try to fulfill 3 needs at least, you have 4 DIKs with only 2 needs fulfilled thats really bad... and fulfilled needs are better than the special activities... although, i thinbk your perks are shit. You have left 3 items worth a lot of money left, but obviously no multiplyer for the happines, what do you need all the items for when you dont use them, and if you are adamant of using all special activities, why dont you have the perk for it? (if you would have, the score would be higher)
And lastly, if you need to cutout fulfilled needs, its better to cut out the MC, his happinies is low as fuck and no matter what you do, it will not get high enough to gain a multiplayer in this party. Maybe at the next one. So better settle for at least 3 fulfilled needs of all the others and leave MC behind with 2 or so instead of 4 which are kinda wasted here.
But no matter what, 4 guy with only 2 needs is just bad. and there are mulitple ways to do better than that. You wasted a trashcan and beer for no gain at all, food is missing a lot, most guys want food too, you could fulfill way more needs with food here. The kegs are bad placed, move them so you can unlock 2 kegs and 2 liquor with one cup. For example the girl to the right of Jamie. replace it with the cup, and the rest comes itself... the girl can be moved to the left than und you will gain atleast another fulfilled need. Just by that. and there are more errors like that, which are obvious to see but iam to tired to explain, sorry to be harsh here, but this planning is just really bad and 6.0x is even kinda high for this setup to be honest.