I think most of these people's problems with the CHICK choices are simply comes from the name for it aka CHICK

. they probably feel less masculine about themself or something

. I see it more of as either you are Nice, more calm guy, or an impulsive asshole, most of the time.
Pretty much my read on it all as well in general, though a lot of DIK choices are less "asshole" and more of a "twit" level.
Ultimately part of what makes this game stand out so much is how well DPC nails dialogue and character interaction. Be too brash and some people will be put off by it, BUT the confidence and boisterous nature will also make more people take notice of you and be drawn to you and vice versa. Be too reserved and people will hardly ever notice you or even care about you beyond an acquaintance, BUT the people who did get to know you will come to love you on a deeper level. Which is better just depends on where you are in life.
Definitely something that I also hold in high regard in terms of DPC's characterization skills. Dude really knows how to bring characters to life (unless they are given matches, anyway).
If you were serious about developing the relationship with Sage you're obviously going to have to do more than Dik stuff, contrary to the binary offered by the Chick/Dik system so far she's not just some nypho who's on the rebound. She probably has feelings and emotions, and a desire to emotionally connect with someone. I bet she wants to cuddle too. On the other side I don't think Jill is just going to continue through the game as some untouched virgin who's just got tons of pent up sexual desire. She's probably gonna want to have insane debauched sex, at least a little bit, and some investment in the Dik side of the alignment is gonna be necessary. You can already see this playing out with Bella. With Maya and Josie I think Dik points will be necessary if you want to break them up and have one yourself.
I do believe DPC set up a decent enough system to allow somebody like Sage to require generally "neutral" path.
All of this applies even to Quinn as I figure she will be bumped up to Main Girl status sooner or later. At some point she's probably gonna break down once she realizes she's in way too deep. She's probably gonna cry, and if you played the game with only Dik points she's probably not gonna turn to the guy who treats her like a piece of meat.
Or she'll bring out the matches...
Though it should be said that a pure Dik/Chick playthrough might have its own rewards.
Really should, imo.
The alignment system is kinda constrained though. It's already set up in such a way that you're locked into a Dik/Chick role five episodes into a game that supposedly will consist of 15 or 20 episodes. Either the major Dik/Chick decisions have to be greatly reduced or reworked, or the alignment scale will have to greatly expanded so it can continue to be relevant late into the game.
DPC could simply start using conditions that require "less than maximum DIK/CHICK" for some LIs. TBH, don't see why current implementation couldn't be used for ultimately exclusive Chick/neutral/DIK playthroughs - especially if he puts in the effort to branch those further (say, more DIK-ish "neutral" Sage path involving other HOTs or whatnot).
Do you seriously think "DIK path" is just choose a DIK choice everytime you face a choice?
Isn't that what a "DIK path" would imply in the first place?
On DIK path, other than getting Jill's shower scene and MJ content, you can get everything already. So?
M&J content is available with neutral path, which, IIRC, does not gate you away from DIK content, either. Hence my comment on "neutral" path being, at least for now, the best choice in terms of keeping options open while experiencing majority of the lewd content.
"Hitting Troy for something he clearly had no control over", like his attitude towards MC from first moment? Acting like a total asshole, not even saying sorry about what happened, letting probably the most valuable thing to MC get stolen? Not even notifying someone over this? It could clearly put Chad and the other Jocks broke in the dorm?
Troy obviously had something major going against him. It does not excuse his behavior toward MC, but even before that scene you can see him mellowing out on it if you're not a prick back (the guitar scene). Whether or not it may result, in the long run, with something beneficial for the MC, giving Troy a chance to get to that point is, for my personal preferences, worth tolerating some insecure lashing out.
You don't know what Troy's issues with the Alphas is. You cannot determine whether or not he was in a position to do anything about them taking MC's guitar in the first place, OR even whether or not he tried to stop it from happening (dude's got a black eye).
Then he decides to get physical with MC

let me remind you if you forgot it, TROY PUSHES MC FIRST in that situation. If you wanna get pushed around when you are absolutely right in an argument, go ahead and do that.
Somebody who's in an already shitty place, who already was physically assaulted, pushed you. Oh noes, start swinging.
Like I said, Chick choices are generally indicative of much greater emotional maturity than DIK choices. This is a perfect example of it.
Unlike you, I do not see that situation as validating swinging at somebody's face, all things considered. It was an asshole reaction. Nor do I believe that making such judgement call says anything about my willingness to defend myself or what's mine when the situation does require it.
That wasn't one of them.
All this happens, then MC storms out and yells "TIHS IS NTO OEVR TROY"
Yeah, well, medium limitations and high emotions all around. I'd prefer to get a more fitting response for a "chick" choice there, but if DPC wanted to cater to that, most of the game would require twice the content.
Starting a brawl against the Alphas, clearly they have no problems with MC yeah. My bad, didn't realize it. MC should've just said "sorry boys, my mistake, shouldn't have said anything in Sage situation. It's my fault you guys gave me a wedgie, not gonna happen again"
The fuck are you on about? You think it's a mature, much less societally-approved, thing to go around swinging at everyone who you can hurt just because they don't like you, or something?
The Alphas were looking for a confrontation because a) they were on their DIK-path, b) they caught MC doing something highly suspicious, c) MC was already on their target list due to prior interactions. Weren't looking hard enough for a confrontation for MC not to be able to just run off, though. And the whole "taking on three guys of unknown fighting capability" self-preservation consideration aside, MC could've at least fucking respected what his Dad taught him. Especially since the choice is clearly framed as a dumbfuck "Raaah I gotta hit something because muh masculinity" one.
So whenever someone says something about Maya other than "OH MAYA YOU ARE PERFECT" MC can actually go "You better watch your mouth", even when she's basically not a close friend yet.
Why not start fighting with everyone that says something bad about somebody, while at it.
Major part of growing the fuck up is knowing when to ignore people, and whatever inane things they say, but admittedly - considering MC's age, probably a lesson still to be learned.
Not being able to take a joke, white knighting a certain girl through out the game. Jesus christ MC tries to defend Maya against Derek, because he called her "total cockblock" before even knowing how close they are
MC is also a very "beautiful snowflake" who blows up with "muh feelings" at a very emotionally complex situation with M&J, despite potentially screwing everybody around that he can (even on Chick path), so let's not pretend like there aren't "derp" moments in BaDIK.
Perhaps I need to replay the game again, because I do not recall many, if any, mentions of "chick choices" being explicitly driven by MC's desire to get in good graces of a potential screw.
But it's not simping, yeah right
You can be nice and supportive to people, even attractive females potentially interested in you, without expecting anything in return. That's far, far from "simping," but at this point I doubt you'll bother acknowledging the distinction.
Whatever, no need to drag this on. Seems you are comfortable with running away when people pushes you.
You couldn't be more wrong, but not like it matters.
Sometimes it's just simpler to ignore irrelevant confrontations, and we obviously have a vastly different judgement of what does matter.
And like you said, it doesn't work for anyone. It may even get worse. In highschool, I saw too many people getting bullied without daring to fight back or doing anything about it. I saw my own little brother getting bullied. So don't take it personally but I highly disagree with your attitude and your way of thinking. I fought back, my brother too and my father before me did the same. It isn't about physical violence or a misplaced sense of virility. Everyone can be bullied but you don't have to lock yourself in the role of victim. The bullieds have to learn they can't always get away with their shit. So fight back, tell a teacher, ask help, find a way but "doing nothing" ? No man, it's no-sense to me. People have to act, not simply hoping things'll go better.
I used to be the proverbial stick kid. Combined with my... uh... shining personality... it led to plenty of bullying attempts (and by that, I mean shit like getting punched and kicked with full force plenty of times).
I agree that "doing nothing" in face of bullying is unlikely to work well, but, at least in my experience, escalating likely won't, either.
Stand your ground. Respond on the same level. Somebody mouths you off, mouth them off back. They push you, you push them back (at least if you think it's worth it). Yeah, it won't let you avoid some hurt to give them the first shot, but in the long run it'll mean IF you finally get to the point where you need to kick somebody's ass till they back off (assuming you can, in the first place, heh), at least your peers/rest of society will mostly back you up. If your response to bullying is more bullying, though... well. You're on a short trip to become "them."
The choices I metioned from BaDIK are nowhere near that level of necessary escalation.