So Arieth is a 'cheating slut', now what happened to Arieth's context? Why are you calling names instead of trying to empathize with her? You Maya fans really know how to contradict yourselves.No you listen child. Life is never that simple. There's a difference between a cheating slut like a arieth and people in a broken relationship like josy and maya who are moving on before breaking up or someone who's been cheated on and cheating in return like sage. Life is not simple and it is not black or white. It is filled with shades of grey. Josy, Maya and Sage are not cheating sluts who jump into bed with anybody that comes along and treating them like they are because you want a simple minded black and white outlook that ignores context is stupid. I am capable of much more complex thought than that.
Double standards, just like Maya says at the beginning "those HOTs are a bunch of sluts" but hey, I'm gonna take their money I don't care. Ok whatever.
And oh yeah I'm a simpleton because I have standards. I never said context doesn't matter, I said cheating is a dealbreaker in a real life relationship (for me of course) and context doesn't change the fact that cheating can destroy a relationship and you should never tolerate cheating. Its called having boundaries and values. But if you are ok with cheating that doesn't make others a bunch of narrow minded idiots, you're ignoring context with me but that's expected because you don't look very sophisticated to me tbh, just another simple 'my way or you're an idiot' type.