
Active Member
May 18, 2018
For Jill path, you have to choose to go on a birthday date with Jill instead of caring for sick Sage, go jogging with her, and choose to fight for her.

That will lock you into the Jill path.
jogging with her? when? last update? also fight for her? when? I chilled with her on her b-day


Dec 22, 2019
This thread truly turned into a massive compilation of hot takes after what seemed to be one of the best updates for this game.
  • People being surprised by 'twists' in the cliffhangers? (Even though countless times such a technique has been used in the past in the same game, and most didn't even give two cents about them but decided to this time albeit it not being convoluted?) Check
  • People being surprised by 'unexpected twists?' Even when many predicted it some time ago as it was with ep. 7's ending 'twist'? So if you have predicted before, you came to that conclusion by using the game's material which led you to believe in such a possibility, so how is that 'unexpected' then? Even so, if a 'twist' is completely 'out of the left field' (even when it actually isn't), it's 'bad' because it's convoluted and was not hinted at all by the story or the clues given before? Check
  • People being surprised that the choice to actually choose a LI out of the main LIs is actually there at the end of this episode? It was built up possibly not perfectly, but definitely logically by the events of the game: the MC consistently thinking about dating his behavior when dating multiple girls at the same time, second-guessing himself, and then maturing over the course of the events of the game. Meeting and seeing most of the main girls together was the final straw that broke the camel's back in terms of continuing to play with the main girls' feelings for the rest of the game? The choice didn't come out of nowhere, and if your MC has been completely faithful to a single main LI throughout the whole game, that is depicted in the final choice and montage. Most are salty about this because they thought that everyone's going to be expendable for the whole game. Even with the choice at the end of 8, we don't know exactly how the relationships will actually develop. What if you choose 'Others' but then you actually 'come to your senses' and decide that it's better to finally settle down with someone. What if you start being serious with a main LI, but then you cheat or get caught cheating? We don't know what will follow after this big choice, so we can't act as if we do. Of course, there is an argument that DPC just might not give that big choice again to us later on in the game, and undoubtedly, it heavily depends on the developer's own design and choice (as this whole game or any other on this forum), but to say that it's 'set in stone' and we know what will happen with the game in the future would be too early and unjustifiable as we simply can't say that without knowing the rest of the game. Check
  • People pointlessly saying again that DPC is 'milking' and should hire a team to help him speed up the development process because it's 'taking too long'. This is quite valid, however, as it was repeated on this and other game threads multiple times before, it brings much more risks with itself rather than keep working as is now, especially if the present arrangement 'works'. I don't want to mention other games here to not get the post deleted, but there are quite a few developers who either hired actual assistance or even had full-fledged teams for working on the game(-s), and in most cases the quality goes down or the team runs a risk of breaking up at any moment because some member of the team might leave, get seriously ill, etc., etc. There are too many extra variables to be added when you involve actual additional people (coding, rendering, writing; not additional art commissioning or beta-testing as here), and most of the time those don't work out, only a handful of projects have actual functioning teams that deliver a successful game. Check

There always will be some questions or complaints with a game or an update, that's normal and to be expected, plot devices and conveniences exist in every possible medium, you can’t satisfy everyone with every bit of something, but to prematurely say after an update that it 'should be the last one', or DPC is 'losing interest', or he should 'write some events differently', whilst all fair concerns, are mostly unjustified by the actual content and events of this update which followed after Season 1 and 3 episodes of Season 2
Over all this was a very well paced update. There could have been a few changes of course like any other EP or game. Would have been nice if he was questioned by jill/josy/mya about what he is thinking. After Jill takes MC to her friends i thought that was a great time to have a great interaction.

I hope in season 3 if you pick the isabella path that there might be a twist with Jill. Since both MC and bella both care for her. That could be an intreseting twist. Also jade and sage was a nice twist be interesting how that plays out.
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Jan 15, 2019
Asking for some advice when re-running the paths fellas. What is the best affinity (DIK, CHIK, neutral) for each main LI's (Josy and Maya, Jill, Sage and Bella)) path?
Sage and Bella - DIK / CHICK / NEUTRAL


Jill - CHICK maybe neutral as well (preferably Chick)

affcouse you have to do/take some certain things/decision to be on their paths


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2018
You need either neutral or chick, most people don't keep it neutral so
Yeah i know, i didn't want to look at the script code (too much hehehe) as i play "blind" for my main save path and i think you can even romance Jill with dik affinity but might not get some scenes (not sure of this tho, don't have such playthrough).

p.s. My MC hit perma-nautral affinity with that cheat paper in the bathroom for that exam.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
You're exaggerating the problem. Throughout the season, Tremolo has been asking himself who he should stay with. Yes, it was really implemented in the end quite crumpled.
But how was it supposed to be done? You ,guys, have too high expectations for the game and the engine having serious technical limitations. The funniest claim for me is that the сhoice system doesn't always work. Certainly. Not in all AAA-class games does the choice system play a role at all (we will recall the Mass Effect), and in such a technically backward engine as renpy, it was apparently not possible to implement all the variables and make a different path for each solution. It's a lot of work. The work already took 7 months, if hundreds more variables had their own variables, everything would have been confused in a heap.
Sure, choice is always going to be an illusion, but it has to be a good illusion. The MC did indeed keep questioning his own behavior in Season 2... and then went right back to whatever he was doing. He never actually took any of those questions to heart. Then one morning Heather compares him to Tommy and suddenly he has a "revelation." That's what creates the disconnect and ruins the illusion.

I understand there will always be resource limitations, but that's part and parcel to being a game designer. You need to save your powder for the most important choices first and foremost. To continue the Mass Effect analogy, the decision to limit the ME2 teammates to a single side mission apiece (rather than being part of the team) in ME3 was a shame, but a good allocation of resources. The decision to limit the ME2 teammates to quick holo-cameos before the final battle was a more questionable allocation of resources. The decision to end the trilogy with a simple Red/Blue/Green choice of poorly explained options has to rank as one of the worst allocations of resources in video game history.

We're nowhere close to Mass Effect 3 here, thank heavens. Still, this episode was called "Crossroads;" choosing not to spend resources fleshing out those diverging paths is a highly questionable move IMHO. If DPC wasn't willing or able to handle all the options he had written himself into, it would have been better to scrap the idea of a single crossroad and instead allow each path to find its own turning point. For example, Jill vs Bella would be decided after the doubles tennis match. Sage vs M/J would be decided when Sage asks the MC to help her help Maya. That sort of thing. Then let Becky's party be the point where the MC will take stock of his partying habits and decide whether he wants an endless stream of flings or to buckle down and commit to a serious relationship.

We still end up with the MC committed to a path, but now it feels like a progression of his actions rather than directive from on high. I don't think that would require all that much more work than what we got either, and it would flow a hell of a lot smoother. Sure, I'd still be worried about resetting Maya's subplot and Zoey's roll in Season 3, but at least I'd have a lot more faith in the game respecting and adapting to my most important decisions.
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
Also does anyone know what Others means at the end of the game? like that keep us open for a potential relationship in episode 9 or does that close all the current relationship option doors? Cause I find odd we gotta chose now when there's still a whole 3rd season left to play.
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Devoted Member
Sep 25, 2018
Sorry, but I will ask again. Is there a way to just update the game? I don't want do download all the game again.
okay am i missing something? last time when i saw episode 7 released, it had an update file. I don't see that with episode 8. I only see the full game to download.
Win MediaFire link is dead... file is missing. All of the other links are slow as f.... so won't even bother trying it from those... anyone got a full DL stashed on a GDrive or some such ?
is there any update patch where u only dl season 8?
Here you go...


Active Member
Jul 13, 2018
HOLY SHIT!!! DPC WOW!!! The unexpected... WOW!!! It hit me big coz I played the Sage route. Oh the complications that will come. Now that I think about it, any route will lead to this complication. Well done DPC, so well done!
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