3.00 star(s) 94 Votes
Oct 10, 2017
why is eric still in the game?
i thought this was a remake to deal with the negativity to deal with it.
jesus christ, either make the mc irresistible if the "landlady" can jump to eric within a week or just include ntr permanently ( which will lose half the players).
remove him from the start and spin a different story as it's just he same old nonsense.

EDIT: typo
It seems like you and a small number of people aren't getting it, so I'll explain it as slowly as I can.

NTR is part of this game.

NTR is here to stay.

Here are some quick questions and answers if anyone wants to know a bit more.

  1. Is this an NTR game? no, it's a game "with NTR". There will be two paths. One with NTR and one without NTR. As of now, this two are called the war path and the friendship path.
  2. Is Erick fucking his girlfriend considered NTR? No, it isn't. If you can't understand that, then this isn't the game for you. He will keep fucking Ann until the day you get rid of him.
  3. When will you be able to get rid of Erick? some people keep saying Aleksey promised you'll be able to kick him out in V0.5. I never read anything like that but since we're currently waiting for V0.6, it obviously didn't happen. It's planned content, but there is no set release for such update.
  4. Will Erick fuck the other girls in the "no NTR path"? No, Aleksey said you'll be able to stop him. Erick having his way with the other girls will depend on your actions and decisions.
  5. Will Erick complelty stay away from the other girls? He probably won't, he'll try to steal them from you. How far he'll be able to get with them will probably be limited in the war path but It'll still be there. Just... don't let him actually accomplish anything...
  6. Was this game created with the focus of removing Erick and creating a new path? No, Niet, Non, Nein. Why would you ever think that? One of this game's objectives is to EXPAND Erick's story. This was said by Aleksey since before the game ever existed, while he was making renders in the fan art thread.
This is all I know. Aleksey might change the story in the future, but having people asking him to change HIS game is super entitled. You and "half the players" can leave now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
The thing is that if the focus of the game, or the core of the game, was NTR then complaining about it wouldn't make sense, BUT, NTR isn't the main focus of this game, it never was, the focus is INCEST, so complaining about NTR in a incest focused game is pretty legit. Now if the game was full a NTR one without a chance to avoid it, then and only then, you can say that complaining that the game has NTR is pretty dumb. But like I said this isn't a NTR focused game.

Hell even you posted the opinion of the dev about Eric and NTR, he doesn't like it and doesn't like Eric, and sooner of later Eric will need to go or it won't end well for the MC. So I find it weird that there would be future NTR plot points that involve others than Eric, in a game that isn't NTR focused, but it's only a minor part of it, so...
Ok, so it's not that I think there will be a lot of NTR, at lest not unavoidable. If so I would just find something else to play. But why would I complain about NTR, in a game tagged NTR? Makes no difference about focus, fact is it's in the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019

I certainly can not do the development of Eric in the direction of Alice and Lisa (and I would not do it with joy), but this will mean that the player and Max, with any of his actions, will have nothing to lose and nothing to worry about, which is not right. Max's actions or omissions must have consequences, so Eric's development towards Alice and Lisa, as well as towards Ann and Kira, will be whatever you allow him to be.

Good question. There's still a lot to do before we get rid of Eric. Now all the holes are being filled before aunt Kira arrives. After that, Kira will be introduced to the game and this is a big job. After that, there will be a lot of events with all the characters, including the development of relations with Eric. If you really look at the volume of what needs to be done for v0.04, it will take exactly more than a month. And most likely the moment and ways to get rid of Eric will be present in v0.05.
Oct 15, 2020
Ok, so it's not that I think there will be a lot of NTR, at lest not unavoidable. If so I would just find something else to play. But why would I complain about NTR, in a game tagged NTR? Makes no difference about focus, fact is it's in the game.
Because the game isn't a NTR game but an incest one, meaning the main focus of the game should be the incest part of it, the NTR or other kinks are just a part of it, it may be a huge part or a small part, but the main focus would always be the incest. So complaining that there is much focus on NTR or that NTR makes no sense or something like that instead of focusing on the incest is a valid complaint, since NTR is just a small part of the game, not the core of the game, it is the same with other kinks, don't get me wrong.

If I went to a Gay focused game and complained about it, it wouldn't make sense, but if I complained about a gay scene or focus in gay scenes in an update of an hetero focused game, even if there was a gay tag, it would make sense, since it isn't the focus of the game. If I play a supposed incest game and see progress for other kinks instead of incest it's normal to complaint, same with other kink focused games, you can complaint about kinks in the games that aren't the focus of the game, even if they are tagged. IMHO


Jun 14, 2019
Because the game isn't a NTR game but an incest one
This game is not for us buddy. It's a ntr game. Just forget it. I can guarantee you very few non ntr players play this game. And that's a wise choice in my opinion and good for mental health. Just a small suggestion from me don't play these so called optional ntr games because you will lose very big portion of the game anyways. Just consider them as ntr game and move on and let ntr players enjoy the game.


Jun 18, 2017
personally I dont mind ntr games but this one it should be about corruption of the family. both of them try to corrupt the girls tho in eric case it doesn't feel that way . it's more like raping the family including max . eather sell u sell ur sisters to me or I will use ur mother weak mentality and send u to the army . that what I hate about freind eric root . if it's based on who start events 1st competition I think it would be batter like kissing practice if mc doesn't have what it takes to start the event with lisa after 2and week after kiran arrival eric will teach her instead and becomes points race after that same with alice only exception is Ann ofc it will make the game more like ntr game

.Black Panther.

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Everyone has interests and tastes, and the art of making a game is to be able to cover a wide range of these interests and tastes. This is also a very difficult task. As a player, I can choose my favorite game according to my taste. If the game had several storylines, follow my favorite storyline. But I can not expect the game developer to make the game just according to my interests. I'm not a NTR fan at all. it is not far from the mind that in the game, the player can put the game in the desired direction with choices. In this game, the developer can make the events and storyline in such a way that it remains faithful to the generalities of the original game while the events and characters are completely different. The game developer had announced this in the past. Just imagine what would happen to the game if the game developer wanted to include all the requests and comments provided in the game. We have seen the result in a few games( The game will be ruined ). As I said before, I did not like some parts of the previous game like many other players (like the presence of characters in the porn movie). But I can only suggest an alternative or hope that there are no things I do not like in this version of the game.Having a suggestion is not necessarily a reason to do so because no one is the only player of the game. A game can have different storylines at the same time with or without NTR, each with its own fans. And it's the game developer art of how to manage it. It should not be judged until the game is finished.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
Everyone has interests and tastes, and the art of making a game is to be able to cover a wide range of these interests and tastes. This is also a very difficult task. As a player, I can choose my favorite game according to my taste. If the game had several storylines, follow my favorite storyline. But I can not expect the game developer to make the game just according to my interests. I'm not a NTR fan at all. But it is not far from the mind that in the game, the player can put the game in the desired direction with his choices. In this game, the developer can make the events and storyline in such a way that it remains faithful to the generalities of the original game while the events and characters are completely different. The game developer had announced this in the past. Just imagine what would happen to the game if the game developer wanted to include all the requests and comments provided in the game. We have seen the result in a few games. As I said before, I did not like some parts of the previous game like many other players (like the presence of characters in the porn movie). But I can only suggest an alternative or hope that there are no things I do not like in this version of the game. My suggestion is not a reason that it will definitely be done because I am not the only player in this game. A game can have different storylines at the same time with or without NTR, each with its own fans. And it's the game developer art of how to manage it. It should not be judged until the game is finished.
Ok, so I'm not sure if this is still the plan or not. But a year ago, give are take, Aleksey was asked about porn movies. He said that porn movies will be in this game. He was then ask about Lisa in the movies, he replied "definitely not". As far as I know, the dev has never said if Eric will stay in the game on friend path. But he did say that we would see, at some point, how Eric would hurt the family.

The first is an Alliance with Eric.

You will be able to see how he'll mess up Max's family. Also, if you behave yourself and help Eric do it, you can even participate in this corruption.
And if you are very impudent and take risks, you will get something without Eric.

The second is the confrontation with Eric.

This option is divided into two more parts, simple and complex extended.
The first simple part is getting rid of Eric as quickly as possible. You will have a number of options for this deliverance.
But this path will limit you in some further opportunities and actions related to the dominance of Max in his family and over other characters.

The second difficult extended part is a longer confrontation with Eric, thanks to which max will have the opportunity to develop and consolidate his influence in the family and get rid of Eric.
This part will maximize opportunities and actions for Max.
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Nov 2, 2017
So Aleksey starts to divine the game int two different games? One with Eric and one without?


Oct 12, 2017
I don't get all that sh*tstorm around Eric. If you like NTR -> keep him around. If you not -> kill him before he touch girls or aunt.

Worse case will be "Alex dilema". You will have to give Lisa to Alex in order to get your hand on that hot nudist girl.


Sep 9, 2018
Aaargh, I am getting carpal tunnel clicking away through the days. Finished 1 Photoshoot with Aunt, countless training with too with both Aunt and Lisa. Lisa just wont ask for the book.... what am I missing?:WutFace:


New Member
May 3, 2017
This is some kind of racism. Delete the entry just because it is in Russian. Maybe you mind that I'm also a girl? Why should I use a translator and you shouldn't?
  • Angry
Reactions: Juninpachi


Mar 18, 2019
This is some kind of racism. Delete the entry just because it is in Russian. Maybe you mind that I'm also a girl? Why should I use a translator and you shouldn't?
I'm not english mothertongue but i've to write in english----bad english... here. It's just a rule of the site and we all have to use it i think for two reasons: 1) to allow everyone to explain ideas and to be easily understood and 2) more important, to allow the site manager to check immediately if there is someone who write bad things (insults, stupid things or even forbidden contents). So, no racism, just a rule or a convention if you prefer. I think so
3.00 star(s) 94 Votes