Not sure what the "rules" are on introducing LIs into the game midway through the story. If the mc has decided he doesn't want to be with any of the official LIs, it's time to look to greener pastures for Fuckface to sow his oats.
Don't know if Zoey could become a LI I do wounder if "side girls" could move up into being a LI for those that pick other or if down the road in season 3 or 4 if things aren't working out with your girl you could get a new LI. It feels like it depends how much longer the game goes if we get 8 more updates that might be a little soon because after it did take 8 pick a girl to be your girlfriend at the pace the game is going now not sure if that enough time to bring in new girls as LI and give them the proper time they would need but that just me could be wrong.
Ok, my mind is officially blown. Like all over the car interior, Pulp Fiction style blown!
I just dropped my kid off to school and, since I'm still on a BaDIK high after ep8 release, I put the playlist on as I was driving along.
At the lights, in my peripheral I noticed a guy in a convertible, he might have looked at me, you know that awkward thing drivers do when they are looking around but don't wanna catch each other's eyes.
My music wasn't too loud, but it was playing that Jill music when they are chatting on the bench after the tennis game, and I suddenly felt a little self conscious; it's probably not the most manly music to be sharing with the public...
Anyway, as the lights went green, he yelled something out. At first I didn't realise what he said, I didn't even think he was yelling at me, but it seemed like it.
But as he sped off, it dawned on me what he yelled:
How to get Jill to not reject MC ? , i tried editing nearly everything in her favor with the mod but nothing works , Scrappy mod says i need to not have dik affinity but that doesnt seem to be the case
I think i missing something in the red square. Can someone help me?
Probably something between starting episode and Jill's resital. But i couldn't find it what it is.
With best regards, Thanks.
Neil already knows her and approves of her and he looked delighted to see her, so no fear bringing her home to meet the family (imagine that weirdness of inviting Bella over to meet the folks, or the awkwardness of a family dinner with Quinn as a guest )
The mc and Zoe have a positive relationship, it didn't end on a sour note or anything, she just went on to further her life. Maybe she realises the connection she had with the mc was more special than she understood at the time.
For an mc who ended up with "Others" as his choice, i.e. he wasn't ready to commit to any of the main LIs, Zoe could be a breath of fresh air.
They haven't been apart for more than a year, the mc only just turned 19, the scenes of them fucking (for Patreon and probably legal reasons) required that they both be 18+, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for them to pick up where they left off.
Not sure what the "rules" are on introducing LIs into the game midway through the story. If the mc has decided he doesn't want to be with any of the official LIs, it's time to look to greener pastures for Fuckface to sow his oats.
You want the translation so your friend can enjoy the game on her own, without you there translating for her? I feel you may be setting yourself up to miss an opportunity here.
I finally got around to playing ep. 8, so here are my first impressions. I haven't kept up with any postings, reviews, theories, etc. on the forum, so this is an unfiltered, unhinged, stream of consciousness view.
No man i got everything. Jill's photo, Sage's leaf, and Bella's wine cork. Everything stays at top. Between gym membership and recital there is always gap. I checked with shazba and also check it myself. At picture you can see everything u can achieve. If you look carefully you can see edges of photo and at the tip of leaf i got it via mod.
I finally got around to playing ep. 8, so here are my first impressions. I haven't kept up with any postings, reviews, theories, etc. on the forum, so this is an unfiltered, unhinged, stream of consciousness view.
On my first run with Sage, I absolutely hated it and would have rated the episode a 2/5 ( take that Sage) if I didn't play any other routes. I was already miffed because of my technical problems and then Sage's content really annoyed me. She is all over the board with her behaviour. Season 1 Sage is dead and episode 8 finally killed her, the coup de grâce. The chickification is complete. Sage is a book worm chick who apparently now does threesomes like it's just a regular Tuesday. If that wasn't Sage, my fuck buddy, who couldn't get enough in season 1, blue balled me twice in ep. 8. When she finally does let loose, it was during the threesome, which is completely out of character for her. Group sex isn't my kink and it felt forced, but I guess it's inevitable when there are so many characters. Even Jill had more meaningful one-on-one sex than Sage did in ep. 8, WTF!? When it came time for the "choice" I promptly and resolutely rejected Sage and went with 'Others.' That's right, my ginger waifu from the beginning has plummeted completely off my scale. Physically, she is still my ideal but her wildly shifting schizo behaviour from one episode to the next is baffling. And a word about Quinn. I know a lot of people may find the Quinn content (of trying to warm her up to PDAs) endearing but I find it terribly uninteresting. Her scenes were a disappointment.
Now you got me, I can't really remember if Zoey left after the last year of highschool or before that, because during the summer right before uni started the mc pretty much fell head over heels for Josy. If his relationship with Zoey was so important he wouldn't start looking for other girls right after she left.
It was before, she dropped out and left and or was older then him and finished before he did. But she left while he was still in highschool. "I couldn't go with her i decided to stay and finish high school it was the right thing to do."
Right, finished my first playthrough of the new episode, and compared to the previous ones, IMO this one felt more carefree, relaxed and light-hearted. Almost like the calm before the storm. Now I haven't played through the Jill, Bella and M&J routes yet, only the Sage route so far, but that's the overall vibe I got after I made it to the credits.
I can imagine Tybalt trying his best to persuade Stephen and Jade to reject any requests for help because of his bruised, battered puny ego after not only being turned down, but also swore at and downright humiliated at a fancy restaurant. (DEFINITELY ONE OF MY FAVOURITE PARTS IN THIS EPISODE HANDS DOWN! Loved seeing the tears run down his face and the New Jersey confetti dude.)
And also as derived from the episode name, we're finally being forced to pick just one love interest to truly focus on, and I'm curious as to how that mechanic is gonna be applied starting next season since it'll probably be up to 4 episodes long, with each episode providing a significant amount of play-time to the game. I'm curious as to what direction DPC will take the focused LI mechanic to and if there'll be big decisions that affect the MC just like the affinity choices since there's a chance of having obtained permanent affinity, thus limiting our potential choices towards certain situations.
Personally, I loved the Sage route and how you could actually see how close the MC was getting with Sage with her subtle gestures and changes in expressions at times. I'm honestly still enamored by her after all this time. I also think it was smart of her to not straight-up mention that she heard that Chad's gay since it could potentially harm the MC or Sarah and Melanie (he'd probably pin them as the prime suspects anyway). But I'm also a little disappointed that the "Chad is gay" thing doesn't really cause much of an impact this episode since it's huge information after all, and with the cliffhanger from the last episode, you'd think something bigger would happen. Oh well, can't have 'em all I guess.
I've only played through the episode once, so I'll refrain from making any more comments about it until I've played through it a couple of times on different routes to properly gauge if this episode has any plotholes or discrepancies with the previous ones. Though I will say that it provided an amazing and enjoyable experience the first time around.
I finally got around to playing ep. 8, so here are my first impressions. I haven't kept up with any postings, reviews, theories, etc. on the forum, so this is an unfiltered, unhinged, stream of consciousness view.
Episode 8 was my second long wait for the game. When I discovered BaDIK I binged 5 episodes straight for he first time and immediately started playing it again with different approaches. I was absolutely fucking hooked.
Episode 6 came out within a month so I was spared the agony, and I loved episode 6 as much as the previous episodes and then came my first excruciating 6 month (or whatever it was) wait.
When 7 came out I was somewhat deflated (after the ep6 Nicole and Sandy scene, Ep7 had the Madame to offer!), but I was still able to play it through multiple times and it grew on me and slotted in well with the rest of the game.
Now, after having hyped ourselves up for 7 months, episode 8 comes along and it's impossible for it to deliver on everything we desired, so once again the initial feeling for me was slightly deflated. After a few more playthroughs I'm content with it and once again, foolishly hyped for the next episode.
The bottom line: Playing these games in bits and pieces is, I believe, detrimental to the game. There are heaps of other games here that have great potential and may end up being great, but I can't be bothered playing them anymore (that includes City of Broken Dreamers) because they don't deliver on enough each time.
Even though BaDIK delivers an outstanding amount of content each episode, it still falls into the same category. Every last one of these games would be better played in one go (over a few weeks or whatever) from start to finish, rather than stopping and starting stretched out over years.
Personally, I'm thinking I might drop the long wait and forget about the game for a while, which may result in forgetting about it for a few years. Then one day, remember it again, pick it up and enjoy the whole experience. And that goes for all the cool games on this site. These days I just scroll through the "Completed" list.
ever since that flashback in the cafeteria, i really think the return of Zoey, the first best friend turned ex-lover is inevitable, cliche, that's how it is, even in Acting Lessons, the ex lover came back, and its up to DPC how he'll gonna sell Zoey to non-fans, but for the MC and his chosen LI/s, Zoey's gonna shake up their world.