That's a bug. got to load an old save. I recommend never using torches. its not that hard to see most of the time.anyone know how to turn off the torch? i used a torch but it been on for ages now and i cannot get it too turn off. makes it hard to see during the day in game
dang it... i dont have an old save =[ only have the one saveThat's a bug. got to load an old save. I recommend never using torches. its not that hard to see most of the time.
anyone know how to open the walktrough?
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Thats simple PDF file with missed signature, so just rename it with .pdf at the end, that will help.anyone know how to open the walktrough?
Please fast respond
Read what JustHockeyman wrote, and check the walkthrough yourself for the anyone know the code in island dungeon?
please fast respond
in ma pc the game was darker and i cant see shitRead what JustHockeyman wrote, and check the walkthrough yourself for the code.
Hi, found it: it's a .pdf file !!! thxHow to read the walkthrough please? No extension to me...
Not the game for you then.Even with the new adventure mode or whatever on, I really don't want to go through the grind of just killing boars and collecting stones/branches all over again, it's so fucking boring