Game is really solid. Great renders, beautiful girls. Language is a bit flowery, which takes a bit of time to get used to. One thing I suggest changing are the various colors for different characters. Yes, in theory it helps to distinguish the speakers, but in a time when more than two people are speaking it turns into a color parade between the names and actual text. Simple white text with black outline for everyone, inner thoughts go between (parenthesis). Trust me, we know who is speaking by the name in top left of the box. After a while we can also learn to tell just by how they are speaking, if you have succeeded in developing distinct personalities.
Interesting story. The bit where Nora appeared and explained things after the battle felt like it could have used a bit more. How do you know there is a key? How do you know it looks like a sword? Why not say a ritual was devised and a key created for it, the whole thing was attempted but got interrupted, key broke, people are now looking for it? So much about her story seemed to be up in the air and unknown, but then they seemingly knew the specifics of the key, which was weird.
Game has some unnecessary decisions, like one-option choices. It's not really needed for a player, but oddly enough it worked for me to amplify the sensual nature of the Estrilda scene. At least there I didn't mind that, but I can also see the case for removing them and getting an uninterrupted game flow when auto is on.