same product in a shorter time, and it doesn't cost him more money, and it doesn't result in his wife having an affair due to neglect, and it doesn't result in him dying prematurely, I'm sure he would.

But if he has to compromise on the product, or lose revenue, or it results in depravation of family time, or it drives him to an early grave, I'm happy to wait for however long it takes for the next episode and given the consistent rise in his patron count, I think most of his supporters are happy to wait too.
To make it clear, I didnt say that the current timeframe was unsustainable. I explicitly said that the TREND itself was. Because dev time is clearly increasing every time. Ep8 being the biggest update + Steam launch of season2 makes this understandable, but if he keeps scaling UP every time, pretty soon we will be looking down the gun of 10 months for an episode timeframe, and that by itself, that possibility is what I commented on.

And sorry, but no amount of quality can make up for such a timeframe in my mind. And that is my opinion, that I am not imposing on anyone, so hold off on those hateful comments that I can already see in the minds of some people in this thread. (Not you shazba, but you know who I'm talking about)


Sep 6, 2021
As for Katie, considering that the flyers were spread around the campus, it looks like Jade's revenge. She's trying to be kind and smart, but she's a vindictive bitch. She could have gotten back at her when Burke started talking about Katie again.
That doesn't really track because Jade is clearly affected by Cathy leaving. If Jade was so enraged that she posted the cluck and continued to spread the flyers on a daily basis, Cathy leaving because of the flyers wouldn't have left her so depressed.
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Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
Again, why? Why did Diks Queen get in the way? They have parties together. Tommy buys drugs from her. Quinn had to figure out the worst-case scenario in which the brotherhood is closed. What was she trying to achieve? Imagine. The brotherhood is dissolved. And then what? The only thing I can imagine is that Quinn was working for Burke.
As for Katie, considering that the flyers were spread around the campus, it looks like Jade's revenge. She's trying to be kind and smart, but she's a vindictive bitch. She could have gotten back at her when Burke started talking about Katie again.
I agree Jade is a suspect for the Cathy cluck. She needs means, motive and opportunity. We know the motive, revenge for fucking Stephen. We know the means, a naked changing room picture on Rooster. The lacking explanation is opportunity. How would she gain access to the DIK Rooster, which is only logged in on the lap top. Could she really have snuck in to the DIK mansion, during a party and stolen the laptop, taken it to the Library and posted the cluck with no one seeing her? I don’t think so. (Though in the game world, maybe).

As for Quinn. Means, takes the picture in the changing room of Cathy, I’ve explained how her Camilla and Riona were all involved.

Opportunity - has access to the DIKs mansion for parties and can move around without people questioning her, she also uses Camilla as a distraction and works with Riona to achieve the final result.

As for motive, she is very short of Money, seemingly due to her own drug use. She is desperate, she needs The money that is in the safe. Tommy already told her the DIKs would take the blame for something she had planned, though I think this is something else. She also probably new that Chad got kicked out of the Alphas for beating up the MC. Perhaps she figured worst case scenario Rusty gets kicked out and that leaves Tommy in charge, which works for her anyway


Sep 7, 2021
Of all the blame given to Vinnie, the Cathe clutch makes the most sense as revenge.
Quinn has nothing to gain by forcing the DIKs to keep a low profile.

But for the devastation of the DIKs' house, I think that until proven otherwise, the JOCKs are the first suspects, and they must have been involved (they have the dildos and they have the opportunity).

the more we go on, the more I believe that Bella's big secret will be extremely disappointing, like a collection of magnetic plates
I also think the jocks since Dawe looks at the mansion when the DIKS go off to the Prep party.
But... remember that MC mentioned the fine handwriting? ( i believe it was in Rusty's room ) It sure looks similar to the handwriting in his room (old library) and then it's got to be Vinnie who's trying to set things up between the Jocks and the Diks


Nov 22, 2019
I agree Jade is a suspect for the Cathy cluck. She needs means, motive and opportunity. We know the motive, revenge for fucking Stephen. We know the means, a naked changing room picture on Rooster. The lacking explanation is opportunity. How would she gain access to the DIK Rooster, which is only logged in on the lap top. Could she really have snuck in to the DIK mansion, during a party and stolen the laptop, taken it to the Library and posted the cluck with no one seeing her? I don’t think so. (Though in the game world, maybe).

As for Quinn. Means, takes the picture in the changing room of Cathy, I’ve explained how her Camilla and Riona were all involved.

Opportunity - has access to the DIKs mansion for parties and can move around without people questioning her, she also uses Camilla as a distraction and works with Riona to achieve the final result.

As for motive, she is very short of Money, seemingly due to her own drug use. She is desperate, she needs The money that is in the safe. Tommy already told her the DIKs would take the blame for something she had planned, though I think this is something else. She also probably new that Chad got kicked out of the Alphas for beating up the MC. Perhaps she figured worst case scenario Rusty gets kicked out and that leaves Tommy in charge, which works for her anyway
UH UH. Can i join in?
I find it highly suspicious how Nick's room was the only one that was not destroyed by the aaa. Not only does he have access to the laptop, but he was also the one who "found" it and somehow acted strange and absent when we approached him to talk. Plus: Until now he is one of the few characters that does not have much going for him in terms of character developement. I think that he is the one who made the rooster post. Only question is why though.

At the very least i think he knows who did it and acted as an enabler.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
UH UH. Can i join in?
I find it highly suspicious how Nick's room was the only one that was not destroyed by the aaa. Not only does he have access to the laptop, but he was also the one who "found" it and somehow acted strange and absent when we approached him to talk. Plus: Until now he is one of the few characters that does not have much going for him in terms of character developement. I think that he is the one who made the rooster post. Only question is why though.

At the very least i think he knows who did it and acted as an enabler.
Yes Nick is a suspect. As I said in my original post, he is certainly being made to look like the bad guy, I suspect it’s a little to obvious, however that may be overthinking things.
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