Wow, this forum sure moves fast. Anyway, I just realized something about
Chad’s blackmailer:
If it wasn’t for Jill intervening Chad
wouldn’t have been in trouble with the college. So the person who sent those pics to Chad didn’t mean to get Chad in trouble but only wanted to continue the fight between the DIKs and jocks. The MC was just collateral damage considering there was also a pic for Dawe. If someone wanted to get
only the MC in trouble with Chad, they wouldn’t have sent the pic of Arieth. So who wants a war between the DIKs and jocks?
Not Quinn considering she’s already in need of money and the shit between the DIKS and jocks are hurting her business. It also has to have been someone who was present during the arguments between Chad and the MC. If we further assume the picture that Chad received showed him cheating on Sage, it would mean the person had to have known Chad was cheating and the MC was looking into it.
So we’re looking for someone that:
- wants a war between the DIKs and jocks for some reason.
- knows about Arieth cheating on Dawe with everyone
and had the opportunity to get pics of it;
- knows about Chad cheating on Sage with ? and had the opportunity to get pics of it;
- knows Chad and the MC don’t like each other; and
- knows about the MC spying on Chad in the gym / knows about Sage telling the MC to spy on Chad.
We know the pics of Arieth are older than a week so we can rule out any new students. It’s also possible for the MC to pretty much ignore Sage, but she will always get your help. Dawe will also tell Chad you’ve been hitting on Sage regardless of what the MC has done. The same is true for Riona telling the DIKs you’ve been hitting on Sage regardless of your actions. And we also know that Riona had an argument with Quinn about their plans.
So we can point to the following suspects: