Every saturday I go to mom's room at 10 and I can't trigger the shopping ;-; how can I do it?
The shopping opportunity of this mod only unlocks after aunt Kira arrives. Then it should be available on the screen where Mom, Alice and Lisa tell you they are going to town for shopping. If everything is correctly installed, a dialogue option should be added to this screen, where you can click and access this mod. Provided you choose to go to 'Richman's' Store.
i am a bit confused as well
dunno what i do wrong or missed but this is what i did
1 downloaded the file and extracted it in my BB folder
result nothing happened
2 copied the mod file in the data folder and also in BB data folder
both folders are in the main bb main folder
result my ''normally '' saurday morning shopping event dId not show up
and no ''other'' shopping event returned in place
i use win , 10 i have bb v13.07 and i think i am really far in game
(cant do something new so far , thats the reason i wanted this mod)
Anybody have a suggestion why i messed up with the mod?
I'll try to walk you through this:
First you download the mod.
This should give you a zip file wich contains two items:
a txt file named 'Mod.txt' and a folder named 'Images'.
You extract the zip somewhere on your PC so you have this text file
and the folder somewhere. Now copt those two and paste them in the folder where the 'BigBrother.exe' file is located (where you start the game). There should already be a folder called 'Images' here. After you pasted over the 'Mod.txt' and the 'Images' folder, the Mod.txt should now be in the same folder as the 'BigBrother.exe' and the 'Images' folder should now contain images that start with 'shopping-...'. If this is your case. You should be good to go.
I hope this helps.