Think you it was really bugging me i'm on a pure duo playthrough slept in bed pushed together went home with josy movie night with maya. -which begs the question why can you not choose other aka quinn if she can fall for the chick you as well as long as you a Go to her restraunt B do her hang out. she treats you like shes twiterpated even if you aren't a dick. you dont even have to use sara you can just pay for her and sleep with maya at party and it for some reason treats it as if you slept with sara. Maybe because her restraunt has a no refund policy haha or sara lied and said yea we did it.-case and point payed for sarah went home to maya but during the recape it still showed me bang sarah even though we didn't might be a programming oversite.
Conditions for Quinn is being a DIK ( quite literally ) take her offer at the beginning / eat her pussy at the rooftop / help her in need... ( DIK path ) the rest will come to you... just be a DIK onwards too the system is not complicated and since it's a game you should not look for real life logic in there !
DPC says that the next chapter would be short the "Zoey interlude" so would it be possible for it to come out in March? I mean DPC says short but I bet it would be more than 1000 renders which would be a small update for him would be a big one for other Devs
Yeah that's unfortunate but issues with them were noticable across the whole game (like that shot of MC in the train for instance) so I assume it's enormous pain in the ass to make them reflection free, most probably via postprocessing only? So regarding ep 8 issues - that's just probably due to pressure of time/crazy amount of work overall.
IDK, I started a new game to check yesterday before I posted. In the store with Josy. Her teeth are nice and white. I am sure there are some not so good. But this update it's super noticeable and distracting. In a lot of renders, it looks like a chrome grille.
It really is a lighting issue. Not a reflection issue. I can see that he is trying to use more natural light from the scene as his lighting source. He really should have painted their faces. I'm only at the pool with Sage. A lot of the renders are dark(MC's room EG). I prefer the earlier renders TBH.
As for time being an issue. It was 7 months between updates. So it's hard to use that as a reason. I would rather it take 8 or 9 months if it means getting them done correctly. Besides, he's making enough monthly to make this unacceptable IMHO. I could have done without the sliding animation.
Plus, so far the writing has been below standard this update. They need windows. I get it. How much content needs to be dedicated to that? I'm not a supporter currently. So I'm not complaining too much. But if I had supported the full 7 months between updates. I would be kind of pissed off. Let's just hope that episode 9 returns to DPC's incredibly high bar. That was present in 1-7.
Hey guys!
I am looking for a Fan Walkthrough, but not the one linked in page 1.
It kinda looks like an official guide to everything in the game (vault codes, rewards, mansion mini-game, etc.).
I had the version that was covering the first 7 episodes, but I mistakenly deleted it and now I can't find it anymore (the research feature here really isn't great). Does anyone know what I'm talking about and could link it to me?
Well, the only Fan Walkthrough I ever had is the one posted here, that was always quickly updated after the release of the new episode (and it's also updated now).
For the Official Walkthrough we have to wait for a while, so I don't know any other walkthrough, that I could recommend to you.
DPC says that the next chapter would be short the "Zoey interlude" so would it be possible for it to come out in March? I mean DPC says short but I bet it would be more than 1000 renders which would be a small update for him would be a big one for other Devs
About the Interlude and it possible release I'm wondering, if DrPinkCake will work on it and strt the work for Episode 9 after the release, or if he work on both at the same time and release Interlude - lets say - a week or 2 before the Episode to hype everyone up.
DPC says that the next chapter would be short the "Zoey interlude" so would it be possible for it to come out in March? I mean DPC says short but I bet it would be more than 1000 renders which would be a small update for him would be a big one for other Devs
If it's just a Zoey intro like at the start of every episode, it shouldn't take long to make. EP8 Bella flashback was very short, but it would be tactically good to release it somewhere mid way to the EP9 release, to ease the wait as releasing it next month wouldn't help with the withdrawal
It should probably just be a story about what Zoey did since she left, she obviously can't meet p with MC straight away as he's a bit busy at the moment, with saying fuck on repeat
Conditions for Quinn is being a DIK ( quite literally ) take her offer at the beginning / eat her pussy at the rooftop / help her in need... ( DIK path ) the rest will come to you... just be a DIK onwards too the system is not complicated and since it's a game you should not look for real life logic in there !
Point taken but i think locking off her path by not enjoying your time with Sarah would be quiet easy. Or of course giving you the option none either way also makes sense because even a nice guy can say rather then hurt a few girls i'd rather hurt myself so no one feels bad.-meaning your reason for breaking it off with everyone doesn't have to be i just wanna get my dick wet as much as possible. It can also be I don't want anyone to feel like they lose.- Hell you can even get lilly path on the neutral path and she has to be harder then quinn she just wants a tough guy Tough guys dont always have to be assholes.- Also helping her in need... Doesn't sound like dik path haha when you find her with a busted nose you it's definitely not a DIK thing to do to give her a shoulder to lean on.
To be honest, I never saw it. But to be fair I often skip the forum and not read it regularly, often coming back after a month or two
But for my curiosity I will check it, thanks for the link.
Except it might be true only to some people. Not to all of them. It's nice when both partners are truly see that way but let's back to not even reality but to our fiction. So speaking of Sage, please remind us did she or did she not withhold valuable information from the MC?
I hope we'll get the chance to confront her on that (wouldn't hold my breath tho).
What, the last name thing? That's just DPC's heavy handed plot manipulation. Likewise MC never telling Sage about Quinn's 'restaurant'. If the player ever had the choice to reveal these things it might be germane to this conversation, otherwise it's just bad writing from the dev.
DPC says that the next chapter would be short the "Zoey interlude" so would it be possible for it to come out in March? I mean DPC says short but I bet it would be more than 1000 renders which would be a small update for him would be a big one for other Devs
If it's just a Zoey intro like at the start of every episode, it shouldn't take long to make. EP8 Bella flashback was very short, but it would be tactically good to release it somewhere mid way to the EP9 release, to ease the wait as releasing it next month wouldn't help with the withdrawal
It should probably just be a story about what Zoey did since she left, she obviously can't meet p with MC straight away as he's a bit busy at the moment, with saying fuck on repeat
It is more logical to compare it with the introduction to episode 5, where the history of the diks was told. It was quite a large and linear prologue. I think the interlude will be of this type.
I have seen here that lot of people are talking about next update will be shorter. But i don't think DPC ever said that next update will be shorter. He just said that from next update there will be separate installation, hence file size will be smaller.
So next update size could have same size of images and animations as this update, but since it will be separate files, it's size could be 4-6gb. that's why DPC said smaller size.
I think entire season 3 is named as Interlude. So, there could be 2 more seasons after season 3. So total numbers of season could be 5.
Heya, just had a thought over the whole pregnancy test thing shown during episode 8 and wanted to share 4 theories on who it could be running through my head.
1. Ashley - it's been pointed out that it could be hers with the whole "it's complicated" she gives Derek during the episode regarding breaking up with Big A. and I think it would make sense as it would cause a lot of drama and would drag in the MC along with Derek. But the "It's complicated" could also be referring to the fact that the traditions and history between the HOTS and ALPHAs, and looking at the HOTS Ashley is the only member who has any actual connection to the HOTS now that Sage is split from Chad. so this could be a red herring.
2. Mona - Mona would make a good way to bring back a character and would bring up the whole prostituion ring and would be a great way to cause large drama with the HOTS and Quinn, but it seems a bit lacking when you think that she didn't go through with it when at the PREPs party with Stephen Burke. it keeps being brought up by Sage and Riona that they want to talk to Mona but can't get in touch and a pregnancy could be a reason why Mona is so silent and won't talk to any of the HOTS
3. Tania(stripper)/Heather - this one I can see just because its shown for no real reason that Tommy had sex with Tania or a threesome with both Tania and Heather. Tania is a new character so this could just be a way to tie her into the story properly or just to push Tommy into a corner more than he already is with the whole Drugs challenge he is currently going through. and There is nothing we can do to stop Tania and Tommy from hooking up but we can get Toomy the Threesome with Heather. The main reason I can't see this is due to the fact that Tania is a new character and pushing all the Drama onto Tommy may not cause too big of a problem.
4. Camila - we know Camila is part of the prostitution ring meaning she's should be getting the free tution, which would imply she has had sex with Stephen Burke. She also implies this during the PREPs party when Mona decides(fails) to go through with it. During Episode opening when Camila is talking to Riona she blatantly mentions she needs the toilet and walks off, this could be the time she takes the pregnancy test and maybe someone more experienced could confirm but wouldn't you take multiple pregnancy tests just to make sure you're pregnant. I'm leaning more on it being Camila then on Mona just as Camila is more a part of the story right now and could actually implicate Stephen Burke, Quinn, The HOTS with both the Drugs and Prostituition as well as dragging in multiple LIs into the story. The only thing is if it is Camila I feel it would have more hints pointing to it being her.
But those are my thoughts on the whole Pregnancy test appearing at the end of the episode, and as I'm not the most observant during my play through they might be way off.
i agree with you that it was an important moment, in the end it was the first moment of intimacy between the 3, free, and not related to the scavenger hunt. and for this reason it should have been sealed by a better scene.
instead it's sloppy, the fact that it could potentially be even worse (with Maya's ridiculous retreat) doesn't make it any better. even the sex scene with Josy at the beginning of the chapter is technically a quickie, but it has a whole other playfulness. this feels like a forced step that has been solved with minimal effort (maybe just to compensate for the lack of celebration in MC's room, a sweetener after a deception)
probably DPC as well as with redheads has a problem also with birthdays since 2 of his worst renders are related to this eventuality
(these two scenes seem to be taken from an "amateur" game of some years ago)
the threesome with Quinn and Riona for me too was disappointing overall, I was expecting something much wilder, but it was a real threesome, this second one of Maya and Josy just wasn't.
the great test made in the sixth chapter by "order" of Quinn came much better, there was much more tenderness and passion (a wonderful starter)
of course it could be a good sex scene even without being a real threesome, but it is not
for me it's hands down the worst sex scene in the game (i still miss Jill and Jade in this chapter, i hope they do better and i doubt it won't be)
different flower. It isn’t the plant he gives you this episode it’s the one from the last episode in the courtyard. Door to the left of the staircase down to Tommy’s room. There’s an empty pot in there.