3.00 star(s) 94 Votes


Jan 30, 2018
You are Max the mc at the end you win a "good ending" for the players I suppose.
For me, that's the problem right there. I am not Max, I am me. I never fuck my mother, nor my sisters. I never fuck underage girl (like Lisa or Olivia, for example). I am just person playing this game.

Why people okay with incest and underage relationship, but not okay with the idea of sharing. It baffles me. They're just fantasy, it's just a game. Why people put emotional attachment to fantasy? It's just silly.

I'm not pro or anti NTR btw, my fantasy fetish is MILF (see my avatar).

People should just play games they like, if some games don't suit them, then just play other games. There are plenty of them here. Why keep arguing over NTR stuff, over and over and over, don't they get tired or something? I don't know, or arguing is their 'fetish' or something.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
This is just a game. Why do you emotionally elevate yourself over something that is fictional? Fuck if the MC shares some woman with some male NPC, there are people who find it exciting,
I could asked what got you riled up that much. It's a fictional game after all, I can call the paths however I want, it's War, Ass Licker and Snitch. Question is: Why do you just got so emotional that you feel the urge to call people crybabies? That is something you just said, not me.

I don't remember seeing many asking for "three stories", it was the dev himself who decided that.
The game was supposed to go one path, but the cry of seeing an NPC fuck a female character screams louder
Which of both are you srious about and which one did you make up?

I don't know the original plan (about that "one path" thing), where did you get the information from? Not here from the forum or from discord, that's for sure. The information I got from the forum was, that the original plan was to make a sequel (with Eric already out, btw).
Btw, I already stated that I don't mind the "sharing" content, there are other games where it's done right (in one of my favorite games there is a up to 5some scene and you as player can decide who gets what hole, this girls and her sis at some point get going with a bunch of cops, so they are distracted and the player can sneak by). It's just that I can't stand this character and how many of his fans see him. Check the fan art, Eric is often abusive and that really is not my thing.
It's not about a NPC getting his dick wet, it's about this very char, I see no way to enjoy being friends with him.

My personal view on emotions about fictional characters: People get emotional about the characters of novels, games, movies, TV shows. I own about 500 books (~200 of them about Star Wars), litterally hundreds of story based computer games (ignoring all the arcade and stuff), and plenty of movies on disc, because I like fiction. I like experiencing a good story, living emotional up and downs with well written characters. So yeah, I can like a character and I can dislike him (that's emotions). And I don't see why I should make a difference here. I like what Aleksey did with Alice, I hope he will correct Ann (currently she is just as dumb as in the original) and give a bit more depth to Lisa other than "I am so unexperienced, I need to learn. Teach me".

edit: Sorry, I overread this. This was a normal question without accusations with rather good context, so it deserves an answer.
Anyway, tell me, is Max going to kiss and hug the three women in the house and then treat them like bitches or girlfriends
I don't know, I am eager to find out. Personally I'd prefer the "girlfriends" option. If there is a choice in games/novels, I never go the master/slave route. That's just not my thing. I prefer the current sensitive way, I have no need for more perversion. Stuff like that can be used for a good laugh, but I really don't want it to be the center of the game. That scene with Alice where she tried to punish Max ... wonderful. That's how it's done.
What I do hope is that this time at some point at least one of the girls will become aware of the cams or - as dwalsh mentioned earlier - the story will cover, why there was a camera in the first place.

ps: I remember your posts when it was announced that Eric gets kicked out. And I do remember that you announced very clearly that you will be out for good, so much about that. There are some people who could talk to me about getting emotional or accusing me of being childish. Hell, I'm the first who will admit that sometimes I can be a bit over the top. You ... no, when do do it, I can't take that seriously. My long time memory is too good for that.
Still I tried to make my point on emotions clear.
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Active Member
Nov 22, 2021
I still wonder if true friendship path ends with sharing with Eric. Ann is allowing mc to watch only because eric is telling her to. Eric is manipulating mc right now but there has to be a difference btw fake and true friendship


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
If the Eric character is your personification of NTR good for you. I personally really really really hate that character. At their first meeting he choose to threaten the MC if he got in his way considering the the MC smaller and not financially capable of challenging him. Then he starts on his girlfriend's daughters (and again threatens the MC to stay out of his way). His so called help with Alice is to belittle her and actually does nothing to help, the tutors he supposedly got for Lisa seem like shit because if the MC does not help her, her grades drop. All the protagonist wants is to have sex with them nothing more. He sees an opportunity to get to Kira and takes it (threats again). Skipping a few events (for someone so much more powerful that wallet scene is pathetic) after you kick him out guess what? If you guessed threats you guessed right but this time these are directed at Ann. Some people tend to lockstep Eric and NTR which I don't understand, but for me the character is a short dick, pre-ejaculating, manipulative, fraudulent, low self-esteemed, vindictive, parasitic, pathetic, imbecilic and just ridiculous.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
Ann is not dumb. She is psychologically damaged which made her submisive and desired to be controlled.
If you say so ...
"What are you two doing there? Oh, you have a reason to do it? Carry on then, chop chop".

I always had the impression that Ann is just there for the "WHEN FUCK MOM!" people, a sex toy to lure from one scene to the next. Carpal Tunnel Syndrom and "it's all for the family" my ass...
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
Yep that he is. But every good story needs a villain. Star wars is not Star Wars without Vader.
I would not disagree. But what's the friendship path for then? In that one all are one big happy family (ok, controlled by a scummbag, but still ...)


Active Member
Nov 22, 2021
No that is what I’m trying to figure out as well. my speculation is that fake friendship is about mc using Ann to save his sisters and eventually Ann. Real friendship may be about the family becoming free use to Eric and mc. There has to be a difference btw the paths. It depends how far deviations occur from original
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
Please don't compare Darth Vader to Eric.
Wouldn't we all like to cut off his limbs, burn off his dick and then put him in a metal case? "Nooooooooooooooo"
(edit: of course not "all", but we group of people who hate that character)
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
I hate the character as well. What do you guys think main difference will be in terms of fake and true friendship.
Well, I can only tell so gameplay wise. I do "know" a few rumors (my previous question about it was not all that serious).
In fake, Max is the snitch, have an easy life as long as Eric is in the house, gets a few bonuses like seeing Ann naked more often and in the end, Max frames him and kicks him out. On the other path, Eric will be the one who tries to get rid of Max at some point and Max must make sure that Eric is the one who gets thrown out. From a storyteller point of view this might even be more dramatic than in War path, where Eric and Max are hostile from towards each other from the beginning.
I just want to have to endure that scummbag until it happens. Maybe when we reach that point, I'll get one of BlackPanthers savegames to experience the Betrayal without suffering through the way there.

On all three paths Eric is supposed to leave the house so the story can change. We were told there would be other challenges than Eric in the future, I hope at that point it will be one path only, so there are less people who complaine about the game not progressing fast enough.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2021
Any one play untold stories. I want to just dont know how to put folders into original bb game. Any one know how to do this.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2021
I can see Ann getting fired by Eric then getting blackmailed. It depends if he uses the mob ideas to get Eric out of town or something else that gets him kicked out of home but still in town.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
For me, that's the problem right there. I am not Max, I am me. I never fuck my mother, nor my sisters. I never fuck underage girl (like Lisa or Olivia, for example). I am just person playing this game.

Why people okay with incest and underage relationship, but not okay with the idea of sharing. It baffles me. They're just fantasy, it's just a game. Why people put emotional attachment to fantasy? It's just silly.

I'm not pro or anti NTR btw, my fantasy fetish is MILF (see my avatar).

People should just play games they like, if some games don't suit them, then just play other games. There are plenty of them here. Why keep arguing over NTR stuff, over and over and over, don't they get tired or something? I don't know, or arguing is their 'fetish' or something.
Who is underage, Lisa and Olivia (19&20) if that's underage in your country, maybe you should not be playing this game. " Why people okay with incest" did you read the tags. "Why people put emotional attachment to fantasy?" it would not be a fantasy without emotion. The only change that's been made to the original plan is to extend Eric for at lest a year or more, and yet all I see here is NTR lovers crying. I will show them to the dev, so he can see that extending Eric is a waste of time. There just going to cry anyway. " There are plenty of them here." Yes, there are plenty of games with MILF's to, so what.
3.00 star(s) 94 Votes