In some ways it IS slow, but then in others it is NOT. While Ann/Mom has very LITTLE content (for Max) the other ladies have quite a bit. It does look like we will finally get some content with Ann/Mom. (EVIL Scum) Eric does have a fair amount of content with her and will probably get some more with her or others in the next update.
I do NOT remember Lisa reaching this point in the original. Hmm, maybe she was topless at night, but the homework and movie watching opportunities are certainly further. The EVIL Oatmeal Raisin Cookie lover that is (the MONSTER) Eric has certainly gotten further at this point with the lessons for Lisa scenes, and I FEAR that to do the long WAR/Fake friendship path I may be forced to see what happens. We are MAYBE going to meet Olivia soon (next update or shortly after) which will open more content with both her and Lisa.
Kira I believe is slightly ahead of where the original story had her at this point. Also I do NOT fear that she will suddenly stop progressing like happened before. We are seeing content added for her in pretty much all of the times she is available, and in the future when we remove (EVIL MONSTER) Eric we will hopefully get MUCH more.
Alice is the one I am unsure of. She has a fairly large amount of content, but I don't remember if we had more in the original game or not. So far both Max and (EVIL Scum) Eric have made some SEEN progress with the Blog. Max has advanced a good ways in the other opportunities as well. For the EVIL MONSTER I'm not sure about the quantity of scenes (I do NOT like him and avoid his content when possible).
So at this point of development I think that
Aleksey90 has done a good job. We have original content like watching movies with Lisa, remade content like the Kira scenes (and Alice's Blog), and hints at more to come. I REALLY want to see what will come in the next update (and want a solid CLEAR walkthrough or guide of the different paths).
Just a thought.