This is a remake of an almost complete story(the original BB), assuming we ignore the Glamour universe(that's actually a progression of the original).
So the Developer doesn't need ideas or a story.. it's already there... he could just follow the concept of his own project(to expand upon the existing BB universe) and finish the damn game instead of spending years rebuilding it again and again.
It's the same concept with the v.0.01.00 Demo. If he can't include his own story progression in the rebuild, and instead flushes it down the toilet to start over, how can anyone expect him to ever finish the established story?
Might as well slap an abandoned Tag to the BBaS, change the name of the project to something completely irrelevant to BB, and move in this vague new direction. See how far he getswithout the BB foundations. See how far anyone who tried that got.
BB is a simple story that could easily be completed in a year, as long as you keep it simple.. but a year's revenue doesn't sound as attractive as a decade one..
So there's a game out there which already has it all and still you are here complaining ...
I can tell you why I am here. Because that other game is junk. It was more of a port to begin with than a remake, they used all the original source material. Now they added more fan art and story arches that don't fit at all. I hope Alexey will NOT copy/paste their ideas and do his own thing. I am confident, since that's what he did in the past.
I put quality over quantity and what Alexey did here is so far the best interprtetation of the premisse. The story is not established (luckily or I would have to fear the return of Alex and that stupid stupid stupid stupid porn movie storyline. Actually I still do, since it was never established, that it's off the table). The games are based on the same premisse, but have different stories. You alreday said it: There already is a remake, so why another one?
I prefer Alexeys story structures a lot more than that incoherent mesh the two other most active parties use at the moment.
But sure, who wants to relive the original and see why I prefer it here, should go and play the Ren'Py Remake. And who wants sex,sex,sex whould play Glamour.
ps: If you think it can be done in a year, why don't you? If this is all just about making money, you would get rich!!! GOGOGO