The new slogan: Bianca can do it
I don't know what the fuck it is about this game which brings out my paranoia with these characters; Jade, Tybalt, Zoey, other VN puts me on edge SO much. No other VN has made me step away
multiple times because I didn't like the way it was going.
For some reason, this VN hits so many buttons on me that after a while I wonder what the fuck I'm doing playing it AGAIN. Only AOA got under my skin almost as much as this game does.
None of the other games in my sig set me off on a tangent if I happen to read a comment here or see something in the game that upsets me. This is the
fourth time I've returned to this game. I know I'm mentally ill with bipolar and a bunch of shit, but I must really be a masochist as well, because I keep coming back to this game and keep getting upset and pissed off by it.
Like, what the fuck man?