3.00 star(s) 94 Votes


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 13, 2019
I could asked what got you riled up that much. It's a fictional game after all, I can call the paths however I want, it's War, Ass Licker and Snitch. Question is: Why do you just got so emotional that you feel the urge to call people crybabies? That is something you just said, not me.
Didn't upset me like you're thinking about, it's just that, I don't think it's fair to call people who want to see a "villainous" protagonist called an asslicker. Eric is not a permanent character, is a temporary character, which makes the MC have his lust and desire for his sister and mother in addition to being more perverse and dominant. If the dev didn't know how to build a story that makes players who hate the character more interested in the story, it would be better to remove him from the game.
People could enjoy the story, get involved if they find it interesting, but want to be stuck in their worlds, so there's no reason to argue, because like you don't argue and they won't change your mind. I make it clear that I am not Eric's lover or NTR's lover.
Which of both are you srious about and which one did you make up?

I don't know the original plan (about that "one path" thing), where did you get the information from? Not here from the forum or from discord, that's for sure. The information I got from the forum was, that the original plan was to make a sequel (with Eric already out, btw).
Btw, I already stated that I don't mind the "sharing" content, there are other games where it's done right (in one of my favorite games there is a up to 5some scene and you as player can decide who gets what hole, this girls and her sis at some point get going with a bunch of cops, so they are distracted and the player can sneak by). It's just that I can't stand this character and how many of his fans see him. Check the fan art, Eric is often abusive and that really is not my thing.
It's not about a NPC getting his dick wet, it's about this very char, I see no way to enjoy being friends with him.
I didn't say there is a story with a path to follow, I said could have, then I pointed out that on the part of whiny players, the game has two paths (friendship and enemy) however this game has 3 paths, which is the fake friend, in which I think useless.
So, since you don't care about sharing content, why complain so much? you could say the character is poorly written and that it would be better to remove it from the game. If I could render as well as Aleksey, maybe create my own version, in which Eric would be a temporary adversary and that in the two different paths you could go, both would be betrayal and kick Eric out. Of course there would be scenes of Eric putting Alice and Lisa for a blowjob and scenes of him fucking Kira, and sharing it with Max, but that would be to build the MC or maybe something that would give gameover to the player. It's hard to say, but I don't see any likelihood of keeping the character in the game and I think it's hard for the other events to happen if he gets his hands on Max's sisters. To be honest, Aleksey didn't know how to build the character but also didn't let the story be shit, so removing it from the game and looking for new alternatives or creativity was a good choice.

My personal view on emotions about fictional characters: People get emotional about the characters of novels, games, movies, TV shows. I own about 500 books (~200 of them about Star Wars), litterally hundreds of story based computer games (ignoring all the arcade and stuff), and plenty of movies on disc, because I like fiction. I like experiencing a good story, living emotional up and downs with well written characters. So yeah, I can like a character and I can dislike him (that's emotions). And I don't see why I should make a difference here. I like what Aleksey did with Alice, I hope he will correct Ann (currently she is just as dumb as in the original) and give a bit more depth to Lisa other than "I am so unexperienced, I need to learn. Teach me".

edit: Sorry, I overread this. This was a normal question without accusations with rather good context, so it deserves an answer.
Yes, of course, I understand that. As I also see people who hate Max, I don't understand that, to tell you the truth, I don't really care. It's normal for people to like a character because of his charisma, I also answer myself that there are boring characters or that they have a boring script. I for one hated to see Alice becoming a lesbian in the DS game, and of him trying to put "mistress"/ submissive content. I don't see Alice like that, I see her in a different character, with different characteristics, I see her as a girl who goes to get money, gold digger, who keeps little secrets, which is to be dominated by a man, that she likes to play hard, who likes to go to nightclubs. I don't think Alice's script in this game is good, but I liked Lisa. But, I see that both she and Olivia, especially Olivia, should use it more and better. I find that little DS script by Lisa, Olivia and Olivia's boyfriend interesting, because there it shows that Lisa has no affection for Max, but when she sees Max fucking Olivia she starts to get a little jealous, which makes Lisa have more eyes for Max, which makes her have more affection for him until the moment she starts to love him and do what he says. The dev should explore this, because in the original story she likes Olivia's boyfriend, Olivia then tries to push him towards her and stay with Max, the two however, after the events, are supposed to fight each other out of Lisa's jealousy, as Olivia goes to the villa to see Max. After Lisa and Olivia get to talk to each other, Lisa starts to grow closer and closer to Max and Max takes advantage of this, teaching her the pleasures of love that is sex. After Max cunniling Lisa and slowly fucking her pussy, it would be interesting for Lisa to ask Olivia for forgiveness and the two to talk again and as a reward, she will share Olivia with Max making a threesome and as Olivia's punishment, she will take Alice's toys and use them on Lisa. It would be something around, in the first events, Olivia's boyfriend will stay with Lisa in her room and Max and Olivia would go to Ann's or Alice's room on Friday (Alice's room if Ann is sleeping in her room), Olivia's boyfriend would just exchange kisses with Lisa, while Max and Olivia would have sex with each other. Lisa then tells Olivia's boyfriend that she is going to the kitchen to get a glass of water and that he should wait, then Lisa sees that the door to Ann or Alice's room is kind of open, let's say closed but a little open and then Lisa sees Max fucking Olivia, and that's when Lisa ends up watching over a shelf and starts having the lust for Max. It's just an idea, I could write more about it, but I don't think anyone will like it. Anyway, Aleksey is doing a nice script for Lisa, but I don't see that for Alice. As for Ann, I don't think there's any way to argue about it, both the original game's scripts and this one aren't that good.

I don't know, I am eager to find out. Personally I'd prefer the "girlfriends" option. If there is a choice in games/novels, I never go the master/slave route. That's just not my thing. I prefer the current sensitive way, I have no need for more perversion. Stuff like that can be used for a good laugh, but I really don't want it to be the center of the game. That scene with Alice where she tried to punish Max ... wonderful. That's how it's done.
What I do hope is that this time at some point at least one of the girls will become aware of the cams or - as
I don't mean to imply that the game has to make girls sex slaves, but I wouldn't want to play anything either Max as the boyfriend of four women. Eric wanted pleasure in the house, he fucks Ann, sees Alice and Lisa as beautiful young women and wants to take advantage of it. If you put yourself as Eric, you would, if Eric were the MC. Max needs to be dominant and not a woman's doormat. The fact is that the punishment system was fun, because Max sabotaged things and got his rewards. This game has a rich history and you have to know how to explore it, but I don't mean that the game needs a master/slave system, but something that was originally. Internal strife is also necessary, I think it's interesting that Max does everything in secret without anyone finding out, Max with his blackmail and they're afraid of being discovered. I like a character more perverse than a lover, I don't see much logic in having a lot of kisses and hugs on something that could have more pleasure, but I don't see this as a bad thing either, it worked well for Lisa, but I don't know if it would work for the others, especially Kira. By the way, I saw that Kira's script and her sex scenes were forced, I hope she has a more interesting script.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
So, since you don't care about sharing content, why complain so much?
Who's complaining? Someone talked about NTR, I answered that I currently know of no NTR in the game as long as Max is not kicked out, that more sharing content was about to come. Try to read that post again without listening to that hurting nerve that I apparently hit.

What does bother me is the behaviour of the more ... "visible" ... Eric lovers, those who ranted like crazy when the Kick-Out-Event was announced and call other crybabies.

Gamewise, as I already said: "In my opinion a dev should do his own thing, tell his story (one of them, not three) and give a shit about all those whiners. Who doesn't like it, should go play something else."
It maybe should have been "these", I guess (after all English is not my primary language). It should include everyone who keeps ranting and yelling "The game is dead! Dead! DEAD! ... if you don't change this in the matter I want it to be".

I think that the three paths are a) not good for the game progress and b) not good for the players. I mean ... look at us.

I found the whole teaching aspect with Lisa nothing more than fullfilling a fetish fantasy. Sadly in the original was not much more about her than that (other than the girlfriend route where she wants a fit boyfriend who buys her gifts). Alex is not in the game and I doubt that Aleksey will risk another Eric scenario (on the forum and social media). I don't think he "should" bring him back, but I am glad that he didn't even try so far. I'm quite happy with him not being here. When it comes to the Lisa/Olivia route, I am free of "the dev should", currently it's going quite well, Olivia is a catalysator for Lisa's progress with options for more, it's not Max who triggers Lisa to lose her top, but Olivia. So far that works good. I hope, Aleksey will not fuck this up by bringing in too much conflicts and drama. We most likely get that already when when the family members learn about each other. It would be no good to see that twice.
And I hope Kira's role will be smaller. In the original I always fast forwarded the night scenes, they were so dull. How the single lewd scenes are made, who is caught in what position - I don't care. Might as well go with your suggestion.

Edit: You seem to have quite a clear vision how the story "should" continue. Did you ever try to write one for yourself? You don't even have to do weeks of rendering, the first step could be a text based AIF game. That's what I did 15 years ago, it was an extension to Camp Windy Lake. The content was "ok", but my writing was shit, so I scrapped the whole thing :).
My story for Jedi Knight was better, the original main char died after chapter 1 after an infiltration mission and the rest was about finding out who did it. Sadly I lacked the time to actually create all the environment for it, I completely underestimated the amount of work. And I still am quite proud of the background story my char in SWG had.

Edit2: There is one thing I worry about when it comes to Eric and that's if Aleksey starts listening to those fans who want him to be as abusive as in the fan art. I don't want these people to decide the direction of the game. Apart from that this sort of content can already be found in other BB games and we don't want too much repetition, do we?
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Nov 9, 2019
Where as I could agree the storyline is basic. Every action good or bad, smart or stupid (basic story remember that)Max does stems as a reaction to counter something Eric did.

The first cam was not his (neutral)

The others came in as method to out buy Eric because at this point Eric had already threatened him to stay out of his way. (PIS/and to be honest he got the idea from Alice)

His antics in the house were to neutralise Eric's influence which if left unchecked would get Eric free reign over his home. (PIS on method/but also workable)
Sure, you can say that if you want. It's not true, but you can say it. Finding a hidden camera is in no universe a logical first step to immediately creating a porn website to film your family for pervs on the internet and for personal profit unless you are a legit psychopath.

Not to mention the whole drugging them thing . . . . anyone say date rape? Remind me again, was it Eric or Max who did that? Max, ah, gotcha. So you're cool with date rape, pimping, and selling videos of family, but that Eric guy who says some mean things and wants to bang a bunch of women he just met and thinks are hot is just too damn toxic. Yeah, he's a creep, but I think your scale of toxic might be a bit off mate.

I want to be very clear. I don't actually care about any of the above behavior in a porn game. It's just a game. It's fantasy.

You seem to care though, as your summary of issue with the Eric character is basically just, "He's mean and not good and bad and toxic." And yet you ignore that Max is like 10x worse. You're just cool with it because you're the one doing it and it's less overt.

Ignoring NTR or if Eric should be in the game, as the Dev seems set on that and it's his game, only focusing on your flawed logic on character, your stance that Eric is toxic but Max is good is pure protagonist bias, and a serious logical dissonance.

No shade to people who enjoy playing Max. It's fantasy. It's just annoying to see morality and bad characteristics only applied to one character and not the other to fit some overarching narrative or argument.
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Nov 9, 2019
Who's complaining? Someone talked about NTR, I answered that I currently know of no NTR in the game as long as Max is not kicked out, that more sharing content was about to come. Try to read that post again without listening to that hurting nerve that I apparently hit.

What does bother me is the behaviour of the more ... "visible" ... Eric lovers, those who ranted like crazy when the Kick-Out-Event was announced and call other crybabies.

Gamewise, as I already said: "In my opinion a dev should do his own thing, tell his story (one of them, not three) and give a shit about all those whiners. Who doesn't like it, should go play something else."
It maybe should have been "these", I guess (after all English is not my primary language). It should include everyone who keeps ranting and yelling "The game is dead! Dead! DEAD! ... if you don't change this in the matter I want it to be".

I think that the three paths are a) not good for the game progress and b) not good for the players. I mean ... look at us.

I found the whole teaching aspect with Lisa nothing more than fullfilling a fetish fantasy. Sadly in the original was not much more about her than that (other than the girlfriend route where she wants a fit boyfriend who buys her gifts). Alex is not in the game and I doubt that Aleksey will risk another Eric scenario (on the forum and social media). I don't think he "should" bring him back, but I am glad that he didn't even try so far. I'm quite happy with him not being here. When it comes to the Lisa/Olivia route, I am free of "the dev should", currently it's going quite well, Olivia is a catalysator for Lisa's progress with options for more, it's not Max who triggers Lisa to lose her top, but Olivia. So far that works good. I hope, Aleksey will not fuck this up by bringing in too much conflicts and drama. We most likely get that already when when the family members learn about each other. It would be no good to see that twice.
And I hope Kira's role will be smaller. In the original I always fast forwarded the night scenes, they were so dull. How the single lewd scenes are made, who is caught in what position - I don't care. Might as well go with your suggestion.

Edit: You seem to have quite a clear vision how the story "should" continue. Did you ever try to write one for yourself? You don't even have to do weeks of rendering, the first step could be a text based AIF game. That's what I did 15 years ago, it was an extension to Camp Windy Lake. The content was "ok", but my writing was shit, so I scrapped the whole thing :).
My story for Jedi Knight was better, the original main char died after chapter 1 after an infiltration mission and the rest was about finding out who did it. Sadly I lacked the time to actually create all the environment for it, I completely underestimated the amount of work. And I still am quite proud of the background story my char in SWG had.

Edit2: There is one thing I worry about when it comes to Eric and that's if Aleksey starts listening to those fans who want him to be as abusive as in the fan art. I don't want these people to decide the direction of the game. Apart from that this sort of content can already be found in other BB games and we don't want too much repetition, do we?
I find your statements very hypocritical, but that you played SWG compels me to not argue with you. I was an Ahazi Light Server Master BH, DOC, Terakasi, and CH all at one point or another, and later a Jedi. Played that game from launch to close. SWG for life Yo.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
Sure, you can say that if you want. It's not true, but you can say it. Finding a hidden camera is in no universe a logical first step to immediately creating a porn website to film your family for pervs on the internet and for personal profit unless you are a legit psychopath.

Not to mention the whole drugging them thing . . . . anyone say date rape? Remind me again, was it Eric or Max who did that? Max, ah, gotcha. So you're cool with date rape, pimping, and selling videos of family, but that Eric guy who says some mean things and wants to bang a bunch of women he just met and thinks are hot is just too damn toxic. Yeah, he's a creep, but I think your scale of toxic might be a bit off mate.

I want to be very clear. I don't actually care about any of the above behavior in a porn game. It's just a game. It's fantasy.

You seem to care though, as your summary of issue with the Eric character is basically just, "He's mean and not good and bad and toxic." And yet you ignore that Max is like 10x worse. You're just cool with it because you're the one doing it and it's less overt.

Ignoring NTR or if Eric should be in the game, as the Dev seems set on that and it's his game, only focusing on your flawed logic on character, your stance that Eric is toxic but Max is good is pure protagonist bias, and a serious logical dissonance.

No shade to people who enjoy playing Max. It's fantasy. It's just annoying to see morality and bad characteristics only applied to one character and not the other to fit some overarching narrative or argument.
There is no gotcha moment because if you read the dialogue you'll see Alice is completely aware of there scenario and tells Max it never happened (read the dialogue the next day). That's her kink and I'm not guessing that... Sorry if that was missed. It is a "by any means necessary to protect my family" story. What it is not is a "I going to screw my new employee and her family" story. That's a different vn literally call my employee's family (which got the abandoned tag once already) . Until that registers people will only be building on their disappointment in the in end.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
I find your statements very hypocritical, but that you played SWG compels me to not argue with you. I was an Ahazi Light Server Master BH, DOC, Terakasi, and CH all at one point or another, and later a Jedi. Played that game from launch to close. SWG for life Yo.
"If you say so" to the first and. YAY! to the second one. I only tried 4 combat classes, the rest was crafters and entertainers. Farstar (or wherever your home was) lives on in our hearts.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
your stance that Eric is toxic but Max is good is pure protagonist bias, and a serious logical dissonance.
Ah, the root of the disconnect. Create game where Eric is MC and there would be no debate. The arguments start when people start (beating drums) for more antagonist content taking the games off its rails and into the void. I play as the MC here so when my avatar here is attacked logic goes out the door and I can defend him with with (not within) any means available. His moral code is not mine, he can use methods I cannot. So yes there is and always will be a bias leaning in favor of your avatar. If you're not content with your avatar I can only imagine how frustrating that can be but like I said before create a game where Eric is the MC and problem solved.

Torrid Affairs might be what some people are looking for never played it only heard of it.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 13, 2019
Who's complaining? Someone talked about NTR, I answered that I currently know of no NTR in the game as long as Max is not kicked out, that more sharing content was about to come. Try to read that post again without listening to that hurting nerve that I apparently hit.

What does bother me is the behaviour of the more ... "visible" ... Eric lovers, those who ranted like crazy when the Kick-Out-Event was announced and call other crybabies.
I can't understand you, sometimes I think that not even you can understand yourself in what you say. Let's say there is no NTR content, only content that allows you to share the girls and have MMF threesome scenes. To Eric's Lovers, these people want to see more of his content or interact with the character more. I will answer you understandably, I was in favor of Eric, I like writing scripts and stories, and I don't see much point in keeping the character perpetually. For me he is a temporary character, maybe he could return to the game, but he would have to make an exception and create a new arduous script that wouldn't make much sense, for me it would be better to create another different opponent; can be male or female. The crybabies fact is because people can't stand that an npc is fucking Ann something like..., damn.. is a porn game.

Gamewise, as I already said: "In my opinion a dev should do his own thing, tell his story (one of them, not three) and give a shit about all those whiners. Who doesn't like it, should go play something else."
It maybe should have been "these", I guess (after all English is not my primary language). It should include everyone who keeps ranting and yelling "The game is dead! Dead! DEAD! ... if you don't change this in the matter I want it to be".

I think that the three paths are a) not good for the game progress and b) not good for the players. I mean ... look at us.
I agree too, but it is necessary to understand that Eric has a script for the story to be exciting. As I said in the past, with Eric's arrival there would be two paths, it would be an arduous content to create because they are two different scripts but that would lead again to a single path that is Max kick Eric out or betray Eric and remove him from the game. The public has the right to think the game is dead, the game has to prove it's not.

I found the whole teaching aspect with Lisa nothing more than fullfilling a fetish fantasy. Sadly in the original was not much more about her than that (other than the girlfriend route where she wants a fit boyfriend who buys her gifts). Alex is not in the game and I doubt that Aleksey will risk another Eric scenario (on the forum and social media). I don't think he "should" bring him back, but I am glad that he didn't even try so far. I'm quite happy with him not being here. When it comes to the Lisa/Olivia route, I am free of "the dev should", currently it's going quite well, Olivia is a catalysator for Lisa's progress with options for more, it's not Max who triggers Lisa to lose her top, but Olivia. So far that works good. I hope, Aleksey will not fuck this up by bringing in too much conflicts and drama. We most likely get that already when when the family members learn about each other. It would be no good to see that twice.
And I hope Kira's role will be smaller. In the original I always fast forwarded the night scenes, they were so dull. How the single lewd scenes are made, who is caught in what position - I don't care. Might as well go with your suggestion.

Edit: You seem to have quite a clear vision how the story "should" continue. Did you ever try to write one for yourself? You don't even have to do weeks of rendering, the first step could be a text based AIF game. That's what I did 15 years ago, it was an extension to Camp Windy Lake. The content was "ok", but my writing was shit, so I scrapped the whole thing :).
My story for Jedi Knight was better, the original main char died after chapter 1 after an infiltration mission and the rest was about finding out who did it. Sadly I lacked the time to actually create all the environment for it, I completely underestimated the amount of work. And I still am quite proud of the background story my char in SWG had.

Edit2: There is one thing I worry about when it comes to Eric and that's if Aleksey starts listening to those fans who want him to be as abusive as in the fan art. I don't want these people to decide the direction of the game. Apart from that this sort of content can already be found in other BB games and we don't want too much repetition, do we?
I hated this event of the player having to choose whether to give jewels or work out the MC's body. It didn't make much sense to me. I won't call DS lazy, even because he did things very fast besides the renders. But I didn't really like Kira's sex ed either, it would be a lie if I said it was bad, wasn't it, watching Lisa train her ass and she was afraid of losing her virginity, it was acceptable. But there was no more continuity about it, but at this BBAS, Max's event with Lisa turned out good, but I wish there was a little rivalry between Lisa and Olivia, until Lisa accepts Olivia for threesome. However, it is better to leave the story as it is.

Well, I also agree that Kira's content is boring, but that's because no one had the bright idea of selecting a script for her. How would it be for others? everything has to be thought of, starting with the character's personality, what kind of character would it be? I'm always thinking about it.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
I can't understand you, sometimes I think that not even you can understand yourself in what you say.
You have every right to think to think so, my opinion if you are right or wrong is something different entirely.

I'm not arguing with you how you should see Eric, that's all your thing, like my views are mine.
You may see Eric's story to be exciting, I see it as being annoying. Also if you see him as a temporary char ... so do I.

And then there is that group of people who don't. Who want more and more of him. I have already seen what many Eric fans expect from him and that ... well, that's nothing I can support. Also I don't want to have to deal with that kind of people if I wand to stay active here.

The rivalry between Olivia and Lisa might still happen, who knows? Both trying to win him over might be a nice touch. I honestly doubt it will be like that, but it might. However, I personally would want to see it with clothes on - so to say, and not just a "how could you screw her! I thought you are with me." ... and 2 scenes later a threesome. Nah. If such content comes, I would prefer it to take place outside the bedtroom on a more personal level.


Active Member
Jun 2, 2020
Everything is fine with your save, don't know what you did wrong not to get this.
I passed time until tuesday morning, then Max spied on Lisa in the shower, made sure to get caught by making noise. After that I had Max apologize to her, that started the event.
I saved the game right before apologizing.

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thank you so much

Summer Love

Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
The NTR was so intense and toxic that even the dev was affected
Truly Eric has grown so powerful that no one is out of his reach, stay safe y'all.

All joking aside, I don't think I've ever heard of Encephalitis. Sounds nasty though, best wishes for Aleksey.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
Not trying to be an ass, didn't follow the thread that much, but what is it now? Tbh, doesn't matter. Just gonna stop following this dudes "updates"
My apologies if I came off short. He has been unwell for a little while now but I'm not at liberty to divulge any of his personal issues. He did however post an update on Patreon.
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Nov 9, 2019
There is no gotcha moment because if you read the dialogue you'll see Alice is completely aware of there scenario and tells Max it never happened (read the dialogue the next day). That's her kink and I'm not guessing that... Sorry if that was missed. It is a "by any means necessary to protect my family" story. What it is not is a "I going to screw my new employee and her family" story. That's a different vn literally call my employee's family (which got the abandoned tag once already) . Until that registers people will only be building on their disappointment in the in end.
Except that Max did so without prior approval or consent. Literally, in the real world that defense is not valid. It's a video game so I don't care, but I think you're highly biased. And the story is by no means a "by any means necessary to protect family," story. That is 100% you injecting that into it.

The story starts out with Max seeing a camera and instantly plotting. That's BEFORE it becomes clear Eric is going to be a problem. Deciding Eric is a problem in the first place is Max being a narracistic creep. He is jealous of some dude banging his Mom so he decided "I'm going to film her and sell said film without her knowledge, for money, so I can afford things to buy her affection or take courses to seduce her."

Case and point, if the story was actually about protecting his family, all of Max's actions would be around proving Eric as bad. That would be the entire focus instead of a single plotline in the middle of many based on seduction or manipulation. So no, it's not about protection, it's about domination and trickery. Pretend it's not all you want to hate Eric or to pretend you as the player are some sort of moral paragon, but Max is a full-tilt creep, more than Eric even, and that's just fine.


Nov 9, 2019
"If you say so" to the first and. YAY! to the second one. I only tried 4 combat classes, the rest was crafters and entertainers. Farstar (or wherever your home was) lives on in our hearts.
Till the end of time mate, till the end of time. Only MMO that ever felt like a real second life to me. Still use my character's name in games to this day.
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3.00 star(s) 94 Votes