Since it seems we have some people seeking information about the early game I guess it's time for my 'money making made easy' post.
#1 As soon as you can get the first camera and website. It WILL take a couple days for buying the book you need and reading it.
#2 Ask Ann/Mom for money every chance you get.
#3 Do NOT buy or set up any more cameras until you have bought the outfits for Alice and Lisa. The more cameras you have the more difficult it will be to get money.
#4 Every time you advance time try to be in the lounge with the original (and only) camera. Yes, there are times that you WILL be in another room, but if you have the option get to the lounge.
#5 EVERY morning as soon as Max wakes up go to the laptop and get the money from the website, then buy Advertising. I recommend buying as much as possible up FOUR. You may get more money for more advertising, but four packages will get more than enough money.
#6 You can buy ONE of the outfits early if you want (I suggest waiting for the warning you will get), but do NOT buy and give both. I'm not sure things have changed, but in the past there COULD be issues if you buy and give both outfits early.
#7 Take the loan when the option appears. You SHOULD have more than enough money and not need the loan but TAKE IT. There was an issue if you didn't take the loan and I'm not sure if it has been fixed. You can easily take the loan, buy the outfits, give them to to ladies, then pay everything back.
The money you get from cameras is based on the number of viewers. By having only having 1 camera, Max spending as much time in the room with that camera, and buying advertising you can get a LOT of money relatively quickly. So far I have posted versions of this guide several times and it has WORKED. After you have given the outfits STOP asking for money that does not require a chore (cleaning pool and buying groceries). If you do a chore that's a GOOD or neutral thing. Just asking for money is NOT a good thing and can affect the mood score for Ann/Mom (it might affect relationship as well but I don't remember).
If you find that I need to change something PLEASE post here so I can be accurate and help others.
Hope that helps.
P.S. Chocolate Chip Cookies