The girls are ready for a Halloween Party!
It's that time of year. The spoops are everywhere! Our ladies thought about going for the scary look, but decided this would be better. I think I agree.
As some of you know, I've been couchsurfing for the past couple months. Staying with a friend while working on getting a new apartment. Well, it's done! As of this past weekend, I have moved into a new apartment with my buddy. I now officially have a proper office dedicated for working on the game.
Even better, with the ever looming uncertainty of not having a permanent residence no longer hanging over me, I am invigorated to get even more work done! I'll be throwing myself headlong into getting the new update done.
In addition to the move, I have invested a significant chunk of money into a new machine that will be dedicated PURELY to rendering the game. While it won't have a whole lot of impact for Chapter 6, as I'm about halfway done already, it will make a major difference going forward. Bigger scenes. Longer animations. More detailed shots.