MC, with Sage at the mall spying on Chad.
MC: "Why did I agree to this?"
Sage: "Because you wanted me to get closure and get something in return.

MC: "Still...why are we here."
Sage: "Because Chad never goes to the mall. He always order shit online. I bet the bitch he is seeing will show up. And when she does I will kick her ass."
-Zoey arrives and starts talking to Chad.-
MC: "Oh my god... It's Zoey."
Sage: "You know her?!"
MC: "Yeah... We kinda were a thing."
Sage: "Wait... you fucked her?" -Eyes Zoey up.- "I mean she is pretty hot... Still gonna kick her ass."
MC grabbing Sages wrist as she try to go confront Chad: "Sage don't. Sage no. Sage... I will fuck you in the ass right here if you do this."
Sage, glaring: "You wouldn't...." -Glare turns to curiousity- "Would you? <3"