The guy uploading it has uploaded almost 8000 other things before on that site, he certainty seemed legit..This is a scam 0.3.5 version not the new 0.3.6! Don't get fooled.
Edit: svs version is also a fake version!
Because he just always get it from other sites and not checking it.The guy uploading it is has uploaded almost 8000 other things before on that site, he certainty seemed legit..
I'm halfway there from downloading the svscomics one, because I just have to see if it is truly a fake. I find it kind of strange that a guy who has 8k other uploads on the site and more than 33,7k downloads of this game now, not ever had a single comment about sharing fakes from what I can see. But maybe he is what's claimed here, well he should be if they say so, I just have to see and find out by myself..Why fake ?! In the game menu, click "About" and you will see Version 0.3.6!
Whoops Yes I was forget to change that screen. 0.3.6 ended in same spot and have some bugs repair and one Secret scene so if in phone is added Secret scene with Devil and Angel. It is real 0.3.6Well, maybe this fake version just ends where 0.3.5 ends, also the main_menu screen isn't "updated". In this scam version was only the options.rpy edited, thats all.