they didn’t answer me .. is it possible to make it in the settings so that the days would change and the bank would open ?? or it is necessary to do everything according to the senarium?
Honestly, like Nemo said it is best to NOT cheat (at least until you get the bank and take a loan. After that, if you have followed the guide, you won't need to cheat money. As to cheating stats, I recommend waiting until you have gained at least one point in the stat you want to increase.
There are several reasons to wait on cheats. For the money, it is best to get the loan, so the bank is available later if we need it (we haven't so far, but who knows what will happen later). As to the stats like sneak and persuade and such, in the past there were problems with MANY games if you added points to things if you hadn't earned some first (so I suggest being careful just in case).
For MOOD and RELATIONSHIP points I say DO NOT change the RELATIONSHIP but DO cheat MOOD. Relationship seems to unlock things so changing it might break things (I'm not sure). Mood seems to be a modifier for event success, so keep it high (cheating is NOT a problem) to have the best chance of success.
Hope that helps.
P.S. Cheating on Cleanliness is a MUST if you want to save time. Why waste half an hour of game time every day when you can cheat.