Ren'Py - Big Brother: Another Story Rebuild [v0.06.01] [Aleksey90]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Hey there

    for me this experience is so so, meaning it has good things and bad things, for me the worst part is the glitches and the quests that never get finished other quests that say they are finished but sitll go on (at least for a bit).

    Might be good to have a better hint system and an option to get the quests unstuck if they are stuck. Also if you need items for those quests that you can rebuy them.

    Just my thoughts on it.

    I enjoy the music/ gameplay otherwise. So fix the glitches and make it possible to actually finish most quests and you'll get a 5 star review from me even if it is more ore less a remake.

    Changed review to 2 stars to many glitches, things not available in the store.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    decent "remake". It stays true to the old story but also adds a lot of new scenes/quests etc. The only complain is that the story is still not very far. In some directions it still did not catched up with BB.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I had high hopes for this game. But now, I decided not to expect the game "Big Brother" itself.
    Is this game where new versions come out often?
    No, it's a slow-developed game that updates about three times a year.
    Why do you keep resetting while making it?
    Are you kidding people?
    Why do so many developers prank people with the name "Big Brother"?

    Right now, the game is heading in the same direction as the original. There is no guarantee that the developer will finish it. He will get older and things will continue to change.
    Nevertheless, if you reset the game, there is no hope for this game. This is my conclusion.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.07.p1

    After several attempts, the game failed to surpass the original, I mean it's better though what prevents it is precisely because of the exaggerated grind. Another thing is also that the game is quite confused with its events, if you don't follow an event in time it's capable of the game being in a repetitive cycle, as happened to me several times. Yes, it's my fourth time trying to play this and I had to look at a walkthrough and I could see how complicated this game is to follow, a huge failure of the developer to not create something practical and easy.

    A lot of things have changed over the course of the updates, but some of them will mess with your head. Max's authority has been removed, so don't even think about sending your sisters to take a spanking, it won't do any good. Max now has to behave like a good brother or a good boy. Now, in case you get caught peeking the girls in the house you will have to give them chocolates and receive kisses and hugs and blackmail is cheap, something that could be fun and perverse.
    Grind exaggerated, the more this game updates the more the grind increases to annoy you. It's amazing how this game that wants to be called a remake manages to have the gameplay worse than the original game. The events are totally confusing, if you miss just one event you can do nothing else in the game. You get into that repetitive cycle and the event tips don't help you at all at the moment. The problem this creates is your time spent on this game, honestly I still prefer the gameplay of the original game. At least you progressed through the story without any error, here, one event triggers another, that is, there are events that need each other and if you lose you can't do anything else and you're forced to start a new game.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The graphics are very good, the renderings are good, although some are a little weird but nothing bad. The sex scenes are ok, although I haven't seen many because of the exaggerated grind this game has, the animations haven't, since the original big brother, there's only two animation so it might end up disappointing you.

    - Graphics are good

    - Much grind and few content
    - 2.6gb downloading
    - Bugs and have to wait for fix patch
    - The game creates a lot of auto-save slots.
    - Tiring to play

    Why I did gave 2 star?
    Unbelievable how after 4 tries this game didn't exceed my expectations, I wanted to say, this game could be much better than the original version, but they decided to add an exaggerated grind that took all immersion out of the game. With almost 2 years of development, this game hasn't even made it halfway to the original game, of course a lot of things are being added and that hole in the story is filling, but it should just focus on the necessary rather than the unnecessary. This was the third game I've been playing for a long time, that's because of the grind and it wasn't really worth spending my time on it. After you discover that the game is too low on content and too many hours wasted, you realize you've wasted your time. If you've played the original Big Brother, wait for this one to at least reach version 0.13 to play, because that's the version that the original was dropped. But if you've never played Big Brother, wait or don't try, because I don't recommend it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If you played the original Big Brother, this is a fantastic remake that improves on the original. If you haven't, this is a bit of a grindy game but if you like NTR, Voyeurism, Incest, and attractive women, this is the game for you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Takes all the great points of the original BB and builds upon them making an even better game more fleshed out game. I really don't understand why more devs don't make game similar to BB where you have a focused sandbox with lots of events making it feel like you'r making a natural progression, in this case corruption, without being on rail tracks.

    If you have any sort of incest fantasy this is your game 100%, just excited to see where the game goes.

    Dev deserves all the Patreon support of the original creator.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art and sex scripts to this game, love the corruption but I don't the physical appearance of the mc , looks like a kid that don't deserve harem, also act like one . Hope this one don't get abandoned like the original game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game can be the hottest one but the devs are not working on it... you have so many pictures (by Dark Silver or fan arts), you only have to download them and make them animated and your game will be the best and the most popular. Try to do as I told and you will see.. I thought this game was animated but when I played it, I found only one animation (Eric f***ing Ann).
    To do list:
    - Scenes must be animated
    - You have to make waiting time in the game shorter (not after one week and two)
    I give you 4 stars to invite you to do better.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. As far as I see it try to focus on those parts which had the least content in the original game. NTR fans are welcome, we can finally see Eric in action :D
    I hope in the future both playthrough get more details either you kick out Eric or Eric successfully capture your family or you two can come to an agreement :D
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the slow pace, different scenes when spying, and lots of different things to do. Looking forward to upcoming updates. Love it when they try on clothes. When this game finishes, it will be one of the best VN's out there.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    So, I've decided to review this game after trying it a few times. An important note: I never played the original BB, so take that as you will. This review is based on this game specifically, not how it compares to the original.


    - I like the renders. That is the best part of the game. All of the girls look good
    - The few animations are solid.
    - The story is good. The girls are all interesting, even if they do sort of follow standard tropes. Which I guess is understandable, considering they're based on one of the originators of those tropes. So no markdown for that.
    - I actually think the Eric stuff is interesting, the ability to either beat him or work with him is pretty neat. I can see a lot of potential both ways. I'm not even upset the early stuff isn't avoidable.


    So, the game has good renders, a solid story and I even believe the most controversial aspect of the game (Eric) is interesting. So...why the 2 stars?

    Simply put, this game is a pain in the ass to play. It's one of those grindy sandbox games. Even worse is you have to figure out how to advance via trial and error far too often. It isn't a "simple" sandbox game where you just do X thing 5 times to advance.

    It often presents multiple dialog options, but only one of them will actually do anything. And then you have to do that option an unknown number of times until it advances. This can easily lead to a dead-end where you can't advance. You may do the "correct" option 10 times, and give up and start picking the other option...but little did you know you needed to do that first option 11 times.

    Sometimes you need to buy things, which are also specific to a character, sometimes you need to do really specific things in order and sometimes it's random chance since Max's skills (or lack thereof) impact certain decisions. Sometimes it's even all three. You also have to keep the girls moods up, often at an unreasonably high level, or else you can't progress either. And lastly, this game has a lot of bugs. Lot's and lot's of bugs. Most releases get multiple bugfix patches. The version I'm reviewing got 7.

    It does have an in-game guide, but it is too vague to be useful. Perhaps, if you've played the original, none of that stuff I mentioned would be an issue. You already more or less know what to do, when to do it and how to do it. But if you're like me, one of the rare few who have never played the original, it can be very frustrating. It's practically playing blind.

    All that said, I'll give it another go. Perhaps when this game catches up to the original and the dev starts to do his own story, it'll be more new-player friendly.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Black Ram oss

    is the copy of big brother? No is Another Story , good luck. The developer was able to recreate big brother like the original, giving more possibilities. The graphics too much is not "elegant and glittery" like the original, but it's more "hot" (I hope that those who played both can understand what I mean), but it's still very good.
    The thing that impressed me the most is the code underneath it, it is very good both in the interface and in the way it works, even if maybe in some things it could be simplified especially in the functioning of the quests.

    I also really appreciated the fact that every scene is made by assembling more images, I hope that in the future mods will be created, even if the developer has included a bit all the possibilities.

    thanks Aleksey90
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great to see this game again in a new form. Renders and girls are beautiful. Story really fits with sandbox elements writing is also fun. Lewd scenes are really hot. I hope it will be finished once that would be great.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Yep, another "stick poking at BB's dead body", as written in one of the first posts on this thread. But this might turn out to be a magic one, which could bring that body back to life and improve it as well...


    -Renders are the same quality, if not superior, to Dark Silver's. Models used are exactly the same, which is unfortunately not the case in most fan art/mods/redoes of the original BB. You're back in exactly the same environment, but...

    -...the body and facial posing is so much fucking better than Dark Silver's lazy signature work! I simply could not get my (not so) Big Max up in the original BB game (nor in Glamour) because of that. Those couch and bathtub sessions with Auntie Kira are very promising for future sex scenes.

    -FINALLY that poor Kira has an artist doing her justice! Let's hope he will not dump her midgame like Dark SIlver did. Kira fans like myself would be bitterly disappointed...again.

    -Game features seem to have improved, and are more logical (your chocolates + sun cream now do run out after a while).

    -Thank God allmighty the dev stuck to Lisa's original haircut, and not opt for that atrocious crew-cut hairstyle, which completely screws up that character in Glamour.


    -Game updates seem to always come with dead-end bugs that force you to restart your game with bug fixes which need to be installed manually.

    -The game is even more complicated than the original BB. Seriously, you need to wear a particular outfit as Max to unlock the memory of Alice jumping in your arms as she sees the spider during the outdoor massage session? I wouldn't mind it, if there was a reliable and detailed tracking system in-game (as in Glamour), telling you that you had x/3 footjobs so far by Alice, etc, to move on to the next step of an opportunity. But here you need to rummage through dozens of pages on this thread to try to understand what the hell you're supposed to do.

    -The opportunities system is fairly useless. It indicates you're at the end of an update when there's plenty still to go through, and gives absolutely no hints...This feature taken from DS' original game is simply not optimised, it's a shame.

    -WHY don't developpers who choose to redo BB actually not take it up FROM WHERE IT ENDED and finally, finally make this franchise the hottest, most mind-blowing, corrupted incest 3D porn game of the century???!!! We're yet again condemned to cross our fingers, hoping this game won't be abandoned mid-way...till the next redo, again, makes the game start from this now very tedious beginning... This is like a bad Twilight zone episode.

    But all in all, five stars for the quality renders, for sticking to the original models and environment, and most of all for the promising future for my favourite character Auntie Kira. Long live Kira!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    (As of version 4.5.0)

    First, off full disclosure: I am the English translator for this game. However, I have had no influence over the development or direction of the project. My role has purely been the translation of text. I am not compensated monetarily, and I’m essentially a volunteer. I’m writing this review in my own free time and from my own volition. I’m obviously biased in favour of the game, but I will try to be as objective as possible. Keep that in mind while reading.

    I’ll keep the intro short. Big Brother: Another Story (BB:AS) is a remake of Big Brother (BB) by Dark Silver (DS). A sandbox/RPG that was abandoned due to violating Patreon’s rules. If you want full context, play that. But really, it isn’t necessary. Aleksey’s remake can stand on its own. This review is going to assume you have a basic understanding of the what the game is, and that you have an idea of the history surrounding it.

    In my opinion, the most important component of adult games are the aesthetics. The art in BB:AS is fantastic. While the original game by DS also, had great art, Aleksey has managed to capture a similar level of graphical fidelity while exceeding it in terms of aesthetics and posing. Every render in BB:AS is entirely original. The art in Aleksey’s remake is a substantial improvement compared to BB, with multiple unique variations of poses and angles, compared to the static and sometimes uninspired renders by DS. Aleksey’s art is always designed with pleasing the viewer in mind. A great example is the approach the creators took to the punishment scenes. In these scenes, the girls of the household are spanked in front of the player. In DS’s original, the viewer only witnesses a static, side-on angle of the girls being spanked. While in the remake, the viewer is graced with a fresh perspective, being able to see the girls fully exposed while standing and a rear view while being spanked. This difference in posing makes Aleksey’s renders far more appealing to the eyes. While the art in BB:AS can match the fidelity of the original, some may be disappointed that is does not match DS current work in Glamour. DS has improved their art over time, and BB: AS’s art simply does not hold up in comparison at the present moment, but the difference is very minor. Even so, Aleksey’s renders are still among the highest quality in the 3DCG adult gaming space and are clearly produced by a talented artist. While they may fall slightly short in terms of fidelity compared to other top-tier creators, they still deserve their place among the best of them. Once you realize that it’s not all about graphical fidelity, but posing, angles, and positioning, it’s easy to realize that this is the work of a talented artist, and that examining the art solely based on rendering power, in this instance, is wholly superficial.

    Many would argue that the appeal of the original BB was its NTR storyline. While this did set it apart from its competitors, the story is still full of tropes. The family with a missing father. The sexually repressed mother. The naïve younger sister. The bitchy older sister. And the horny, perverted protagonist. The story is still, nonsensical. For those expecting a compelling narrative should, for now, look elsewhere. What both versions of the game offer, however, is a compelling challenge against the resident antagonist, Eric. Eric moves into the protagonist’s home and, like the player, has the goal of corrupting the family. It is the players choice to either fight this villain and keep the family to themselves, or ally with him, and reap the potential benefits. It is still too early to tell what developments will occur in the story, but one thing has been made certain. Unlike the original story-line, Aleksey is committed to developing the NTR path with Eric, far more significantly than DS ever did. Players that are fans of NTR gameplay will greatly appreciate this.

    This final segment will discuss gameplay, which is mostly unchanged from the original. The game has the player navigating between different rooms of the household on a time system to interact with or spy on the girls. The player must generate money to buy the girls gifts, which at first is done by helping around the house with chores. Once enough money is saved, the player can buy spy cameras and plant them in different rooms of the house. Revenue is generated by attracting viewers to your website where, like the player, strangers can spy on the girls. Progressing the storyline involves making money to buy the girls gifts and other items, while helping with house chores to keep them happy. The player will sometimes compete with Eric (on the war path) to be the first one to buy the girls gifts, such as a fancy dress, resulting in the winner gaining a large relationship boost. The player will spend most of their time working out how to progress the storyline, as finding the right triggers are dependent on talking to the right girl, at the right time, while she is also in a good mood. This can sometimes feel frustrating, and a walkthrough might be needed to reach a specific outcome. Luckily, the games quest descriptions (opportunities) clearly state when the player has reached the end of the available content in their current version.

    For many players, the appeal of BB by DS was the high graphical fidelity and NTR elements. Aleksey’s remake delivers on both qualities with a much higher level of artistic flair. While the game is still early in development, it is shaping up to easily surpass the DS original.

    Verdict: Highly Recommend
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Aww man.... what do I even say.

    In terms of clones of the original, this is actually pretty solid. The visuals still hold up and all in it's a fun game to play.

    My main issue however is the objectives and their progression seems incredibly weak. There's very little in the way to tell the user what is needed to progress a particular objective. Couple that with the fact some objectives require particular flags to be set it sometimes feels like you're going in a loop. Could be good going forward, I'm actually unsure just how far along this game is. I ultimately stopped because it felt like I wasn't getting anywhere with any of the objectives so was just repeating the same actions every day for weeks on end.

    The objective log could do with some tightening. Maybe even tweak the money earned as more often than not I find it easier to just cheat on that note simply so I don't need to worry about getting enough money at the same time as everything else I need to meet to progress the plot.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    What I love:
    • Smooth, tidy layout. It's easy to navigate and find stats and options.
    • Game mechanics are engaging, though a bit grindy at times.

    What I like:
    • Renders are good.
    • Models are very pretty.
    • Dialogue choices give it a RPG appealing.

    What I don't like:
    • It isn't easy to read character emotions, they talk quite robotic and shallow.
    • There's a few typos.
    • NTR not optional. That other guy is a douche. No way to get rid of him.

    What I'd wish to see:
    • More female characters.
    • Outside scenarios.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Summer Love

    Disregarding all the DJ Khalid memes... Big Brother: Another Story is comparatively a better game than the original.
    It has, while still featuring much less story content than it's predecessor due to it's infancy, the game still manages to feel full thanks to it's variety. Every repeatable scene in the game has multiple different possible poses and clothing states to keep things feeling new. This includes sex scenes.
    The real potential however is how deep into the rabbit hole the dev can go if he chooses to. The original game lacked any real depth in any story path. Aleksey90 is in the position where he can fix that here by really fleshing out each individual story path, instead of just implementing a path and then dropping it because people complained. You all know what i'm talking about.

    The UI is clean and nice to look at, CG's are high quality and have no artifacting(at least for me at 1440p), and best of all is that Renpy's notorious jankyness is not very noticable. Some people have complained about code, but I don't know enough about that to comment on it. It plays well and thats enough for me.

    Big Brother: Another Story is in a good place. It's future is dependent on how much work Aleskey want's to put into the project. If he continues as is, then it will wind up being a Good Game ™
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Many have tried to revive this game but failed to, except this developer. They actually made the game fun and with a great story. Yes it is grindy but i actually dont mind i love the grind. The graphics are great and the mechanics are great too. I encountered a very small amount of bugs but they did not affect my game play.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    update Jan 2024: For reasons only visible to him, DEV decided to change some stuff and re-do his own game (so: BB Another Story, Another Story). That means you have the legacy version up to the departure of Eric, and the "new" version, which is in its first days of game play. So do not be fooled believing that the many years of development time corresponds to a game with many hours playtime, the game is at its early stage. Again.

    My original comment below works for both versions.


    Let me start with my biggest grievance first: it is NOT another story, it is the SAME story, simply told one more time with better renders:
    • Same characters in the exact same clothing, often same room backgrounds
    • same opportunities, same "mini-riddles" (like Alice smoking or find spiders and hide them)
    • same story progression, same dialogues, often to the very last word.
    • Same timing within the day: who is when, where?
    The very few times the dev adds his own ideas to the game (like alternating clothing), he immediately makes it better, and of course I want to see a lot of similarities to the original, but as it stands it is too close to the original for (my) comfort.

    IF you have never played the original game, or you are in a nostalgic mood: this is very good adaptation of the original game, give it a go. I felt a lot of nostalgia roaming through the very familiar house trying every angle to hit on the girls. Renders are top notch.

    But if you are like me: hooked in the BB universe and in love with the characters, looking, well... for ANOTHER story, you will be - as of now - disappointed. I dearly wish the Dev deviates from the blueprint soon, and I will immediately then give the well deserved 5 stars, if he truly tells 'another story', and does this well.