No, I'm saying that the situation could be agreeing to go with Jill first and then getting Sage's call. That's still a hard decision, but there's a difference, it's not a sick friend+a promise vs hanging out, it's a sick friend vs a promise, and in this case it would make more sense for a Chick to pick either morally speaking. And Sage could still be pissed you prefer hanging out instead of helping her, not as pissed, but she could still rethink things and do whatever DPC wants her to do next in that scenario.
yeah aha, your whole argument is based on its goes against "chick personality" . well guess what , what if my MC has Dik personality? .

this is not chick vs Dik decision, it's not a "personality decision". it's a simple "Fuck you , don't think so" moment for those who are chasing both Jill and Sage romantically. . ( like ME

shazba, post about Sage's text messages, is the proof. based on what type of relationship you are in with her, she will react slightly differently. She obviously more meaner if you are in an intimate relationship with her and you blow her off. This is a a crossroad. maybe not major , but may be important in the future.
what this tells me, is that regardless of you dik or chick "personality", You Can't Have Jill and Sage at both time. You can't pursue it them in the same time, in a same playthrough. they are in an oposite scale.
proof of that, the MC will have the same emotional conversation about his mother's death, with both of them.
so yeah, you can see this as a Punishment for try to get both girl, but you cant see this as a bad writing just because you don't like it, and in the order of the event, won't change this. It does not matter, your "fix " with Jill show up first, and Sage call you after. because it's not about that. You can't have both, simple, and this was the Turning Point. we will encounter similar Turning points later, I'm sure of it. and yes, we might have Joint events of endings, with girls. Like May be Josy and Maya, or Sage and quinn, or other variations. but Jill and Sage are not in the same page.