Impregnate Bianca is part of destiny
I still wonder what DPC thought of doing that scene but well then I remember that people over forty like that sweet and innocent thing
Dude. I'm well over 40, and I assure you I do not like that 'sweet innocent
Impregnating Jill's mom is also a part of our destiny.

You're goddamn right!
You know what else I noticed? Every Jill stan is over 40 years old, divorced, but you know head over heels in love with a fictional character that's a virgin.

Maybe, and this is talking purely out my ass here, but
maybe it's because their wives were cheating whores? I dunno.
one of Jill ugly friends, a redhead female tybalt
You go too far, sir, but.. there's only so much beauty that can be squeezed from the fruit of Madame's loins. Bianca is definitely a pump & dump.
As you say, her legs will literally be open on each branch and I will take advantage of fucking her
Who's with me? I know everyone is with me or is there no balls?
Count on it, I just won't be sticking around. Amelia will need my full attention.
Hopefully she's a nasty freak.
Being descended from Madame, that's probably guaranteed.